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Exception Handling

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Chương 7: XỬ LÝ NGOẠI LỆ (Exception Handling)


XỬ LÝ NGOẠI LỆ (Exception Handling). Định nghĩa một ngoại lệ (Exception). Hiểu được mục đích của việc xử lý ngoại lệ. Hiểu được các kiểu ngoại lệ khác nhau trong Java. Mô tả mô hình xử lý ngoại lệ. Hiểu được các khối lệnh chứa nhiều khối xử lý ngoại lệ (catch). Tự tạo ra các ngoại lệ . Ngôn ngữ Java cung cấp cơ chế dùng để xử lý ngoại lệ rất hiệu quả. 7.2 Mục đích của việc xử lý ngoại lệ. Một chương trình nên có cơ chế xử lý ngoại lệ thích hợp.

CoreJava 7 - Exception


XỬ LÝ NGOẠI LỆ (Exception Handling). ¾ Định nghĩa một ngoại lệ (Exception). ¾ Hiểu được mục đích của việc xử lý ngoại lệ. ¾ Hiểu được các kiểu ngoại lệ khác nhau trong Java. ¾ Mô tả mô hình xử lý ngoại lệ. ¾ Hiểu được các khối lệnh chứa nhiều khối xử lý ngoại lệ (catch). ¾ Tự tạo ra các ngoại lệ. Ngôn ngữ Java cung cấp cơ chế dùng để xử lý ngoại lệ rất hiệu quả. 7.2 Mục đích của việc xử lý ngoại lệ. Một chương trình nên có cơ chế xử lý ngoại lệ thích hợp.

Chapter 7: XỬ LÝ NGOẠI LỆ (Exception Handling)


Các ph ể ế ề ạ ệ ươ ng th c ‘toString’ và ‘printStackTrace’ đ ứ ượ c s d ng đ mô t các exception phát sinh ra. Hình sau ch ra k t xu t c a ph ử ụ ể ả ỉ ế ấ ủ ươ ng th c ứ. Kh i ‘catch. b t gi b t c các l i x y ra trong khi thi hành ph ố ắ ữ ấ ứ ỗ ả ươ ng th c ứ. N u m t l i x y ra trong khi thi hành ph ế ộ ỗ ả ươ ng th c ứ. lúc đó ph ươ ng th c ‘displayResults. ọ S thi hành s ti p t c th c hi n kh i ‘catch’.

Absolute C++ (4th Edition) part 76


18 Exception Handling. 18.1 EXCEPTION HANDLING BASICS 759 A Toy Example of Exception Handling 759 Defining Your Own Exception Classes 768 Multiple Throws and Catches 768. 18.2 PROGRAMMING TECHNIQUES FOR EXCEPTION HANDLING 779. After that, you use the C++ exception handling facilities to add code for those unusual cases..

JavaScript Bible, Gold Edition part 121


Ideally, the mechanism makes sure that all runtime errors get funneled through the same mechanism to help simplify the scripting of exception handling.. In other words, you can use the exception handling mechanism as a kind of “back channel” to communicate from one part of your scripts to another.. The JavaScript exception handling mechanism is built around two groups of pro- gram execution statements.

Java™ How to Program ( Deitel - Deitel) - Phần 23


Software Engineering Observation 13.11. 13.5 rethrows the exception. Rethrowing an exception defers the exception handling (or perhaps a portion of it) to another catch block associated with an outer TRy statement.

A Complete Guide to Programming in C++ part 64


You can judge a program’s quality by the way it uses error-handling techniques to counteract any potential error, although this is by no means easy to achieve.. 䊐 Traditional Error Handling. EXCEPTION HANDLING. Using the throw statement. C++ introduces a new approach to error handling. Exception handling is based on keeping the normal functionality of the program separate from error handling.

Microsoft Enterpries Library P1


Configuring the Caching Application Block. 219 ■CONTENTSviii 655-2 FM.qxd PM Page viii. 224 Introducing the Exception Handling Application Block. 232 Using the Exception Handling Application Block. Configuring the Exception Handling Application Block. 257 ■CHAPTER 9 The Logging Application Block. Understanding the Design of the Logging Application Block. 266 Using the Logging Application Block. Adding the Logging Application Block to an Application. 272 ■CONTENTS ix 655-2 FM.qxd PM Page ix.

Thinking in Cplus plus (P26)


The problem with C’s approach to error handling could be thought of as one of coupling – the user of a function must tie the error-handling code so closely to that function that it becomes too ungainly and awkward to use.. One of the major features in C++ is exception handling, which is a better way of thinking about and handling errors. If a function needs to send an error message to the caller of that function, it “throws” an object representing that error out of the function.

HandBooks Professional Java-C-Scrip-SQL part 112


The result is that a handler will handle exceptions raised directly in its preceding during block, and may handle those generated indirectly (through any level of routine calls), if there are no handlers closer to the source of the exception. You don't have to test the result of each operation to see if an exception occurred: if one does, control will jump to the handling section.. Starts an exception handling section that corresponds to the preceding try block.

O'Reilly Network For Information About's Book part 112


The result is that a handler will handle exceptions raised directly in its preceding during block, and may handle those generated indirectly (through any level of routine calls), if there are no handlers closer to the source of the exception. You don't have to test the result of each operation to see if an exception occurred: if one does, control will jump to the handling section.. Starts an exception handling section that corresponds to the preceding try block.

Oracle Database Administration for Microsoft SQL Server DBAs part 29


Error packages to be used with exception handling are useful to ensure consistent ways to log errors and raise application errors.

Instructor Guide for Introduction to Oracle: SQL and PL/SQL


Exception- handlers are defined in the exception- handling section of the PL/SQL program.. Once an error has occurred, (an exception has been raised) the control is transferred to the exception handling part of the PL/SQL block. Additional Information PL/SQL provides the PRAGMA. You declare the exception in the declarative part of the PL/SQL block.. You use the key word RAISE to raise an exception in the executable part of the PL/SQL block.

A Complete Guide to Programming in C++ part 65


Thus, the exception handler can no longer access the previously existing objects.. For example, you can store data important for exception handling in an exception object.. 䊐 The Exception Class MathError. The exception class MathError is defined opposite. The calc() function throws an exception when a number input by a user is negative or 0. When an exception is thrown, Example: throw MathError("Division by 0!");. the error message is stored in the exception object.

A Complete Guide to Programming in C++ part 2


Chapter 28 Exception Handling 607 Traditional Error Handling 608 Exception Handling 610 Exception Handlers 612. Throwing and Catching Exceptions 614 Nesting Exception Handling 616 Defining Your Own Error Classes 618 Standard Exception Classes 620 Exercises 622. Chapter 29 More About Files 637. Opening a File for Random Access 638 Positioning for Random Access 640 File State 644. Exception Handling for Files 646 Persistence of Polymorphic Objects 648 Application: Index Files 652.

Cracker Handbook 1.0 part 314


Có nhiều phương pháp để handle exception ,phổ biến là SEH (Structured. exception handling) .SEH có thể dùng để xử lý cả 2 loại lỗi :exception cứng và mềm . Exception cứng thường phát sinh trong quá trình tính toán :như lỗi chia không ,tràn bộ đệm. Exception mềm như lỗi truy xuất con trỏ null ,các tham số ko hợp lệ. SEH ban đầu chỉ để dùng trong các chương trình code bằng C ,nhưng về sau thì cho cả C.

Oracle Built−in Packages- P7


One interesting situation you may run into when working with some of the built−in packages is that the same exception can be raised from different circumstances. You try to read past the end of a file using UTL_FILE.GET_LINE.. 1.3.4 Exception Handling and Built−in Packages 23. You read past the end of a large object with DBMS_LOB.READ..

Oracle Built−in Packages- P6


If a program in DBMS_DEFER raises this exception, you can handle it in either of the following ways:. 1.3.4 Exception Handling and Built−in Packages 20

C Sharp và kiến trúc .NET. C Sharp cơ bản- P19


Errors and Exception Handling Errors and Exception Handling. L L ỗ ỗ i luôn luôn t i luôn luôn t ồ ồ n t n t ạ ạ i, cho d i, cho d ù ù h h ệ ệ th th ố ố ng đư ng đư ợ ợ c thi c thi ế ế t k t k ế ế t t ố ố t t th th ế ế n n ào à o. L L ỗ ỗ i không đư i không đư ợ ợ c quy c quy ề ề n truy c n truy c ậ ậ p p. Lỗ L ỗi do thi i do thi ết b ế t bị ị hỏ h ỏng ng ( (đ đí ía l a lỗ ỗi) i). L L ỗ ỗ i do đư i do đư ờ ờ ng truy ng truy ề ề n m n m ạ ạ ng h ng h ỏ ỏ ng ng.

HandBooks Professional Java-C-Scrip-SQL part 246


Ruby's exception handling class, Exception , and its descendents provide support for the notion that the code discovering some sort of error condition may not be the same code that can handle that error condition.. Instance Methods e.backtrace. Returns backtrace information (from where exception occurred) as an array of strings.. Errno System call exceptions module. Errno::ENOENT and other errors are defined in this module..