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Giáo án môn Tiếng anh lớp 11

Tóm tắt Xem thử

- Ask students to scan the passage and answer the questions:.
- Ask students to disuss the question:.
- Ask students to write a passage about their friendships (80 words).
- Ask students to close the books.
- Ask students to look at the part:.
- -Ask students to rewrite their answers completely.
- Ask students to speak the sentence loudly.
- Ask students to do Exercise 1.
- Ask students to do it.
- Ask some students to give their answers..
- Ask students to listen to the tape While you read: (20minutes).
- Firsly, ask students to study individually then in pairs.
- Ask students to work individually then work in pairs.
- -Ask students to discuss the questions in group:.
- Asks students to do Task 1 in pairs - Gives feedback.
- Asks students to read Task 1 silently - Ask students to listen to the tape.
- Asks students to do Task 1 individually..
- Asks students to read Task 2 silently and listen to the tape again..
- Asks students to prepare part Writing.
- Asks students to look at their books,.
- Asks students to read the sentences +Post.
- Asks students to do exercise 2 - Gives feedback.
- Asks students to do exercise 3 individually.
- Asks students to listen to the tape - Asks students to read the passage silently.
- Asks students to do task 2 in pairs - Gives feedback.
- Asks students to read Task 1 silently - Asks students to listen to the passage (twice).
- Asks students to work in pairs to do the task.
- Asks students to read the questions in Task 2 silently..
- Asks students to answer the questions:.
- Asks students to do exercise 1 in pairs.
- Asks students to do task 3 individually.
- Ask students to read all the sentences first.
- Ask students to listen to the tape.
- Asks students to read Task 1 silently.
- Asks Students to do task 2 .
- Asks students to report writing (task 1).
- Asks students to prepare part 2:.
- Asks students to work in groups of five.
- Asks students to read the information in the table..
- -Asks students to work in pairs and practise the sentences..
- Asks students to read the new words..
- Asks students to do task 3..
- Asks students to do Task 1 in pairs..
- Asks students to do Task 2 in pairs..
- Asks students to do Task 3 (Group work).
- Asks students to perform their work in front of the class.
- Asks students to read Task 1 silently..
- Asks students to listen to the cassette player (twice) and do Task 1..
- -Asks students to work in pairs to compare the answers..
- Asks students to work in pairs and discuss the answers..
- Asks students to do exercise 2 individually then in pairs.
- Ask students to listen to the tape once..
- -Ask students to answers some questions:.
- Ask students to do task 1.
- -Ask students to read the passage again then answer the questions.
- Ask students to answer the following questions.
- Ask students to read through the causes.
- Ask students to close books.
- Ask students to do part B in the workbooks.
- Ask students to prepare Part C-.
- Ask students to listen to the tape twice and do task 1.
- -Ask 2 students to give their answer on the board.
- Ask students to look through the questions in task 2.
- Ask students to open the books.
- -Help students to use of them.
- Let students to listen to the song and ask some questions:.
- -Ask students to read a passage about.
- Firstly, ask students to study individually then in pairs.
- Ask students to work individually then in pairs.
- Ask students to read all words in the task 3.
- Ask students to practice this conversation.
- -Ask students to listen to conversations.
- Ask students to listen again and answer the questions.
- Ask students to do exercise in workbook.
- -Pronounce the sounds and ask students to repeat.
- -Ask students to practice the sentences in pair.
- -Call on some students to go to the.
- Ask students to look at the pictures in the book.
- Ask students to talk again.
- Let students to do exercises in workbook.
- -Ask students to prepare the next lesson.
- Ask students to open their books.
- Ask students to read another’s letter.
- -Ask students to read the exercise 4 and do it individually.
- Ask students to look at the pictures and answer the questions.
- Ask students to write a passage about environment (80 words).
- Tell students to understand more..
- -Ask students to tell about the city they.
- Ask students to do exercises in workbook.
- Ask students to look through the sentences in task 1.
- Ask students to listen to the typescript carefully and decide the correct answers.
- Ask students to give reasons for their answers.
- -Ask students to look at the task 2 and answer the questions.
- Ask students to look through the passage again and answer the questions.
- Ask students to do task 2.
- Ask students to listen to the typescript again and write the missing words.
- Ask students to summarize the main points of the passage.
- -Ask students to read a passage about Asian games.
- -Ask students to arrange the jumble word?.
- Ask students to prepare Unit 13:

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