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Clinical features

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Study on the composition, morphology and clinical features of common bile duct stones in elderly patients treated with endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography


Composition and morphologic and clinical features of CBD stones. CBD stones are mainly brown and associated with duodenal diverticula. Composition of CBD stones in Chinese patients during and after endoscopic sphincterotomy

Survey on some clinical and subclinical features of eye lesions and trab concentration in patients with graves’ disease


Objectives: To survey some clinical and subclinical features of eye lesions and TRAb concentration in patients with Graves’ disease. Subjects and methods: A descriptive cross- sectional study in 82 patients with Graves’ ophthalmopathy. The median duration of Graves' disease was 1.53 years. The median level of TRAb was 8.97 (lU/mL). Through orbital computed tomography, there were 32.9% of patients with ocular muscle hypertrophy.

Clinical features as potential prognostic factors in patients treated with nivolumab for highly pretreated metastatic gastric cancer: A multicenter retrospective study


In this multicenter retrospective study, we analyzed the clinical features of patients with unresectable AGC who received nivolumab to identify if any of these features could serve as potential prognostic markers..

Some clinical features and image diagnosis features in patients with multi-level cervical stenosis


FEATURES IN PATIENTS WITH MULTI-LEVEL CERVICAL STENOSIS. Objectives: To describe some clinical and imaging diagnosis features of patients with multi- levels cervical stenosis. Subjects and methods: Prospective study, clinical and imaging diagnosis description of 31 cases that had multi-levels cervical stenosis at 108 Central Military Hospital from February, 2011 to October, 2015. Results and conclusion: The average age of patients was 56.8 years. The average illness duration was 16.19 months.

Clinicopathological features and outcomes in gastric-type of HPV-independent endocervical adenocarcinomas


Table 2 Comparison of Clinical features between MDA and non-MDA GAS. Clinical features MDA Non-MDA P value. Tumor Size in the greatest dimension (n. different constellation of clinical presentation and laboratory results compared with non-GAS HPVI ECA cases, including vaginal watery discharge and elevated serum CA19–9. In addition, GAS cases were more likely to have deep cervical stromal invasion, LVSI and an advanced stage when com- pared against those of non-GAS HPVI ECAs.

Comparison of clinical features and prognosis in patients with cryptogenic and secondary organizing pneumonia


Cryptogenic and secondary organizing pneumonia: clinical presenta‑. Cryptogenic and secondary organizing pneumonia: clinical presentation, radiographic findings, treat‑. Organizing pneumonia: features and prog‑. izing pneumonia and cryptogenic organizing pneumonia. Bronchiolitis obliterans organizing pneumonia: clinicopatho‑. relation of organizing pneumonia (OP): a pictorial review. Focal organizing pneumonia on surgical lung biopsy: causes, clinicoradiologic features, and outcomes.

Chapter 124. Sexually Transmitted Infections: Overview and Clinical Approach (Part


Table 124-7 Clinical Features of Genital Ulcers. 3 days–6 weeks. Usua lly. elevated, round, or oval. Elevated, round, or oval. erficial or deep. Superfici al or deep. Usua lly very tender. Tend er, may suppurate, loculated, usually unilateral. Tender, may suppurate, loculated,. usually unilateral. Source: From RM Ballard, in KK Holmes et al (eds): Sexually Transmitted Diseases, 4th ed

Clinical characteristics of patients with chronic cough in Guangdong, China: A multi center descriptive study


Up till now, the clinical character- istics of chronic cough patients were reported in single center survey in Guangzhou, the capital of Guangdong province [8, 9]. However, investigations on the clinical features of chronic cough will be crucial to improve efficacious treatment and management strategies. Therefore, we performed a multicenter observational study to describe the demographics and clinical characteristics of chronic cough patients in Guangdong, China..

Chapter 003. Decision-Making in Clinical Medicine (Part 2)


Cognitive shortcuts or rules of thumb, sometimes referred to as heuristics, can help solve complex problems, of the sort encountered daily in clinical medicine, with great efficiency. When assessing a particular patient, clinicians often weigh the probability that this patient's clinical features match those of the class of patients with the leading diagnostic hypotheses being considered.

Chapter 064. The Practice of Genetics in Clinical Medicine (Part 1)


Whether to perform a genetic test for a particular inherited adult-onset disorder, such as hemochromatosis, multiple endocrine neoplasia (MEN) type 1, prolonged QT syndrome, or Huntington disease, is a complex decision. it depends on the clinical features of the disorder, the desires of the patient and family, and whether the results of genetic testing will alter medical decision-making or treatment (see below).

Assessment of clinical, paraclinical and surgical characteristics of patients received mitral valve replacement with St.Jude valves at 108 military central hospital


Conclusion: The main clinical features of mitral valve disease include exertional dyspnea, chest pain, atrial fibrillation. The causes of valve injury were due to rheumatic fever mainly thickening sticky, calcification and shrinkage ligament. The 29 size SJM was the most used valves which accouned for more than 50% of all valve replacement cases.. Keywords: Mitral valve. Mitral valve replacement.

Neurochemical Mechanisms in Disease P86


gene function and expression, 730 gene location and structure, 730 genetic variation, 730–731 inheritance and clinical features,. structure and mutations, 731 clinical diagnostic, 714 clinical manifestations, 713 cognitive ERP-S in, 259 delayed-response tests, 258 DJ1. gene function and expression, 726–727 gene location and structure, 726 genetic variation, 727. inheritance and clinical features, 726 structure and mutations, 728 etiology of, 248. gene function and expression, 732 gene location and

A clinical retrospective study of prognostic factors in tetanus patients (2016-2017)


In recent years, both two hospitals continues enrolled a lot of tetanus cases. but it is still lack of the comprehensive research reported to access about the clinical features, severe prognostic factors of diseases. Therefore, this study is to: Point out severe prognostic factors of patients with tetanus during .

Clinical and laboratory characteristics and prognosis of patients with hepatocellular carcinoma


So we conducted a study: “Clinical and laboratory characteristics and prognosis of Hepatocellular Carcinoma”. This study aims to investigate clinical features and laboratory findings of HCC and identify independent predictors of survival at the time of diagnosis in a single center..



In the SOLVD studies, enalapril was compared with placebo in patients with either clinical features of heart failure, or reduced left ventricular function in the absence of symptoms. Because of the potassium-sparing effect of ACE inhibition amiloride is often not required, at least with low doses of a loop diuretic.. The action is probably a class effect of p-blockade given the divergent pharmacology of the drugs used to date..

Clinical and subclinical characteristics on thoracic aortic aneurysm patients treated by endovascular repair


Epidemiology, clinical features, and prescribing patterns of aortic aneurysm in Asian population from 2005 to 2011. TEVAR: Endovascular repair of the thoracic aorta

Ultrasound assessment of the rectus femoris in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease predicts poor exercise tolerance: An exploratory study


Finally, the predictive efficacy of STD- RF thick (AUC: 0.922), STD-RF csa (AUC: 0.904), and the derived nomogram model (AUC: 0.98) for exercise tolerance was superior to that of the sit-to-stand test and traditional clinical features.. Conclusions: Rectus femoris ultrasound has potential clinical application to predict impaired exercise tolerance in patients with COPD.. Reduced exercise tolerance is one of the main clini- cal features of COPD, and it is associated with increased.

A novel risk score system for prognostic evaluation in adenocarcinoma of the oesophagogastric junction: A large population study from the SEER database and our center


Next, based on the LASSO Cox regression model, we established a risk score system comprising six clinical features (age, grade, tumour size, T stage, M stage, and the ratio of metastatic LNs) for prognostic evaluation in AEG pa- tients. This method allowed us to compute each patient’s risk score by combining the clinical features with the risk coefficient.

Neonatal appendicitis an experience with 2 cases at Hue central hospital


Due to clinical features are nonspecific, preoperative diagnosis is challenging, and most of the neonatal appendicitis have been diagnosed intraoperatively. This was similar to our case that was initially diagnosed of neonatal sepsis, and the definitive diagnosis was made intraoperatively about 42 hours after hospitalization..

Chapter 096. Paraneoplastic Syndromes: Endocrinologic/Hematologic (Part 5)


The clinical features of hypercortisolemia are detected in only a small fraction of patients with documented ectopic ACTH production. Patients with ectopic ACTH syndrome generally exhibit less marked weight gain and centripetal fat redistribution, probably because the exposure to excess glucocorticoids is relatively short and because cachexia reduces the propensity for weight gain and fat deposition.