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Allelic variation

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Association mapping of a locus that confers southern stem canker resistance in soybean and SNP marker development


Whole-genome sequencing in the resistance locus interval reveals additional allelic variation. Analysis of the region associated with resistance against Da was performed by examining allelic variation 278 kb upstream and 200 kb downstream of the first peak SNP of the GWAS in the resequencing soybean dataset. Chromosome, Pos (bp) physical position of the allelic variant, MAF Minor allele frequency, r 2 R squared value of the model with the SNP.

Multiple interspecific hybridization and microsatellite mutations provide clonal diversity in the parthenogenetic rock lizard Darevskia armeniaca


The SNPs data yield direct information about interspecific hybridization founder events, and microsatellite variability provides information about pos- sible mutations in the initial clones. arme- niaca and on allelic variation of the homologous loci in D.. The amplified products were visualized by stain- ing DNA in the gel with ethidium bromide.

Natural allelic variations of Saccharomyces cerevisiae impact stuck fermentation due to the combined effect of ethanol and temperature; a QTL-mapping study


Indeed, the allelic versions of the parental strain B leads to a more complete fermentation at high temperature (Fig. The construction of the backcross hybrid H4 and the description of the initial parental strains G-4A and B-1A have been previously reported [5].

Genomics-assisted prediction of salt and alkali tolerances and functional marker development in apple rootstocks


SNP761A on MdKCAB, affecting the Kv_beta domain that cooperated with the linked allelic variation SNP11, contributed to salt, alkali, and salt – alkali tolerance in apple rootstock.. The effects of salt–alkali stress may be more severe than any other abiotic stressor . Hence understanding the inheritance and genetics of the. This indicates that the genetic control of the tolerance to these two stressors might be partially independent..

Association of Salmonella virulence factor alleles with intestinal and invasive serovars


The identification of these allelic associations will support investigations of the biological impact of VF alleles and better characterize the role of allelic variation in Salmonella pathogenesis. Most relevant functional experiments will test the potential causal contribution of the detected FimH-associated VF variants in host adapted virulence..

SWI/SNF complexes act through CBP-1 histone acetyltransferase to regulate acute functional tolerance to alcohol


We found that allelic variation in several SWI/SNF complex members was associated with alcohol dependence in dif- ferent adult human populations [10, 14]. Allelic variation in different SWI/SNF complex members was also associ- ated with antisocial behavior in adolescents, a phenotype that is strongly predictive of future alcohol use problems [14]..

Genomic analysis of Spanish wheat landraces reveals their variability and potential for breeding


The representation of allelic variation in the PCoA showed that most of the accessions carrying the winter- type allele, vrn-A1, were grouped together and corre- sponded to dicoccon accessions (Fig. Most of the ref- erence cultivars and subsp. durum accessions carried the Vrn-A1c allele, and almost all of the subsp.

GWAS hints at pleiotropic roles for FLOWERING LOCUS T in flowering time and yield-related traits in canola


Genome-wide association analyses reveal complex genetic architecture underlying natural variation for flowering time in canola. Diverse regulatory factors associate with flowering time and yield responses in winter-type Brassica napus. Genome-wide association study reveals the genetic architecture of flowering time in rapeseed (Brassica napus L. Flowering time variation in oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) is associated with allelic variation in the FRIGIDA homologue BnaA.FRI.a.

Genome-wide association study identifies favorable SNP alleles and candidate genes for frost tolerance in pea


It is likely that, in the case of the WFD3.1 position corre- sponding to the Hr gene, a strong correlation may have emerged between the population structure, possibly biased by the allelic variation at the Hr locus and the frost damage trait. The hr mutation pos- sibly permitted summer cropping in areas characterized by colder winters and is therefore highly represented in many domesticated lines of Pisum sativum at the origin of the current spring peas.

Gene regulatory response to hyposalinity in the brown seaweed Fucus vesiculosus


Differences in the hyposalinity response between the two populations can result from different genetic background, including allelic variation in the important genes.

ReVac: A reverse vaccinology computational pipeline for prioritization of prokaryotic protein vaccine candidates


Clusters were then filtered based on the pres- ence of at least 80% of proteins present in the lowly pe- nalized 4477 dataset. and at least 80% of the proteins in the cluster being high scoring (to allow for some allelic variation), with a narrow score distribution. The NTHi dataset of the analysis is provided in Additional file 2.. catarrhalis dataset of the analysis is provided in Additional file 3..

Genome-wide association study reveals significant genomic regions for improving yield, adaptability of rice under dry direct seeded cultivation condition


The allelic effects of the significantly associated markers for root, nutrient uptake, and grain yield traits were determined by representing phenotypic data for the alleles as boxplots and the significant allelic variation for the associated traits was determined to perform Krus- kal–Wallis test in “R.”. “Bonferroni Correction” the most stringent correction method was used. 120 kb upstream and 120 kb downstream of the SNPs with significant associ- ation signals.

Structural variation of the malariaassociated human glycophorin A-B-E region


Together, this allows us to gain some insight into the evolutionary context of the extensive struc- tural variation at the glycophorin locus.. Structural variation using sequence read depth analysis Previous work by us and others has shown that unbal- anced structural variation - that is, variation that causes a copy number change - can be effectively discovered by measuring the relative depth of sequence reads across the glycophorin region [11, 12.

Copy number variation in human genomes from three major ethno-linguistic groups in Africa


Global variation in copy number in the human genome. The clinical context of copy number variation in the human genome. Ethnologue: Languages of the World. The database of genomic variants: a curated collection of structural variation in the human genome. Linkage disequilibrium patterns of the human genome across populations. Population-genetic nature of copy number variations in the human genome. Population structure in copy number variation and SNPs in the CCL4L chemokine gene.

Comparing allele specific expression and local expression quantitative trait loci and the influence of gene expression on complex trait variation in cattle


So, if the parent of origin of the allele controls the allelic im- balance (Fig. On the other hand, if the actual allele of the dSNP regulates the expression (Fig. 1c), homozygote individuals show no allelic imbalance and individuals with − 1 and 1 geno- types have reversed allelic imbalance which influences the slope of the regression line (b 1. where P is the p-value of the test, A is the number of SNP that were associated with gene expression at P and T is the total number of SNP tested..

Deep sampling and pooled amplicon sequencing reveals hidden genic variation in heterogeneous rye accessions


Rye is one of the most Al-tolerant cereals, with the degree of tolerance depending on the allelic variant of MATE1 [44]. FBA (fructose-bipho- sphate aldolase) is one of the key metabolic enzymes involved in CO 2 fixation and sucrose metabolism.

An empirical comparison of population genetic analyses using microsatellite and SNP data for a species of conservation concern


Because of the relatively low allelic diversity, equal distri- bution throughout the genome, ascertainment bias of highly polymorphic microsatellite regions, and relatively constant mutation rate of SNPs, some have argued that SNPs provide a more accurate representation of genome-wide variation [27, 28].

Systematic evaluation of signal-to-noise ratio in variant detection from single cell genome multiple displacement amplification and exome sequencing


In some aspects, the present literature remains ambiguous and incoherent regarding the quality of single cell DNA genomic analysis with large variation in the reported allelic dropout rates [3], with values as high as 40 – 50% reported using MDA [4, 5], which is currently the most commonly used method [3].

QuantTB – a method to classify mixed Mycobacterium tuberculosis infections within whole genome sequencing data


Ap- plying a coverage threshold diminishes the effect of random errors in the sample, while retaining sensitivity for true variation. A i represents the frequency with which a particular ge- nome ’ s SNPs accounts for all the allelic variants present in the sample. is calculated as an average between O i and A i , and the genome with the highest s i ,is selected as being present in the sample..