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Development strategy

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Development of human resources for sustainable development strategy of Vietnam's sea economy


DEVELOPMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY OF VIETNAM'S SEA ECONOMY. Abstract: Vietnam has numerous favorable conditions for marine economic development. To successfully implement the plan for the mentioned goals, human resources play a decisive role. In this article, the author group conducted a situational analysis of the human resources for the sustainable development strategy for Vietnam’s marine economy in the current period.

Science and technology development strategy period 2011-2020: The key tasks


S&T development strategy.. The strategy for S&T development, period approved by Prime Minister issued together with Decision 418/QD dated is a directive document of the Prime Minister to coordinate the implementation of tasks and measures for achieving the objectives of our country’s S&T development up to 2020.. After the strategy for S&T development, period hereinafter referred to as the Strategy) was approved by Prime Minister, the Central.

Methodology of assessing the performing results of science and technology development strategy


Conducting the strategy evaluation a) Identification, classification of evaluation. Baseline evaluation of the implementation of S&T development strategy - Balance, mobilization and allocation of resources, such as human,. S&T indicators outlined in the objectives of the strategy being concretized, integrated into five-year and annual plan;. Results of the implementation of S&T tasks.. Mid-term review of the implementation of the S&T development strategy:.

The innovative development strategy of cross border e-commerce platforms


THE INNOVATIVE DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY OF CROSS-BORDER E- COMMERCE PLATFORMS. In recent years, cross-border e-commerce has developed rapidly in China. A large number of cross- border e-business platform enterprises has risen rapidly and promoted the steady growth of the scale of cross- border e-business transactions. The economic effects of cross-border e-business are analyzed from the perspective of platform economics as follows: 1.Resource agglomeration effect.

Aquaculture market and development strategy: The case of pangasius in the mekong delta, Vietnam


However, the experience with the business service development of the stake- holder and of the fish farmer in the Mekong Delta, is limited in most cases (Schütz . The development strategy is designed to guide the sustainable management of the MD’s aquaculture resources for the production of the high quality pangasius and for the generation of the wealth and the employment of the farm- ers in the MD.

Two year implementation of the science and technology development Strategy, period 2011-2020


In order to orient S&T development aligned with the need of socio-economic development in the industrialization and modernization stage, the Prime Minister issued Decision No. 418/QD-TTg on 11 th April 2012 approving the Strategy of S&T development, period hereinafter referred to as Strategy).

Vietnam's strategy for distribution service development in 4.0 era


At the same time, as a State management system in the national economy, the statement about the core values in the strategy for distribution service development must reflect the nature of the State, as well as the core values that have been identified in the nation's overall development strategy.. Secondly, the content of strategic perspective of distribution service development..

Vietnam’s Sustainable Development and the Role of Political Stability in Sustainable Development


Those can be said to be the basic contents of Vietnam’s sustainable development strategy. In Vietnam’s rapid and sustainable development strategy, we can realize following points:. The socio - political stability is considered the premise and a necessary condition for rapid and sustainable development.. combination of economic growth and comprehensive human development;.

The inter relationship between strategy, planning, plan in the field of science and technology


Rules of the relationship between S&T strategy, planning, plan. S&T development strategy provides a basis for determining issues in S&T development planning. The basic role of S&T development strategy in planning of S&T development is first to provide important bases, namely:. periods in S&T development strategy, and the level of funding.. The contents of the S&T development Strategy should be further specified in the framework of planning [16, p.5]..

Sustainable development and the role of social sciences on Vietnam sustainable development


Therefore, it can be stated that “harmony” is one of the important content of sustainable development strategy.. The central issue, the fundamental goals of sustainable development strategies is people’s lives. The content of the sustainable development strategy of Vietnam presented above, either directly or indirectly, ultimately aiming at people, for people.

Lecture Responsible Tourism - Unit 2: Responsible tourism product development


Product Development Strategy 2. Product Development Strategy 3. Product Development Strategy 4. closest market decides that its product development as been overly narrow and that there are other resources that can appeal to visitors, with demand drawn from a wider network. Opportunities offered by different product development and diversification options. “owners” and practitioners of the products (e.g. Other important considerations in determining product development options.

Governance of rural development in Egypt


Lack of rural development strategy High population density. Lack of coordination among ARD stakeholders Weak role of agriculture extension and cooperatives. Establishing rural development strategy Incentives to attract rural youth.

Current development state of Vietnamese service sector


“Vietnamese socialist-market oriented economy requires the service development strategy to take into account the needs of the low-income and most vulnerable segments of the population”.. the needs of the low-income and most vulnerable segments of the population.. [6] UNDP and MPI (2006), General Framework for Strategy for Service Sector in Vietnam to the year 2020, Hanoi.. “Formulation of the Draft Comprehensive Strategy for Services Sector Development to the Year 2020 and a Vision to 2025”.

Building smart city – the development goal and driving force of Binh Duong’s province


And the strategy of digital transformation and 4.0 industrial development of level 4 will help attract scientists and experts, turning Binh Duong into a modern land, in tune with the flow of the new era.. Each level in the 5-level model will have its own role in the human-centered development strategy, thereby combining to form an interdisciplinary and comprehensive development strategy for Binh Duong in the next period..

Challenges for sustainable development of Vietnamese commercial banks


To assess challenges and measures for the sustainable development of commercial banks, a survey was conducted with 150 managers of 31 commercial banks from deputy manager of department and upward.. The bank managers, who contribute to strategic planning, implementing bank’s sustainable development strategy, were asked to assess the implementing and challenges to sustainable development of commercial banks.

Transformative learning theory: A pilot and some implications for human resource training to help NHK furniture company toward sustainable development


The program will be adjusted from time to time so as to meet the company’s actual demands and its development strategy.. The purpose of literature review is to review previous researches related to the transformative learning theory, human resource training and sustainable development for enterprises.. RBM covers theories on the planning, monitoring, evaluation and management of the whole intervention solutions, that is, the handling of the changing process from a start to an end.

Human development in Vietnam today from perception to practice


Social history has shown that, under any era and circumstance, either being acknowledged in full or not, people have always been the basic and leading production force, holding the central position in the development process. A socio-economic development strategy can only succeed if it gives the highest priority to the actual development of the people, liberalizing human capability from all restrictions and impediments to development.

Catching up development of the followers


From our obsession of lagging behind, we have developed in the direction of development with short-cut theories, shorten-up industrialization, industrialization in direction of modernization. Challenges in the South, Hanoi, National Political Publishing House.. Development Strategy of some hi-tech industries in some countries in the world

Test Driven JavaScript Development- P1


Abstracting Browser Differences: Ajax 247 12.1 Test Driving a Request API 247. 12.1.1 Discovering Browser Inconsistencies Development Strategy 248. 12.1.3 The Goal 248. 12.2 Implementing the Request Interface Project Layout 249. 12.2.2 Choosing the Interface Style 250 12.3 Creating an XMLHttpRequest Object 250. 12.3.1 The First Test 251. 12.3.2 XMLHttpRequest Background Implementing tddjs.ajax.create Stronger Feature Detection 254. 12.4 Making Get Requests Requiring a URL 255. 12.4.2 Stubbing the

Implementation of CSR in FDI enterprises to sustainable development: Lessons from china steel and nippon steel Vietnam joint stock company


In Vietnam, sustainable development is a cross-cutting point in the policies of the Party and State, integrated in the socio-economic development strategy and socio- economic development plan. Development Strategy for the period the National Action Plan to implement the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development of the United Nations.