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HandBooks Professional Java-C-Scrip-SQL part 212


The implementations covered in this book are Perl, Java, .NET and C#, Python, PCRE, PHP, the vi editor, JavaScript, and shell tools.. 1.1.1 Conventions Used in This Book. The following typographical conventions are used in this book:. Jeffrey Friedl has written the definitive work on the subject, Mastering Regular Expressions (O'Reilly), a work on which I relied heavily when writing this book. As a convenience, this book provides page references to Mastering Regular.

HandBooks Professional Java-C-Scrip-SQL part 178


Java programmers can write server-side classes that invoke SQL and PL/SQL using standard JDBC or SQLJ calls. PL/SQL programmers can call server-side Java methods by writing a PL/SQL cover or call spec for Java using Oracle DDL.. Server-side Java in Oracle may be faster than PL/SQL for compute-intensive programs, but not as nimble for database access.

HandBooks Professional Java-C-Scrip-SQL part 175


Member methods can be overloaded in object types following the same rules as function and procedure overloading in packages.. that appear above in the syntax can actually be call specs for Java classes in the database or for external procedures written in C.. The syntax for creating the object type body is:. Again, the program bodies can be call specs to Java or C programs. 1.16.2 Type Inheritance (Oracle9i).

HandBooks Professional Java-C-Scrip-SQL part 167


Oracle PL/SQL Language Pocket Reference. PL/SQL Language Fundamentals Section 1.5. Cursors in PL/SQL Section 1.10. Exception Handling Section 1.11. Records in PL/SQL Section 1.12. Named Program Units Section 1.13. Section 1.14. Section 1.15. Calling PL/SQL Functions in SQL Section 1.16. Oracle's Object-Oriented Features Section 1.17. Section 1.18. External Procedures Section 1.19. Java Language Integration Section 1.20.

HandBooks Professional Java-C-Scrip-SQL part 19


I work with dozens of people every year that don't understand the SQL that Hibernate cranks out, and others who have to maintain generated code, after they tailor it for their needs.. You'll still need to inspect code to enhance it or maintain it.. To be fair, some Java frameworks, like Spring, do some of this for you as well, but it's not as easy in Java, and this style of programming is not nearly as common, since you have to use the heavyweight anonymous inner class to do so

HandBooks Professional Java-C-Scrip-SQL part 9


Further, some of the very compromises that made Java attractive to the C++ base, like primitives, static typing, and a C++-like syntax, are beginning to work against it. In the next chapter, we talk about the costs.

HandBooks Professional Java-C-Scrip-SQL part 11


Java's many compromises, like primitives, make Java harder to learn and more complex to write.. Java is more dynamic than C. but is nowhere near as dynamic as languages like Smalltalk and Ruby. Java developers are finding metaprogramming, but they're not able to execute on those ideas fast enough.. Java's long compile/deploy cycle is much longer than interpreted, dynamic alternatives.. Steve Yegge: Java's Limitations.

HandBooks Professional Java-C-Scrip-SQL part 13


C++ started the transition to object- oriented programming and Java finished it

HandBooks Professional Java-C-Scrip-SQL part 10


So far, I've tried to make the case that Java's always been a generalized. programming language, with the syntax and core community coming from the C++. systems language. Also, I've suggested that most early Java applications focused on the user interface. You could download Java and get something running very quickly.. Once Java moved to the server side, it became the core server-side development language.

HandBooks Professional Java-C-Scrip-SQL part 5


The sound and fury of the Java storm caught many of us off-guard. Other than the language, nothing about Java was conventional at all, including the size of the explosion. Java found an important ally in the bean counters that liked the manageability of the green screen, but the productivity and usability of the fat client.. Java had most of the benefits of C. The similarities of the languages made it easy to learn.

HandBooks Professional Java-C-Scrip-SQL part 27


In public, Java and .NET developers don't mix, but each community often reluctantly admits the strengths of the other. C# (pronounced see sharp) is a programming language that fills the role of Java for the .NET platform. There's not much to say about C# in a book called Beyond Java, because it's built to be similar to Java. Many of the recent changes in Java, like annotations and autoboxing, were introduced to keep up with .NET.

HandBooks Professional Java-C-Scrip-SQL part 177


SELF is used if an object member function is implemented as a callout instead of a PL/SQL routine.. When moving data between PL/SQL and C, each PL/SQL datatype maps to an. identified by a PL/SQL keyword, which in turn maps to an allowed set of C types:. PL/SQL types External datatypes C types. PL/SQL includes a special set of keywords to use as the external datatype in the PARAMETERS clause. In some cases, the external datatypes have the same name as the C types.

HandBooks Professional Java-C-Scrip-SQL part 7


The virtual machine gave Java designers a chance to have a secure foundation on an insecure platform. The JVM provides a limited sandbox for a group of Java applications, so a malicious or buggy application can't do as much damage as, say, a C++. Because there's no pointer arithmetic, and because Java has strong runtime typing, the JVM knows precisely where a reference is pointing. The JVM can better restrict an application's access to its own memory.

HandBooks Professional Java-C-Scrip-SQL part 168


Before you can use a variable, you must first declare it in the declaration section of your PL/SQL block or in a package as a global. When you declare a variable, PL/SQL allocates memory for the variable's value and names the storage location so that the value can be retrieved and changed. The datatype in a declaration can be constrained or unconstrained. Initializing all variables is distinctive to PL/SQL. in this way, PL/SQL differs from languages such as C and Ada.

HandBooks Professional Java-C-Scrip-SQL part 6


Many open source communities look down on Java. That's ironic, because Java has more thriving open source software than any of the alternatives. And boy, did Java open source happen.. At first, Sun resisted the open source community . He built two of the most important Java. He then pushed them out to the open source. The typical open source development cycle works as follows (and shown in Figure 2-4):. The open source feedback cycle is tremendously important to Java.

HandBooks Professional Java-C-Scrip-SQL part 15


C++ changed the way we think, but it did not change much of the machinery. Java, too, was disruptive, redefining the rules of the game.. By the same token, we like the convenience of the JVM, the massive open source community, and the focus on the Internet, leaving a higher standard for the next major applications language.. We've now gotten a real taste of the advantages of the virtual machine. The next major applications language will almost certainly support a virtual machine. The next.

HandBooks Professional Java-C-Scrip-SQL part 2


. "alternatives to Java.". The implications of the churn are staggering. I'm just saying that this unnatural stretching is one more clue that it may be time to take the temperature of the water around you.. I'm not at all convinced that all of the impact will be positive. If you think about it, the Java generics Java Specification Request (JSR) introduces a whole lot of syntax to solve a marginal problem with no corresponding change to the Java virtual machine (JVM).

HandBooks Professional Java-C-Scrip-SQL part 14


In the second half of this book, I make the case that a clean, dynamic language could gain footing easily in the gap between Visual Basic and enterprise Java.. After all, the lion's share of Java development, even in the enterprise, is not full of. In the next chapter, you'll see the rules of the game for the next major successful language. In the next half of the book, I'll explore what alternative languages have to offer, and whether that will be enough to take you beyond Java.

HandBooks Professional Java-C-Scrip-SQL part 1


In short, the community and breadth of Java have always trumped anything that the alternatives have to offer. And I'm glad that I did, because it allowed me to focus on building a consulting business and satisfying my customers instead of doing exhausting research for every new problem.. ignorance stage, when ignoring alternatives works in your favor. When a new language arrives with the power and dominance of a Java or C. you can afford to ignore alternatives for a while.