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O'Reilly Network For Information About's Book part 122

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- Web site for documentation of the Cocoa class library..
- I'm one of the Regents of this society, and am responsible for the.
- Many of the optimization techniques presented are derived from my reading of academic journals that are, sadly, little known in the programming community.
- If it does, you have to determine what part of the program is the culprit, and what resource is being overused.
- All of the examples in this book were compiled with both Microsoft's Visual C++.
- All of the timings and profiling statistics, unless otherwise noted, were the result of running the corresponding program compiled with Visual C++ 5.0 on my Pentium II 233 Megahertz machine with 64 megabytes of memory..
- A good place to start is to compare the computers of the late 1970's with those of the late 1990's..
- While none of these were as advanced as the ones that are available today on 80x86 or 680x0 machines, most of the basic functions were there..
- Recently, however, several of the major microcomputer software companies have had serious performance problems with new software releases of both

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