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Dairy cows

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Transcriptomic profiling of adipose tissue inflammation, remodeling, and lipid metabolism in periparturient dairy cows (Bos taurus)


Adipose tissue lipolysis and remodeling during the transition period of dairy cows. modulating adipose tissue lipolysis and remodeling to improve immune function during the transition period and early lactation of dairy cows. Adipose tissue macrophages in non-rodent mammals: a comparative study. Macrophage infiltration in the omental and subcutaneous adipose tissues of dairy cows with displaced abomasum.

Lactation-related metabolic mechanism investigated based on mammary gland metabolomics and 4 biofluids’ metabolomics relationships in dairy cows


Very little information is available on the metabolo- mics profiles of these two stages in the dairy cows. 3 Heatmap, 3-D principal component analysis (PCA) score map and 2-D partial least squares discriminant analysis (PLS-DA) score map of the mammary gland tissue from 6 lactating cows and 6 non-lactating cows. 4 Differentially expressed metabolites in the rumen fluid, serum, milk and urine of the lactating dairy cows identified by partial least squares discriminant analysis (PLS).

Concurrent and long-term associations between the endometrial microbiota and endometrial transcriptome in postpartum dairy cows


Growth of the conceptus from day 33 to 45 of pregnancy is minimally associated with concurrent hormonal or metabolic status in postpartum dairy cows

Hepatic transcriptome perturbations in dairy cows fed different forage resources


Differently expressed genes (DEG) and functional analysis A total of 8582 unigenes were detected in the liver of dairy cows and 504 DEG (81 up- regulated and 423 down-DEG, Padj ≤0.05) were identified between cows consumed CS and MF (Additional File 1).

Prioritizing candidate genes for fertility in dairy cows using gene-based analysis, functional annotation and differential gene expression


Prioritizing candidate genes for fertility in dairy cows using gene-based analysis,. Along with nearest genes to GWAS hits, we used gene-based analysis and spread of linkage disequilibrium (LD) information to generate a list of potential candidate genes affecting fertility in cattle.

Influence of mastitis and repeat breeding incidence on participation in the animal insurance program for dairy farmers in Ba Vi, Hanoi, Vietnam


This growth has been attributed to an increase in the domestic demand for dairy products and the government- led importation of highly productive dairy animals for breeding purposes (Garcia et al., 2006). A comparison with the average milk yield in 1997 indicated that due to genetic improvements in the lactating ability of Vietnamese dairy cows, one Vietnamese cow produces as much milk as four dairy cows in India, the second-largest milk-producing country in the world.

Understanding the regulatory mechanisms of milk production using integrative transcriptomic and proteomic analyses: Improving inefficient utilization of crop byproducts as forage in dairy industry


Mammary structural changes may be another factor contributing to the reduction of milk yield in the CS-fed cows compared with cows fed AH [31].. Summary of the transcriptome data in the mammary gland of dairy cows fed corn stover (CS) or alfalfa hay (AH).. Summary of the proteome data in the mammary gland of dairy cows fed corn stover (CS) or alfalfa hay (AH. Differentially expressed genes in the mammary gland of cows fed corn stover (CS) vs.

Identification of loci associated with conception rate in primiparous Holstein cows


A review of the causes of poor fertility in high milk producing dairy cows. Discovery of single nucleotide polymorphisms in candidate genes associated with fertility and production traits in Holstein cattle. Validation of 40 loci associated with fertility in dairy cattle. The molecular evolution of the p120-catenin subfamily and its functional associations. Loci and pathways associated with uterine capacity for pregnancy and fertility in beef cattle.

Protein acetylation in mitochondria plays critical functions in the pathogenesis of fatty liver disease


The role of TCA cycle anaplerosis in ketosis and fatty liver in periparturient dairy cows. Invited review: pathology, etiology, prevention, and treatment of fatty liver in dairy cows. Identification of crucial genetic factors, such as PPAR γ , that regulate the pathogenesis of fatty liver disease in dairy cows is imperative for the sustainable development of dairy industry. Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease: molecular mechanisms for the hepatic steatosis.

Proteome analysis identified proteins associated with mitochondrial function and inflammation activation crucially regulating the pathogenesis of fatty liver disease


Identification of crucial genetic factors, such as PPAR γ , that regulate the pathogenesis of fatty liver disease in dairy cows is imperative for the sustainable development of dairy industry. Invited review: pathology, etiology, prevention, and treatment of fatty liver in dairy cows. The relationship between post-parturient fatty liver and blood composition in dairy cows. Relevance of apolipoproteins in the development of fatty liver and fatty liver-related peripartum diseases in dairy cows.

A genome-wide association study for natural antibodies measured in blood of Canadian Holstein cows


In these studies, the relationships between economically important diseases, including mastitis, me- tritis, pneumonia, displaced abomasum and retained pla- centa of dairy cows and their immune responses were examined and it was demonstrated that specific anti- bodies (SpAb), which are part of the adaptive immune system, are useful biomarkers for disease resistance..

Predicting male fertility in dairy cattle using markers with large effect and functional annotation data


The phenotypic data are available at the website of the Council on Dairy Cattle Breeding (https://www.uscdcb.com. FMR and FP contributed to the interpretation of the results. JPN wrote the first draft of the manuscript. A review of the causes of poor fertility in high milk producing dairy cows. Sustaining the fertility of artificially inseminated dairy cattle: the role of the artificial insemination industry. VanRaden PM, Null DJ, Sargolzaei M, Wiggans GR, Tooker ME, Cole JB, et al..

Quantitative aspects of ruminant digestion and metabolism - Phần 12


Birnie (1999) car- ried out a comprehensive series of studies examining aspects of FHP in non- lactating dairy cows and similarly reported estimates of FHP (and therefore ME m ) which were much higher than those predicted from AFRC (1990), and which were close to those derived by Yan et al. (1970) and Van Es et al. Liver and other internal organs can produce much more heat (MJ/kg) than muscle (Baldwin et al., 1985.

Genotype-by-environment interaction in Holstein heifer fertility traits using singlestep genomic reaction norm models


Genetic component of heat stress in dairy cattle, development of heat index function. Dairy cow reproduction under the influence of heat stress. Effect of heat stress on pregnancy rates of crossbred dairy cattle in Terai region of Uttarakhand, India. Impact of heat stress on conception rate of dairy cows in the moderate climate considering different temperature – humidity index thresholds, periods relative to breeding, and heat load indices.

Understanding seasonal weight loss tolerance in dairy goats: A transcriptomics approach


On the contrary, Bionaz and co-workers [28] and Palombo and co-workers [29] observed an increased ex- pression of several genes involved in such pathways in the mammary glands of dairy cows and sows transition- ing from late gestation to peak lactation, respectively.. We observed a downregulation of DEGs involved in the transport and synthesis of biological compounds likecarbohydrate (LALBA or GK for instance), lipid (TM7SF2 or ELOVL6) and amino acid (e.g.

Encyclopedia Of Animal Science - D


Many changes have occurred in the biology and technology of milk production by dairy cows during the past half-century. The first traits to be evaluated nationally in the United States were milk and butterfat yield and percentage.. Percentage of dairy animals that result from AI in the United States is nearly 80%.

Integrating RNA-Seq with GWAS reveals novel insights into the molecular mechanism underpinning ketosis in cattle


The transition period, known as 3 weeks pre- until 3 weeks post-calving, is a critical time for dairy cows since many metabolic and infectious diseases occur due to dramatic physiological challenges faced by cows (e.g., the negative energy balance, NEB) [1]. The incidence of ketosis is as high as 15–30% in the dairy industry, and cows with high milk yield predis- pose to ketosis [2], leading to huge economic losses worldwide.

DNA methylation patterns in peripheral blood mononuclear cells from Holstein cattle with variable milk yield


We describe DNA methylation patterns for dairy cows with extreme phenotypes for milk yield and report the existence of putative DMR with plausible, but unverified, relationships to phenotypic and performance.. This reference methylome for high producing Holstein cows provides a resource to more fully evaluate such re- lationships between variation in DNA methylation and phenotypic variation..

Unique adaptations in neonatal hepatic transcriptome, nutrient signaling, and onecarbon metabolism in response to feeding ethyl cellulose rumen-protected methionine during late-gestation in Holstein cows


Expression of genes involved in hepatic carnitine synthesis and uptake in dairy cows in the transition period and at different stages of lactation. Genes involved in carnitine synthesis and carnitine uptake are up-regulated in the liver of sows during lactation. Dietary l-carnitine stimulates carnitine acyltransferases in the liver of aged rats.