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Eczema and Dermatitis

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Chapter 053. Eczema and Dermatitis (Part 4)


Fine cracks and scale, with or without erythema, characteristically develop in areas of dry skin, especially on the anterior surfaces of the lower extremities in elderly patients. Asteatotic eczema responds well to topical moisturizers and the avoidance of cutaneous irritants.. Overbathing and the use of harsh soaps exacerbate asteatotic eczema.. Stasis Dermatitis and Stasis Ulceration. Stasis dermatitis develops on the lower extremities secondary to venous incompetence and chronic edema.

Chapter 053. Eczema and Dermatitis (Part 1)


Eczema, Psoriasis, Cutaneous Infections, Acne, and Other Common Skin Disorders >. Eczema is the final common expression for a number of disorders, including those discussed in the following. Primary lesions may include erythematous macules, papules, and vesicles, which can coalesce to form patches and plaques. In severe eczema, secondary lesions from infection or excoriation, marked by weeping and crusting, may predominate. Atopic Dermatitis.

Chapter 053. Eczema and Dermatitis (Part 14)


Because of a higher incidence of adverse events associated with smallpox vaccination in patients with a history of certain skin diseases, including atopic dermatitis, eczema, and psoriasis, such vaccination is contraindicated in patients with these conditions in the absence of a bioterrorism attack and a real or potential exposure to smallpox. In the case of such exposure, the risk of smallpox infection outweighs the risk of adverse events from the vaccine (Chap.

Chapter 053. Eczema and Dermatitis (Part 3)


The clinical lesions of contact dermatitis may be acute (wet and edematous) or chronic (dry, thickened, and scaly), depending on the persistence of the insult (see Fig. Irritant Contact Dermatitis. Allergic Contact Dermatitis. Contact Dermatitis: Treatment. If contact dermatitis is suspected and an offending agent is identified and removed, the eruption will resolve

Chapter 053. Eczema and Dermatitis (Part 5)


Seborrheic Dermatitis. Seborrheic dermatitis is a common, chronic disorder, characterized by greasy scales overlying erythematous patches or plaques. On the face, seborrheic dermatitis affects the eyebrows, eyelids, glabella, and nasolabial folds (Fig. Scaling of the external auditory canal is common in seborrheic dermatitis. Seborrheic dermatitis may also develop in the central chest, axilla, groin, submammary folds, and gluteal cleft. Seborrheic dermatitis.

Chapter 053. Eczema and Dermatitis (Part 2)


Patients should be instructed to bathe no more often than daily using warm or cool water, and to use only mild bath soap. Immediately after bathing while the skin is still moist, a topical anti-inflammatory agent in a cream or ointment base should be applied to areas of dermatitis, and all other skin areas should be lubricated with a moisturizer. Low-potency topical glucocorticoids or non-glucocorticoid anti-inflammatory agents should be selected.

Chapter 053. Eczema and Dermatitis (Part 10)


aureus, and this disorder has gained prominence in the last decade because of CA-MRSA. The lesions may be solitary but are most often multiple.. Furuncles can rupture and drain spontaneously or may need incision and drainage, which may be adequate therapy. Whenever possible, lesional material should be sent for culture. Therapy for CA-MRSA was discussed previously (see "Atopic Dermatitis". may have hair loss;. hyphae on KOH preparation. pseudohyphae on KOH preparation.

Chapter 053. Eczema and Dermatitis (Part 7)


Guttate psoriasis (eruptive psoriasis) is most common in children and young adults. Pustular psoriasis is another variant. Patients may have disease localized to. the palms and soles, or the disease may be generalized. Regardless of the extent of disease, the skin is erythematous with pustules and variable scale. Localized to the palms and soles, it is easily confused with eczema. patients may become erythrodermic.

Chapter 053. Eczema and Dermatitis (Part 11)


Microscopic examination of scrapings demonstrate both pseudohyphae and yeast forms. the corners of the mouth (perlèche) are often seen in individuals with poorly fitting dentures and may also be associated with candidal infection. Additionally, candidal infections have an affinity for sites that are chronically wet and macerated, including the skin around nails (onycholysis and paronychia) and in intertriginous areas.

Chapter 053. Eczema and Dermatitis (Part 12)


HPV types 16 and 18 have been most intensely studied and are the major risk factors for intraepithelial neoplasia and squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix, anus, vulva, and penis. The risk is higher in patients immunosuppressed after solid organ transplantation and in those infected with HIV. Histologic examination of biopsies from affected sites may reveal changes associated with typical warts and/or features typical of intraepidermal carcinoma (Bowen's disease).

Chapter 053. Eczema and Dermatitis (Part 9)


Individual lesions may range in color from red to brown and have a trailing scale. PR shares many clinical features with the eruption of secondary syphilis, but palm and sole lesions are extremely rare in PR and common in secondary syphilis. The eruption tends to be moderately pruritic and lasts 3–8 weeks. Treatment is directed at alleviating pruritus and consists of oral antihistamines, midpotency topical glucocorticoids, and, in some cases, the use of UV-B phototherapy.. Figure 53-6.

Chapter 053. Eczema and Dermatitis (Part 6)


The most commonly involved areas are the elbows, knees, gluteal cleft, and the scalp. Involvement tends to be symmetric. Inverse psoriasis affects the intertriginous regions including the axilla, groin, submammary region, and navel. it also tends to affect the scalp, palms, and soles. The individual lesions are sharply demarcated. 52-7), but they may be moist and without scale due to their location.

Chapter 053. Eczema and Dermatitis (Part 8)


Cyclosporine and other immunosuppressive agents can be very effective in the treatment of psoriasis, and much attention is currently directed toward the development of biologic agents with more selective immunosuppressive properties and better safety profiles (Table 53-4). Use of TNF-α inhibitors may worsen congestive heart failure (CHF), and they should be used with caution in those at risk of or known to have CHF.

Chapter 053. Eczema and Dermatitis (Part 13)


Acne vulgaris is a self-limited disorder primarily of teenagers and young adults, although perhaps 10–20% of adults may continue to experience some form of the disorder. The clinical hallmark of acne vulgaris is the comedone, which may be closed (whitehead) or open (blackhead). They are the precursors of inflammatory lesions of acne vulgaris. Acne vulgaris. An example of acne vulgaris with inflammatory papules, pustules, and comedones.

Characterization, mechanical, and antibacterial properties of nanofibers derived from olive leaf, fumitory, and terebinth extracts


Extracts obtained from the fumitory are used in the treatment of liver dysfunctions, gastrointestinal diseases, eczema and dermatitis, digestive disorders, colic, fever, and migraine [18–20]. Electrospinning has many advantages, such as having potential for industrial processing, repeatability, convenience for processing, control of fiber dimensions, scalability of the production process, being cost-effective, and allowing the production of long and continuous nanofibers [21].

Bệnh eczema ( Bệnh chàm ) (Kỳ 2)


Eczema thể địa , viêm da cơ địa ( Atopic dermatitis) (AD).. Khoảng 10 % trẻ em cớ một vài dạng biểu hiện của viêm da cơ địa. Sinh bệnh học và miễn dịch học của viêm da Atopy (AD). Nghiên cưú về gen học gần đây phát hiện ở bệnh nhân AD thấy. IgE tăng cao ở 80 % số bệnh nhân AD và càng cao nếu AD càng nặng , mức IgE ở bệnh nhân AD cao hơn ở hen xuyễn và viêm mũi dị ứng. Tuy nhiên ở 20 % số bệnh nhân AD vẫn có mức IgE bình thường.

Bệnh eczema ( Bệnh chàm ) (Kỳ 3)


Eczema đang vượng lan rộng, có ban dị ứng thứ phát có thể chỉ định corticoids uống một đợt nếu không có chống chỉ định. Với eczema mạn tính có thể dùng Gondron, coaltar, mỡ corticoids hoặc mỡ corticoid+ a.salicylic như mỡ diprosalic.

VIÊM DA QUANH MIỆNG (Perioral Dermatitis - POD) Viêm da quanh miệng là viêm da mặt mạn


VIÊM DA QUANH MIỆNG (Perioral Dermatitis - POD). Viêm da quanh miệng là viêm da mặt mạn tính với biểu hiện eczema và sẩn, mụn mủ. Bệnh chủ yếu gặp ở nữ, lầm sàng và mô bệnh học giống như trứng cá đỏ.. Giới: bệnh chủ yếu gặp ở nữ (chiếm 90. Số lượng bệnh nhân nam ngày. Tuổi: chủ yếu gặp ở phụ nữ 20-45 tuổi.. Người ta thấy liên quan đến một số yếu tố:. Thuốc: nhiều bệnh nhân lạm dụng corticoid. Người ta thấy sự liên quan giữa nguy cơ POD và độ mạnh của thuốc bôi corticoid là không rõ..

Eczema (Kỳ 1)


Mụn nước vỡ thành điểm chợt đỏ (giếng eczema) nhiều điểm chợt liên kế thành đám chợt.. Chợt chảy dịch là eczema cấp, nếu bội nhiễm có mủ vẩy tiết.. Eczema bán cấp: đám tổn thương giảm giêm khô dần, lên da con.. Eczema mãn liken hoá: do ngứa gãi bị bệnh lâu ngày, da dầy côm thâm màu, hằn da nổi rõ, bề mựt cứng cộm, thô ráp..

Bệnh eczema ( Bệnh chàm ) (Kỳ 1)


Giai đoạn đỏ da, mụn nước , chảy nước còn gọi là eczema giai đoạn cấp tính.. Giai đoạn đóng vẩy da, nên da non, khô hơn gọi là eczema bán cấp.. Giai đoạn lichen hoá , hằn cổ trâu được gọi là eczema mạn tính.. Chia thành 4 giai đoạn của eczema để dễ hiểu tiến triển cuả một eczema nhưng trên thực tế các giai đoạn không thực phân chia rõ rệt như vậy mà thường xen kẽ nhau, lồng vào nhau .