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Cesarean delivery

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Anesthetic management in cesarean delivery of women with placenta previa: A retrospective cohort study


delivery of women with placenta previa:. Cesarean delivery is identified as the only safe and appro- priate mode of delivery for pregnancies with placenta previa. Anesthesia is important during the cesarean delivery.. The aim of this study is to assess maternal and neonatal outcomes of patients with placenta previa managed with neuraxial anesthesia as compared to those who underwent general anesthesia during cesarean delivery..

Variable versus fixed-rate infusion of phenylephrine during cesarean delivery: A randomized controlled trial


phenylephrine during cesarean delivery:. Background: Phenylephrine is the most commonly used vasopressor for prophylaxis against maternal hypotension during cesarean delivery. Although variable infusion protocols had been suggested for phenylephrine infusion, evidence-based evaluation of variable infusion regimens are lacking. intermittent boluses of phenylephrine for prophylaxis against maternal hypotension during cesarean delivery..

Bilateral posterior Quadratus Lumborum block for pain relief after cesarean delivery: A randomized controlled trial


Bilateral posterior Quadratus Lumborum block for pain relief after cesarean delivery:. Background: Achieving optimal analgesia with few side effects is the goal of pain management after cesarean delivery. This study compared the pain-free period after cesarean delivery among parturients who received spinal block with IT morphine, with IT morphine and bilateral QLB, or only bilateral QLB..

Supreme™ laryngeal mask airway use in general Anesthesia for category 2 and 3 Cesarean delivery: A prospective cohort study


This prospective study aims to evaluate the role of the SLMA as an airway technique for women undergoing cat- egory 2 and 3 Cesarean delivery under general anesthesia.. The Cesarean delivery rate at Quanzhou Women’s and Children’s Hospital is 35% and there are about 2000 women who have Cesarean delivery per year.

A randomised dose-response study of prophylactic Methoxamine infusion for preventing spinal-induced hypotension during Cesarean delivery


A randomised dose-response study of prophylactic Methoxamine infusion for preventing spinal-induced hypotension during Cesarean delivery. Background: α -receptor agonists have been reported to be safe and effective for treating or preventing spinal- induced hypotension during cesarean delivery.

Comparison of two Norepinephrine rescue bolus for Management of Post-spinal Hypotension during Cesarean Delivery: A randomized controlled trial


However, this incidence was relatively higher than that reported in our previous stud- ies about cesarean delivery. There is a variable incidence of hypotension among previous re- ports in which vasopressor prophylaxis was used during cesarean delivery.

Association between preoperative toe perfusion index and maternal core temperature decrease during cesarean delivery under spinal anesthesia: A prospective cohort study


Conclusions: Low preoperative toe PI was associated with maternal core temperature decrease during cesarean delivery under spinal anesthesia. Preoperative toe PI is a simple, non-invasive, and effective tool for the early predic- tion of perioperative core temperature decrease during cesarean delivery.. Keywords: Toe perfusion index, Parturient, Cesarean delivery, Core temperature, Perioperative hypothermia, Spinal anesthesia.

The effects of labor on airway outcomes with Supreme™ laryngeal mask in women undergoing cesarean delivery under general anesthesia: A cohort study


Supreme ™ laryngeal mask airway use in general anesthesia for category 2 and 3 Cesarean delivery: a prospective cohort study. The LMA supreme in 700 parturients undergoing cesarean delivery: an observational study. WHO recommendation on definitions of the latent and active first stages of labour

The transverse diameter of right common femoral vein by ultrasound in the supine position for predicting post-spinal hypotension during cesarean delivery


The transverse diameter of right common femoral vein by ultrasound in the supine position for predicting post-spinal. hypotension during cesarean delivery. Background: Post-spinal anesthesia hypotension during cesarean delivery is caused by decreased systemic vascular resistance due to the blockage of the autonomic nerves, which is further worsened by inferior vena cava (IVC) compression by the gravid uterus.

Effect of intrathecal lipophilic opioids on the incidence of shivering in women undergoing cesarean delivery after spinal anesthesia: A systematic review and bayesian network meta- analysis of randomized controlled trials


Subarachnoid fentanyl augments lidocaine spinal anesthesia for cesarean delivery. Intrathecal fentanyl for prevention of shivering in cesarean section. Comparison of the effects of Intrathecal fentanyl and Meperidine on shivering after cesarean delivery under spinal anesthesia. Intrathecal fentanyl for prevention of shivering in spinal anesthesia in cesarean section.

Determination of the ED95 of intrathecal hyperbaric prilocaine with sufentanil for scheduled cesarean delivery: A dose-finding study based on the continual reassessment method


Another limitation of our study may be considered the choice of the sensory block assessment, however, consensus on the best method is warranted [31].. to other long-lasting local anesthetics in the context of scheduled cesarean delivery.. The authors thank all staff members of the Obstetrics Department of the CHU Saint-Pierre University Hospital for their cooperation in this study.

Combined spinal-epidural anesthesia for cesarean delivery in a patient with cor triloculare biventriculare


Combined spinal-epidural anesthesia for cesarean delivery in a patient with cor triloculare biventriculare. Background: Cor triloculare biventriculare accounts for approximately 0.31% of cases of congenital heart disease (CHD). Moreover, people with cor triloculare biventriculare always have shorter life spans, and cases of gestation are rare. There have been various related reports of cor triloculare biventriculare in recent years..

Effects of combined warmed preoperative forced-air and warmed perioperative intravenous fluids on maternal temperature during cesarean section: A prospective, randomized, controlled clinical trial


Effect of administration of pre-warmed intravenous fluids on the frequency of hypothermia following spinal anesthesia for cesarean delivery. Maintaining perioperative normothermia in the patient undergoing cesarean delivery. Intraoperative forced air-warming during cesarean delivery under spinal anesthesia does not prevent maternal hypothermia. Thermoregulatory thresholds during epidural and spinal anesthesia.. Effect of preoperative warming during cesarean section under spinal anesthesia..

Impedance cardiography as tool for continuous hemodynamic monitoring during cesarean section: Randomized, prospective double blind study


Effects of crystalloid and colloid preload on blood volume in the parturient undergoing spinal anesthesia for elective cesarean section. Prevention of hypotension during spinal anesthesia for cesarean delivery: an effective technique using combination phenylephrine infusion and crystalloid cohydration. A review of the impact of phenylephrine administration on maternal hemodynamics and maternal and neonatal outcomes in women undergoing cesarean delivery under spinal anesthesia.

The use of perineural dexamethasone and transverse abdominal plane block for postoperative analgesia in cesarean section operations under spinal anesthesia: An observational study


Efficacy of Transversus Abdominis plane (TAP) block as part of multimodal analgesia after cesarean section deliv- ery. Role of transversus abdominis plane block after caesarean delivery. Should we stop doing blind transversus abdominis plane blocks? Br J Anaesth. Comparison of analgesic efficiency between wound site infiltration and ultra-sound- guided transversus abdominis plane block after cesarean delivery under spinal anaesthesia.

Minimal effective weight-based dosing of ondansetron to reduce hypotension in cesarean section under spinal anesthesia: A randomized controlled superiority trial


Effect of ondansetron on post-dural puncture headache (PDPH) in parturients undergoing cesarean section: a double- blind randomized placebo – controlled study. The safety of ondansetron for nausea and vomiting of pregnancy: a prospective comparative study. The effect of intravenous ondansetron on maternal haemodynamics during elective cesarean delivery under spinal anesthesia: a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial.

Association of Mallampati scoring on airway outcomes in women undergoing general anesthesia with Supreme™ laryngeal mask airway in cesarean section


Other attenuat- ing factors include (1) routine use of SLMA for cesarean delivery at the study center, (2) insertion by experienced anesthetists, and (3) the relative rigidity of the SLMA..

The analgesic efficacy of ultrasound-guided transversus abdominis plane (TAP) block combined with oral multimodal analgesia in comparison with oral multimodal analgesia after caesarean delivery: A randomized controlled trial


The analgesic efficacy of transversus abdominis plane block after cesarean delivery: a randomized controlled trial. Transversus abdominis plane block for postoperative analgesia after caesarean delivery performed under spinal anaesthesia? A systematic review and meta-analysis. Transversus abdominis plane block for analgesia after cesarean delivery: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

Comparison of postoperative pain between patients who underwent primary and repeated cesarean section: A prospective cohort study


Contemporary cesarean delivery practice in the United States. Incidence of adhesions and maternal and neonatal morbidity after repeat cesarean section. Intrathecal Administration of Morphine Decreases Persistent Pain after Cesarean section: A Prospective Observational Study. Differential analgesic effect of tenoxicam on the wound pain and uterine cramping pain after cesarean section