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O'Reilly Network For Information About's Book part 1


Comments and Questions. Please address comments and questions concerning this book to the publisher:. in the United States or Canada international/local). There is a web page for this book, which lists errata, examples, or any additional information. You can access this page at:. http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/beyondjava. To comment or ask technical questions about this book, send email to:. [email protected]. For information about...

O'Reilly Network For Information About's Book part 2


A large number of the applications that we write put a web-based frontend over a database, sometimes with additional business rules and sometimes without. He is publisher of Servlets.com and XQuery.com, is an original contributor to Apache Tomcat, is a member of the expert groups responsible for. The departure of Josh Bloch and Neal Gaftner to Google is a high-profile...

O'Reilly Network For Information About's Book part 3


Many of the features of Java are appropriate for building operating system extensions and middleware, but limit application development. Many of the so-called scripting languages make much more sense for application developers.. These approaches are called metaprogramming , because they spend more time in the realm of the class than the object. characteristics of the environment are striking:. And you...

O'Reilly Network For Information About's Book part 4


New terminology like memory-stompers and DLL Hell gave testament to the frustration of the masses. a pointer could point to any block of memory, regardless of whether it was the intention of the programmer. Many of the largest corporations used C++ for enterprise application development, even though it had very limited support for managing strings . As many applications share...

O'Reilly Network For Information About's Book part 5


The sound and fury of the Java storm caught many of us off-guard. Other than the language, nothing about Java was conventional at all, including the size of the explosion. Java found an important ally in the bean counters that liked the manageability of the green screen, but the productivity and usability of the fat client.. Java had most of...

O'Reilly Network For Information About's Book part 6


It's the prerogative of the market leader, and the dance goes on.. Open Source. Many open source communities look down on Java. That's ironic, because Java has more thriving open source software than any of the alternatives. And boy, did Java open source happen.. At first, Sun resisted the open source community . He built two of the most important...

O'Reilly Network For Information About's Book part 7


Java's virtual machine has raised the bar for languages that follow.. This is actually the least important of the major criteria.. It's easy to overestimate the role of the language and to underestimate the importance of the JVM and the community. In the next chapter, we'll continue to look at the crown jewels of Java in more detail, or the...

O'Reilly Network For Information About's Book part 8


The Internet. Servlets solved many of the problems of CGI-based applications, and enterprise developers had a new way to deliver applications to a desktop. The server would build dynamic content and serve it to the client. But Java's emphasis quickly moved wholly to the server side, where it remains today. My intuition tells me that the ultimate answer won't look...

O'Reilly Network For Information About's Book part 9


The most critical crown jewel for Java is the community. Java is at once a mobile computing platform, a web-based applications language, a systems language for enterprise-plumbing code called middleware , and everything in between.. Hobby programmers flock in droves toward open source projects. Once the black sheep of the open source community, Java has now become the dominant player.....

O'Reilly Network For Information About's Book part 10


So far, I've tried to make the case that Java's always been a generalized. programming language, with the syntax and core community coming from the C++. systems language. Also, I've suggested that most early Java applications focused on the user interface. You could download Java and get something running very quickly.. Once Java moved to the server side, it became...

O'Reilly Network For Information About's Book part 11


Basic Java Limitations. I've painted a picture of the average project. The average team builds or ports applications that will deliver a web-based frontend on a relational database, potentially with other less meaningful services. The team probably uses. The team typically works under short schedules and great pressures. And given more dynamic. alternatives, Java is not at all the language...

O'Reilly Network For Information About's Book part 12


You also need to cast objects that are compatible but different, and convert objects that aren't. keyboard, but you can show that static typing leads to more characters, and more code to read and maintain.. You need to declare types for parameters. You need a cast every time you take. Dynamic typing comes into play especially when you need to...

O'Reilly Network For Information About's Book part 13


You lose type safety when you mix nongenerics with generics. For example, List notGeneric = genericList. type safety would not flow into notGeneric, even though it's bound to the same list as genericList in memory.. You can't use primitive types as parametric type or static fields of generic type.. Instances of different parameterized types (like ArrayList<String>. and ArrayList<Book>) belong to...

O'Reilly Network For Information About's Book part 14


It has lots of cash in the bank, but where is it going to make money? It's being squeezed on the low end by companies like Intel, Dell, and AMD. If you look at Perl , you can quickly understand what it's designed to do. By contrast, if you look at Java, you don't have the same convenient, high-powered text...

O'Reilly Network For Information About's Book part 15


You find some of those features today, like many of the roles in the production cycle and the importance of airtime (on radio, and now TV and the Internet). Some artists are distributing their music entirely over the Internet, and they are cutting the publishing industry out of the equation altogether.. C++ changed the way we think, but it did...

O'Reilly Network For Information About's Book part 16


Minimally, a new language should access relational databases in a natural,. The center of the Microsoft universe, from a data perspective, is the relational database. Rails wraps a database table with objects that discover the structure of the database dynamically.. Table 5-2 summarizes the enterprise features a new language will need.. Enterprise requirements for a new language. The biggest factor...

O'Reilly Network For Information About's Book part 18


You'll also be surprised at the fury that you can generate around the office just by peeking at alternativesyou may want to leave the nice car in the driveway and take the old Family Truckster to work for a while.. It's pretty fast, and it has a version that runs in the JVM (albeit slowly).. Others in the Python community...

O'Reilly Network For Information About's Book part 19


You'll get a shell prompt:. From here, you can evaluate Ruby statements. You'll frequently use irb to answer those tiny questions that come up often in programming. For example, you can do this:. nil.class =>. You don't have to worry about primitives or wrappers at all. More importantly, you don't have to deal with those cases in an API. engines,...

O'Reilly Network For Information About's Book part 20


In Ruby, everything is an object, so you can evaluate primitives, expressions, code blocks, and scripts. In Ruby, you can modify your classes on the fly. Think of a mixin as an interface, plus an implementation, that you can attach to a class.. For the most part, you can still use your OO design skills in Ruby as you did...