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Endotracheal intubation

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Adequate interval for the monitoring of vital signs during endotracheal intubation


Our data suggests that vital sign abnormalities may be ac- curately identified by more frequent measurement during endotracheal intubation. During endotracheal intubation, 5-min intervals may be inappropriate for monitoring vital signs. To reduce the incidence of unrecognized data, 2.5-. min intervals are recommended for monitoring the MAP during endotracheal intubation..

Sufentanil EC50 for endotracheal intubation with aerosol inhalation of carbonated lidocaine by ultrasonic atomizer


Until Nacrotrend value to 40 and TOF value to 0, endotracheal intubation was implemented by the experienced anesthesiologist using standard Macintosh blade laryngoscope. The observations of response to endotracheal intubation were recorded by an independent anesthetist. Monitor screen was applied between the anesthetist who was responsible for observations and the anesthetist who managed endotracheal intubation.

The Clarus Video System (Trachway) and direct laryngoscope for endotracheal intubation with cricoid pressure in simulated rapid sequence induction intubation: A prospective randomized controlled trial


How the CVS performs in endotracheal intubation with CP has not yet been evaluated in literature, so the study is the first to examine the capability of the CVS in intubation with CP. as the first choice of endotracheal intubation with CP because of longer intubation time and higher failure rate for the first attempt [12].

Vocal cord granuloma after transoral thyroidectomy using oral endotracheal intubation: Two case reports


TJL and NYW participated in the care of the patients. 4 Oral endotracheal intubation with tube fixed at the midline: A, Top view. B, Lateral view demonstrates the endotracheal tube runs a curved course and crosses above the nose and forehead. 5 Position of the trocars and oral endotracheal tube. The middle camera port stays at a higher position than that of the oral endotracheal tube (arrow).

Association between the use of a stylet in endotracheal intubation and postoperative arytenoid dislocation: A case-control study


All enrolled patients underwent endotracheal intubation, and a stylet was used for intubation for of the AD patients and of the controls (OR . A higher incidence of AD was significantly associated with longer duration of operation (OR . Conclusions: The use of an intubation stylet for endotracheal intubation appears to protect against AD. Prolonged operation time increases the risk of AD.

Improving mucosal anesthesia for awake endotracheal intubation with a novel method: A prospective, assessor-blinded, randomized controlled trial


Conclusions: In awake endotracheal intubation, novel care using oral dyclonine hydrochloride mucilage can provide more favorable mucosal anesthesia and better intubation conditions compared to standard of care practice using oropharyngeal tetracaine spray.. Question: Does novel awake intubation care using oral dyclonine hydrochloride mucilage improve mucosal anesthesia for awake endotracheal intubation?.

Semiprone position is superior to supine position for paediatric endotracheal intubation during massive regurgitation, a randomized crossover simulation trial


Semiprone position is superior to supine position for paediatric endotracheal. Background: Endotracheal intubation of patients with massive regurgitation represents a challenge in emergency airway management. Based on a technique that was successfully applied in our district, we wanted to examine if endotracheal intubation would be easier and quicker to perform when the patient is turned over to a semiprone position, as compared to the supine position..

The midline approach for endotracheal intubation using GlideScope video laryngoscopy could provide better glottis exposure in adults: A randomized controlled trial


The midline approach for endotracheal intubation using GlideScope video. Background: Previous studies have demonstrated that the common laryngoscopic approach (right-sided) and midline approach are both used for endotracheal intubation by direct laryngoscopy.

Comparison of Supreme laryngeal mask airway versus endotracheal intubation for airway management during general anesthesia for cesarean section: A randomized controlled trial


Comparison of Supreme laryngeal mask airway versus endotracheal intubation for airway management during general. anesthesia for cesarean section: a randomized controlled trial. In this randomized controlled equivalence trial, we compared the Supreme LMA (SLMA) with endotracheal intubation (ETT) in managing the obstetric airway during cesarean section..

The clinical and subclinical characteristics of tracheal stenosis after prolonged endotracheal intubation or tracheostomy which required tracheal reconstructive surgery


THE CLINICAL AND SUBCLINICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF TRACHEAL STENOSIS AFTER PROLONGED ENDOTRACHEAL INTUBATION OR TRACHEOSTOMY WHICH REQUIRED TRACHEAL RECONSTRUCTIVE SURGERY. Objectives: To survey the clinical and paraclinical characteristics of tracheal stenosis (TS) after prolonged endotracheal intubation (PEI) or tracheostomy (TO).

Comparison of general anesthesia with endotracheal intubation, combined spinalepidural anesthesia, and general anesthesia with laryngeal mask airway and nerve block for intertrochanteric fracture surgeries in elderly patients: A retrospective cohort study


Comparison of general anesthesia with endotracheal intubation, combined spinal- epidural anesthesia, and general anesthesia with laryngeal mask airway and nerve. surgeries in elderly patients: a retrospective cohort study. Background: There is no consensus on the optimal anesthesia method for intertrochanteric fracture surgeries in elderly patients.

Bougies as an aid for endotracheal intubation with the Airway Scope: Bench and manikin comparison studies


An assistant measured time to intubation, which was defined as the time from insertion of the AWS blade between the teeth to the endotracheal tube cuff passing through the vocal cords. Passage of the cuff was confirmed on the monitor screen of the AWS.. The attempt was deemed a failure if the intubation at- tempt took longer than 120 s or the endotracheal tube was inserted into the esophagus. 7mmID Endotracheal Tube.

Intubation using VieScope vs. Video laryngoscopy in full personal protective equipment – a randomized, controlled simulation trial


Arguably, compar- ing intubation times is difficult, as the VieScope requires the insertion of a bougie, over which the endotracheal tube is placed, whereas the GlideScope is designed to allow direct endotracheal intubation – which bypasses one step. However, this study showed that VieScope gener- ally had acceptable Intubation times when comparing it to contemporary literature [9].

Emergency tracheal intubation during offhours is not associated with increased mortality in hospitalized patients: A retrospective cohort study


Before data collection, the Research Ethics Committee of the Fujian Medical University Union Hospital approved this study and waived the requirement for informed consent. complications related to endotracheal intubation in the intensive care unit:

Comparison of vocal cord view between neutral and sniffing position during orotracheal intubation using fiberoptic bronchoscope: A prospective, randomized cross over study


With the FOB position maintained, the Ovassapian airway was re- moved and the endotracheal tube (ETT) advanced smoothly into the trachea. The time from acquisition of the second image until comple- tion of endotracheal intubation and the number of re-insertion trials were recorded.

Hemodynamic responses to tracheal intubation with Bonfils compared to C-MAC videolaryngoscope: A randomized trial


Reflex circulatory responses to direct laryngoscopy and tracheal intubation performed during general anesthesia. Cardiovascular and catecholamine responses to laryngoscopy with and without tracheal intubation. Randomized controlled trial comparing the McGrath videolaryngoscope with the C-MAC videolaryngoscope in intubating adult patients with potential difficult airways. Prehospital emergency endotracheal intubation using the Bonfils intubation fiberscope.. C-MAC group ( n = 24).

Comparison of the hemodynamic response of dexmedetomidine versus additional intravenous lidocaine with propofol during tracheal intubation: A randomized controlled study


Reflex circulatory responses to direct laryngoscopy and tracheal intubation performed during general anesthesia. Complications related to the pressor response to endotracheal intubation. Comparative evaluation of bolus administration of dexmedetomidine and fentanyl for stress attenuation during laryngoscopy and endotracheal intubation.

Comparison of the new flexible tip bougie catheter and standard bougie stylet for tracheal intubation by anesthesiologists in different difficult airway scenarios: A randomized crossover trial


Importantly, we observed a trend whereby the use flexible tip bougie appears to be super- ior to standard bougie with comparable success rates, re- duced number of intubation attempts and time to endotracheal intubation.

Comparison of C-MAC D-blade videolaryngoscope and McCoy laryngoscope efficacy for nasotracheal intubation in simulated cervical spinal injury: A prospective randomized comparative study


Background: Immobilization with cervical spine worsens endotracheal intubation condition. The present study compared the performance of the C-MAC D-Blade videolaryngoscope with the McCoy laryngoscope for NTI in patients with simulated cervical spine injuries.. Group C required significantly less time for glottic visualization and endotracheal tube placement in the trachea.