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Enteral and Parenteral Nutrition

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Chapter 073. Enteral and Parenteral Nutrition (Part 1)


Enteral and Parenteral Nutrition. Enteral and Parenteral Nutrition Therapy. Enteral and Parenteral Nutrition Therapy: Introduction. The ability to provide specialized nutritional support (SNS) represents a major advance in medical therapy.

Chapter 073. Enteral and Parenteral Nutrition (Part 5)


Enteral and Parenteral Nutrition. Disease-Specific Nutritional Support. Certain conditions require modification of nutritional support because of organ or system impairment. For instance, in nitrogen accumulation disorders, protein intake may need to be reduced. However, in renal disease, except for brief periods of several days, protein intakes should approach requirement levels of at least 0.8 g/kg or higher up to 1.2 g/kg as long as the blood urea nitrogen does not exceed 100 mg/dL.

Chapter 073. Enteral and Parenteral Nutrition (Part 4)


Other important considerations in determining the appropriateness of home PN or EN are that the patient's prognosis is longer than several months and that the therapy benefits quality of life.. Table 73-2 Summary of Outcomes for Patients on Home Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (HPEN). Home Parenteral Nutrition. Ch ronic pancreatit is. Ch ronic adhesive obstructio ns. Home Enteral Nutrition.

Chapter 073. Enteral and Parenteral Nutrition (Part 7)


Vitamin and trace element requirements are met by the daily provision of a complete parenteral vitamin supplement and trace elements for PN, and with the provision of adequate amounts of enteral feeding formulas that contain these micronutrients.. Table 73-4 Usual Daily Electrolyte Additions to Parenteral Nutrition. but can be as low as 5–40 meq/d. Chloride As needed for acid-base. Acetate As needed for acid-base. Calcium 10 meq 10–20 meq/d. Magnesium 10 meq 8–16 meq/d.

Chapter 073. Enteral and Parenteral Nutrition (Part 8)


Note: PN, parenteral nutrition. TPN, total parenteral nutrition.. Parenteral Nutrition. Parenteral feeding through a peripheral vein is limited by osmolality and volume constraints. Parenteral fat (20%) can be given to increase the calories delivered. The total volume required to provide a marginal protein intake of 60 g and 1680 total kcal is 2.5 L.

Chapter 073. Enteral and Parenteral Nutrition (Part 2)


Patients with a moderate SRI and moderate PCM also benefit from earlier feeding within the first several days.. Table 73-1 Body Mass Index (BMI) and Nutritional Status. BMI Nutritional Status. >30 kg/m 2. >25–30 kg/m 2. 20–25 kg/m 2. Lethal in males. Lethal in females. From D Driscoll, B Bistrian: Parenteral and enteral nutrition in the intensive care unit, in Intensive Care Medicine , R Irwin, J Rippe (eds)

Chapter 073. Enteral and Parenteral Nutrition (Part 3)


For these reasons, some luminal nutrition should be provided, even when PN is required to provide most of the nutritional support. The combination of some enteral feeding either by mouth or by enteral tube with parenteral feeding often shortens the transition to full enteral feeding, which can generally be used when >50% of requirements can be met enterally.

Chapter 073. Enteral and Parenteral Nutrition (Part 13)


Debaveye Y, Van den Berghe G: Risks and benefits of nutritional support during critical illness. Koretz RL et al: Does enteral nutrition affect clinical outcome? A systematic review of the randomized trials. Milne A et al: Meta-analysis: Protein and energy supplementation in older people. Ann Intern Med PMID: 16389253]. Plank LD, Hill GL: Energy balance in critical illness. enteral nutrition in the critically ill patient: A meta-analysis of trials using the intention to treat principle.

Chapter 073. Enteral and Parenteral Nutrition (Part 12)


Table 73-10 Enteral Formulas. Caloric density 1 kcal/mL. Suitable for most patients requiring tube feeding. MODIFIED ENTERAL FORMULAS. Caloric density 1.5–2 kcal/mL. Critically ill patients. Renal failure patient for brief periods if critically ill. Tube feeding should not be discontinued for gastric residuals of <300 mL unless there are other signs of gastrointestinal intolerance such as nausea, vomiting, or abdominal distention

Chapter 073. Enteral and Parenteral Nutrition (Part 11)


In long-term enteral patients, gastrostomy and jejunostomy tubes can be exchanged for a low-profile "button"

Chapter 073. Enteral and Parenteral Nutrition (Part 9)


Thrombolytic therapy can be considered for patients with permanent catheters depending on the ease of replacement and presence of alternate, reasonably acceptable venous access sites. These occlusions can be managed with low-dose alteplase for fibrin, with indwelling 70% alcohol for fat, with 0.1 N hydrochloric acid for mineral precipitates, and with either 0.1 N hydrochloric acid or 0.1 N sodium hydroxide for drugs, depending on their pH..

Chapter 073. Enteral and Parenteral Nutrition (Part 6)


Activity energy expenditure represents one-fourth to one-third of the total, and the thermal effect of feeding is about 10% of the total energy expenditure. For normally nourished healthy individuals, the total energy expenditure is about 30–. patient with lean tissue loss has reduced basal energy expenditure, and inactivity which results in a total energy expenditure of about 20–25 kcal/kg.

Exploring the malnutrition status and impact of total parenteral nutrition on the outcome of patients with advanced stage ovarian cancer


impact of total parenteral nutrition on the outcome of patients with advanced stage ovarian cancer. Background: Ovarian cancer is a common cancer type in women and is often associated with onset of. In the present retrospective study, we sought to explore the prevalence of malnutrition assessed by the Nutritional Risk Index (NRI) and its association with survival in advanced stage ovarian cancer patients.

Assessing the effectiveness of feeding the gut early after stomach surgery


Early postoperative enteral nutrition improves gut oxygennation and reduces costs compared with total parenteral nutrition. Guidelines for the use of parenteral and enteral nutrition in adult and pediatric patients. JPEN Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition

Chapter 070. Nutritional Requirements and Dietary Assessment (Part 6)


Patients who are fed by special enteral and parenteral routes also require special nutritional assessment and monitoring by physicians with training in nutrition support and/or dietitians with certification in nutrition support (Chap. The aim of dietary assessment in the outpatient setting is to determine whether the patient's usual diet is a health risk in itself or if it contributes to existing chronic disease-related problems.

Bài giảng Cảnh giác dược và dinh dưỡng bằng đường tĩnh mạch - PGS.TS.BS Trần Quang Bính


DINH DƯỠNG BẰNG ĐƯỜNG TĨNH MẠCH (Pharmacovigilance and Parenteral Nutrition). Dinh dưỡng bằng đường tĩnh mạch (Parenteral Nutrition). PN là truyền TM trực tiếp những dịch chứa các chất dinh dưỡng (macronutrients và micronutrients) thiết yếu với một số lượng thỏa nhu cầu hàng ngày của BN.. Đường truyền có thể là:. Dinh dưỡng bằng đường tĩnh mạch. PN có thể truyền qua TM ngoại biên hoặc trung tâm.

Effects of a metabolic optimized fast track concept (MOFA) on bowel function and recovery after surgery in patients undergoing elective colon or liver resection: A randomized controlled trial


Is omega-3 fatty acids enriched nutrition support safe for critical ill patients? A systematic review and meta-analysis. Alternative lipid emulsions in the critically ill: a systematic review of the evidence. Omega-3 fatty acids-supplemented parenteral nutrition decreases hyperinflammatory response and attenuates systemic disease sequelae in severe acute pancreatitis: a randomized and controlled study.

Hướng dẫn điều trị dinh dưỡng cho bệnh nhân nặng


DINH D NG QUA NG TRUY N T NH M CH- DDTM (PARENTERAL NUTRITION-PN). Khi dinh d ng qua ng tiêu hóa t nhu c u.. Dinh d ng t nh m ch ngo i biên (Peripheral Parenteral Nutrition-PPN): Khi DDTM ch dùng t m th i (nh <5 ngày).. Dinh d ng t nh m ch trung tâm (Central Parenteral Nutrition-CPN): N ng th m th u d ch truy n ≥1000 mosmol/L [21].. Can thi p dinh d ng b nh nhân n ng. DINH D NG THI U HO C TH A N NG L NG. Dinh d ng thi u NL. Dinh d ng th a NL.

High-protein intake and early exercise in adult intensive care patients: A prospective, randomized controlled trial to evaluate the impact on functional outcomes


Patients who could not achieve the caloric goal after 7 days of the nutritional therapy were sup- ported by complementary parenteral nutrition. Patients who developed high gastric residue (greater than 300 ml in 12 h) within the first 24 h of the enteral nutritional therapy received intravenous metoclopramide and eryth- romycin enterally. If the high residue persisted on the third day of the nutritional therapy, a post-pyloric nutri- tion catheter was inserted.