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Fat body

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Transcriptome analysis reveals potential function of long non-coding RNAs in 20- hydroxyecdysone regulated autophagy in Bombyx mori


In Bombyx mori, autophagy is induced by 20E in the larval fat body. Results: RNA libraries from the fat body of B. These results indicated that LNC_000560 was potentially involved in the 20E-induced autophagy of the fat body by regulating Atg4B.. Conclusions: This study provides the genome-wide identification and functional characterization of lncRNAs associated with 20E-induced autophagy in the fat body of B.

Dynamic changes in ORC localization and replication fork progression during tissue differentiation


UR regions in the late-3rd-instar larval fat body are denoted as black boxes and are highlighted by green shading. b Comparison of the number of fat body ORC2 binding sites per 100 kb within the late-3rd-instar larval fat body UR regions relative to fully replicated regions at different larval stages. c Comparison of the number of fat body ORC2 binding sites per 100 kb within regions that are underreplicated in other larval tissues but are fully replicated in late-3rd-instar larval fat body relative

RiboTag translatomic profiling of Drosophila oenocytes under aging and induced oxidative stress


Keywords: Oenocyte, Fat body, Liver, Aging, Ribosomal profiling, Peroxisome, Fatty acid beta-oxidation, Ras/MAPK signaling. Full list of author information is available at the end of the article. In Drosophila, liver-like functions are shared by two distinct tissues, fat body and oenocytes [15]. Fat body has also been impli- cated in the regulation of organismal aging [17].

Global transcriptome profiling and functional analysis reveal that tissue-specific constitutive overexpression of cytochrome P450s confers tolerance to imidacloprid in palm weevils in date palm fields


We identified three CYP6 candidates and one CYP9 candidates that were highly overexpressed in the fat body of ind RPWs in a labora- tory bioassay (Fig. this candidate is overexpressed in the fat body of ind and res RPWs (Fig. More interestingly, our bioassay revealed imidacloprid-induced transcripts, with 9 more transcripts being overexpressed at a higher level in the ind fat body than in the gut.

Transcriptome and microbiome of coconut rhinoceros beetle (Oryctes rhinoceros) larvae


Nearly all of these OTUs were in the fat body only, where it comprised 56.2% of the fat body OTUs. of total OTUs, and was Orhi1, Bacillus cereus, compris- ing 5.3% of the fat body OTUs and approximately 1% of the OTUs in the other samples.

The transcriptomic signature of low aggression in honey bees resembles a response to infection


This file contains complete lists of differentially expressed genes in the brain (Table S1), fat body (Table S2), and midgut (Table S3), GO term lists in the brain (Table S4) and fat body (Table S5), pathogen data for the brain (Table S6), fat body (Table S7), and midgut (Table S8), and data accession numbers (Table S9).. The funding bodies played no role in the design of the study and collection, analysis, and interpretation of data and in writing the manuscript..

The metabolome as a link in the genotypephenotype map for peroxide resistance in the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster


We found that supplemental maltose or glucose en- hances survival on H 2 O 2 food for all genotypes tested in our study and that RNAi targeting glycogenin either in the fat body or in neurons reduces survival on H 2 O 2. Interestingly, knockdown of glycogenin affected sur- vival, but only with the S32 driver, which is expressed primarily in the head fat body, and not the S106 driver, which is expressed in the abdominal fat body.

Immune challenge reduces gut microbial diversity and triggers fertility-dependent gene expression changes in a social insect


To gain insights into the molecular regulation of lifespan in social insects, we investigated fat body gene expression and gut microbiome composition in workers of the ant. The immune challenge altered the expression of several thousand genes in the fat body, including many immune genes, and, interestingly, this transcriptomic response depended on worker fertility.

Perturbation of IIS/TOR signaling alters the landscape of sex-differential gene expression in Drosophila


The histograms below show the distribution of the ln-fold change for the male (left. an ɑ-glucosi- dase expressed in the gut and fat body that is known to be upregulated by both insulin-like and glucagon-like signaling, and 3) insulin-like peptide 5 (Ilp5), expressed.

RNA-Seq analysis of blood meal induced gene-expression changes in Aedes aegypti ovaries


Protein-rich blood meal is required for oocyte development and vitellogene- sis, during which yolk constituents (both protein and lipid) generated in the fat body are taken up by oocytes for storage and later use during embryogenesis. Vitello- genesis and oogenesis require a high level of coordin- ation of molecular events in the fat body and ovary [3].. A blood meal triggers the release of ecdysone by the ovaries.

Identification of putative fecundity-related gustatory receptor genes in the brown planthopper Nilaparvata lugens


Moreover, all NlGr genes were found in the heads, legs, midgut, fat body or female ovaries (Fig.. NlGr16 and NlGr21 were expressed in the midgut and fat body. For example, NlGr5, NlGr11, NlGr18, NlGr23, NlGr25, NlGr28, NlGr30, and NlGr31 were most highly expressed in the midgut. NlGr9 and NlGr14 were mainly expressed in the fat body. And NlGr15 was mainly expressed in the adult heads (Fig.

7 cách nói khác nhau của Walk


Waddle /ˈwɒd.l̩/ thường đi cùng trạng từ, giới từ: (usually of a person or animal with short legs and a fat body) to walk with short steps, moving the body from one side to the other: đi lạch bạch, (dáng) đi khiến người lắc lư theo, thường dành cho người, động vật có chân ngắn và dáng người béo.. Meander /miˈæn.dər/ thường đi cùng trạng từ, giới từ: to walk slowly without any clear direction: đi lang thang, đi không có định hướng. He spent the afternoon meandering along the beach..

Aging in the Drosophila ovary: Contrasting changes in the expression of the piRNA machinery and mitochondria but no global release of transposable elements


An additional consequence of this redistribution of heterochromatin is the observed derepression of TEs in the soma during aging, notably in brains and fat body of Drosophila, and in a variety of other organisms including mammals [16 – 20]. Strikingly, this pat- tern of increased TE expression in the aging soma can also vary in accordance with reproductive strategy. evident in members of the worker caste.

Transcriptome analysis of the almond moth, Cadra cautella, female abdominal tissues and identification of reproduction control genes


Vg is the key component of egg yolk protein, synthesized extra-ovarially in the fat body tis- sues, and transported to the developing oocytes where it is internalized in the egg by the VgR and serves as a nu- trient source for the developing embryo. Furthermore, 8401 common el- ements were annotated in the NR, COG, KEGG, and Swiss-Prot databases (Fig.

DNA methylation in infants with low and high body fatness


However, infants with similar birth weight can have very different levels of body fatness Table 1 Characteristic of the infants in the study. Infants with low body fatness ( n = 23). Infants with high body fatness ( n = 24). Fat mass index at 1 wk. Fat-free mass index at 1 wk. fat mass c . Fat mass index c (kg/m . Fat-free mass index c (kg/m .

A time-dependent genome-wide SNP-SNP interaction analysis of chicken body weight


Abdominal fat percentage (AFP = ab- dominal fat weight/body weight, measured at 7 weeks of age) of the male birds in the first hatch was used as the artificial selection criterion for NEAUHLF. sib birds, with lower (lean line) or higher (fat line) AFP than the population’s average value, were selected as candidates for breeding, taking into consideration the plasma VLDL concentration, the body weights of male birds in the second hatch, and the egg production of fe- male birds in both hatches.

Consensus module analysis of abdominal fat deposition across multiple broiler lines


Our study provides an idea for investigating abdominal fat deposition across multiple broiler lines.. To reduce the influence of nongenetic factors, we collected public abdominal fat gene expression profile datasets of broilers under the same age, sex, and normal feed conditions. low (LL) abdominal fat at similar feed intake and body weight, and FL and LL broilers exhibited a 2.8-fold divergence in AFP at 7 weeks of age [6, 12].

Gene co-expression networks associated with carcass traits reveal new pathways for muscle and fat deposition in Nelore cattle


The backfat, not only, is important in the industrialization process acting as a thermal insulator during carcass cooling but is an indispensable source of energy in the animal’s body, carrying fat-soluble vitamins and essential fatty acids . This trait also is representative of the total body fat in the carcass. Ac- cording to Schröder and Staufenbiel [26], an increase of just 1 mm in the BFT reflects in approximately 5 kg of the total body fat content in bovine..



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