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Entrepreneurial intentions

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Factors affecting National Economics University’s student start-up intentions in the context of digital business


This article clarifies the theoretical basis of the students' entrepreneurial intentions, the research models of entrepreneurial intentions have proposed a research model of start-up intentions of students at the National Economics University as a basis for empirical research to assess the influence of factors affecting the start-up intentions of the National Economics University’s students.

Factors affecting the entrepreneurial intention of technical students: Case study of students at Hanoi University of Science and Technology


Drennan, J., Kennedy, J., &. (2005), ‘Impact of childhood experiences on the development of entrepreneurial intentions’, The International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation . Edwards-Schachter, M., Garcia-Granero, A., Sanchez-Barrioluengo, M., Quesada-Pineda, H., &. Fishbein, M., &. Hooper, D., Couglan, J., &.

Evaluation of entrepreneurial awareness and skills of college of business management students in Taguig City University


Findings revealed that up to 70% of the students were not aware of entrepreneurial opportunities in their degree program.. Fatoki and Oni (2014) investigated the perception of university students in South Africa on the effectiveness of entrepreneurship education. Jadodic (2016) analyzed entrepreneurial intention of college students in Slovenia and found out that young people were aware of the current economic situation which paves for generating their entrepreneurial intentions.

Impacts of Educational Factors on Entrepreneurship Intention of University Students


Moreover, although educational background has been a key demographic variable and is often included in the analysis by researchers [5], there is still a lack of quantitative works to test the relationship between educational background, entrepreneurial intentions and university students’ entrepreneurial perceptions..

Entrepreneurship decision of business students in Vietnam: The role of entrepreneurship education


Abstract: Under the new wave of entrepreneurial spirit around the country, business universities have taken actions to integrate entrepreneurship education in their courses. This research work aims to identify the motivations of business students’ entrepreneurship and to analyze the impact of entrepreneurshipeducation on their entrepreneurial intentions.

A systematic literature review on personality traits in social entrepreneurship


The effect of personality traits on social entrepreneurship intentions: A field research. Developing a social enterprise performance scale and examining the relationship between entrepreneurs’ personality traits and their perceived enterprise performance. The controversial role of personality traits in entrepreneurial psychology. Personality traits and entrepreneurial intentions of business administration students of selected higher education institutions in Pampanga, Philippines.

Tinh thần khởi nghiệp và khu vực kinh tế ngầm: Bằng chứng từ các quốc gia Đông Nam Á


Kết quả nghiên cứu cho thấy quy mô khu vực kinh tế ngầm (Shadow Economy) thể hiện tác động dương đến cả năm yếu tố đại diện cho tinh thần khởi nghiệp bao gồm khả năng nhận ra cơ hội (Perceived opportunities), khả năng nhận thức năng lực khởi nghiệp (Perceived capabilities), tỷ lệ lo sợ thất bại (Fear of failure rate), ý định kinh doanh (Entrepreneurial intentions) và tổng hoạt động kinh doanh giai đoạn đầu (TEA - Total early-stage Entrepreneurial Activity).

Luận văn Thạc sĩ Kinh tế: Tác động thái độ và môi trường đến ý định khởi nghiệp kinh doanh của sinh viên khối ngành kinh tế


Giải thích về ý định khởi nghiệp kinh doanh của sinh viên đại học: một nghiên cứu đa văn hóa (Explaining entrepreneurial intentions of university. trong tinh thần kinh doanh.. Phản hồi của thanh niên về ý định khởi nghiệp kinh doanh (Young adult respones to entrepreneurial. Yếu tố tiên đoán có ý nghĩa quan trọng nhất trong ý định khởi sự kinh doanh của sinh viên là thái độ..

Các nhân tố ảnh hưởng đến ý định khởi nghiệp của sinh viên Trường Đại học Nam Cần Thơ


Tổng quan lý thuyết về ý định khởi nghiệp của sinh viên [Theoretical overview of students’ entrepreneurial intentions]. Phân tích các yếu tố ảnh hưởng đến ý định khởi nghiệp kinh doanh của sinh viên Trường Đại học Kỹ thuật Công nghệ Cần Thơ [Analysis of factors affecting the intention to start a business of students at Can Tho University of Technology and Technology].

Các nhân tố ảnh hưởng đến ý định khởi nghiệp kinh doanh của sinh viên quản trị kinh doanh tại trường Đại học Lao động – xã hội (cơ sở Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh)


Title: Factors affecting on entrepreneurial intentions of business administration students at University of Labour and Social affairs Từ khóa: Ý định khởi nghiệp, yếu tố ảnh hưởng đến ý định khởi nghiệp, khởi nghiệp kinh doanh..

Self-efficacy, perceived behavioral control and entrepreneurial intention among Polish students in the context of industry 4.0: Assessing the effect of education level


Moreover, entrepreneurial intention is considered the first step in a series of action to found an organization (Bird, 1988), yet Fishbein and Ajzen (1975) argued that intentions toward a behavior can be seen as important indicators of that behavior. According to Ajzen (1991), who introduced Theory of Planned Behavior, intentions are determined by social/subjective norms and perceived behavioral control.

Entrepreneurial behaviour of dairy farmers


Entrepreneurial Behaviour Index (EBI). The entrepreneurial behaviour index (EBI) indicates the extent to which an individual is possessing this attribute. The results after application of the formula for entrepreneurial behavior index were described in table 2..

Start up-research s experience of students approaching the process of forming start-up intentions of some European countries


For example, start-up intentions cannot be motivated only by facilitating access to capital if the target audience does not have any entrepreneurial knowledge. As for referral groups, it should be noted that all referrals or referrals, considered relevant in this study, are assumed to dislike start-up through the target person.

Entrepreneurial financing: Program review & policy perspective


Venture capital (VC) as professionally managed funds has been in the center of entrepreneurial finance over the last several decades, aiming to finance new and innovative venture firms (UN . Publicly initiated venture capital (PVC), as a complement to the private venture capital, has played an extremely important role in filling the financing gap especially for new entrepreneurial venture firms (Hood, 2000.

Lời bài hát Intentions Justin Bieber ft Quavo


Yeah, these are my only intentions. Make sure that you don't need no mentions Yeah, these are my only intentions. Picture perfect, you don't need no filter Gorgeous, make 'em drop dead, you a killer Shower you with all my attention. Yeah, these are my only intentions. Already pass, you don't need no approval Good everywhere, don't worry 'bout no refusal Second to none, you got the upper hand now Don't need a sponsor, nope, you're the brand now.

Entrepreneurial financing: Program review and policy perspective


Public funds such as “Atle” and “Bure” 4 triggered venture capital market development and promoted entrepreneurial activities. The Swedish government played an important role in the development of the domestic venture capital industry, particularly in the early 1970s and 1980s.

Entrepreneurial universities for science and technology: Cases of kaist and postech


Networking and collaborating among both traditional actors and new actors are crucial in the entrepreneurial university paradigm. Friedman and Silberman (2003) addresses these concerns with how to become more entrepreneurial, suggesting they need to be determined in the absence of conflict between traditional and entrepreneurial roles and with a diverse set of strategies offering incentives for faculty or other actors’ involvement in entrepreneurial activities.

Entrepreneurial proactiveness and social skill on firm performance


Specifically, it proposes a model of entrepreneurial orientation and incremental innovation to test the path-dependent effects of entrepreneurial proactivenes, social adaptability, structural capital, relational capital, human capital, tacit knowledge, and incremental innovation, on performance in the context of foreign SMEs operating in China.

Fostering entrepreneurial spirit of female students in higher educational institutions


The purpose of this paper is to suggest some implications for higher education institutions to improve the practicality of their entrepreneurial education programs so that entrepreneurial spirit of female students will be intensively fostered, hopefully resulting in more engagement of female graduates in future entrepreneurial activities and sustainable national developments.. while on the opposite side there are currently only six economies where men and women start and run businesses in an equal

Demographic Variables in the Research of Hanoian’s Intentions of Buying Chinese Garments


And according to some theories, buying intentions is considered a basis to predict the demand in the future (Warshaw, 1980. Examining the consumers’ buying intentions, authors of some researches (Ajzen and Driver, 1992. Zeithaml (1988) argued that the consumers’ buying intentions depends on the felt quality, value, objective level, and the product’s. The higher the value of awareness, the higher the buying intentions.