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Foraging behavior

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Stephens & Foraging - Behavior and Ecology - Chapter 12


Once a fish possesses this mor- phology, it is more likely to direct its foraging behavior toward the benthic habitat than a fish of the same species that has moved along the reaction norm toward a more limnetic morphology.

Stephens & Foraging - Behavior and Ecology - Chapter 1


The theme of the book was that foraging behavior could also be looked at as “well-designed.” In it, they reviewed the basic theoretical models and quantitative evidence that had been published since 1966. In that year, a single issue of The American Naturalist carried back-to-back papers that may fairly be regarded as launching “optimal foraging theory.”

Stephens & Foraging - Behavior and Ecology - Chapter 13


A species of sparrow, the dark-eyed junco, reveals these aspects of the cost of predation in its foraging behavior. We (Brown, Kotler, and Valone 1994) estimated the size of the predation cost of foraging to desert rodents foraging for seeds. Subtracting estimates of the metabolic cost of foraging (adjusted for ambient temperature and activity intensity) from the quitting harvest rate leaves an estimate of the predation cost of foraging.

Stephens & Foraging - Behavior and Ecology - Chapter 3


It is no accident that feed- ing and foraging behavior figures prominently in the study of the nervous system. Neural pathways convey information from odor and sucrose receptors to the mushroom bodies of the honeybee brain. The vertebrate hippocampus has been implicated in many of the cognitive processes that are essential to foraging. Neurophysio- logical and comparative research has addressed the role of the hippocampus in spatial orientation.

Honey bee (Apis mellifera) larval pheromones may regulate gene expression related to foraging task specialization


Presented here are the results of a hypergeometric test between the foraging-related DEGs in the present study and the DEGs identified in Whitfield et al., which show a significant overlap. brain energy metabolism, including that of fatty-acids, is as- sociated with long-term behavioral transition from in-hive tasks to foraging tasks [60], suggesting that larval phero- mones regulate foraging behavior by specifically activating pathways involved in the natural ontogeny of foraging behavior..

Giải thuật hệ kiến Max Min trơn giải bài toán P-Median có hạn chế khả năng



Ant Systems (AS) were first proposed in Dorigo as an attempt to use the ant foraging behavior as a source of inspiration for the development of new search and optimization techniques. By using the pheromone trail as a reinforcement signal for the choice of which path to follow, ants tend to find “minimal” routes from the nest to the food source.

Diurnal time-activity budget and foraging techniques of red-crested pochards (Netta rufina) wintering at the wetlands of West Bengal, India


Peŕez-Crespo et al., 2013), which were used herein while categorizing the field observations of the feeding behavior of the RCPs:. One of the study sites, Site 3, which experienced a drastic decrease in water depth in January, provided the opportunity to study the effect of water depth on the foraging behaviors of RCPs. repeated observations of the same RCP individual. The time-activity budget was quantified using the scan-sample approach (Losito et al., 1989).

From Individuals to Ecosystems 4th Edition - Chapter 9


But in a further field experiment, this time in the presence of predatory largemouth bass, the small sunfish restricted their foraging to the water weed habitat (Figure 9.19) (Werner et al., 1983a). This is also seen in the effects of predation by the barn owl (Tyto alba) on the foraging behavior of three heteromyid rodents, the Arizona pocket mouse (Perognathus amplus), Bailey’s pocket mouse (P.

lncRNA profile of Apis mellifera and its possible role in behavioural transition from nurses to foragers


A role for WNT/beta-catenin signaling in the neural mechanisms of behavior. PKA and PKC content in the honey bee central brain differs in genotypic strains with distinct foraging behavior

Ecomorphological associations and abundance of birds across the agricultural landscape of Pothwar Plateau, Pakistan


Data regarding ecomorphological correlations of species are particularly lacking from agricultural landscapes, and we are not aware of any assessment of the relationship between morphology and foraging behavior among locally co-occurring bird species on agricultural lands.. The foraging ecology of birds has been widely studied in many parts of the world (Stoate et al., 2001. Barnett et al., 2004), but we did not find any such studies in Pakistan..

Insect Ecology - An Ecosystem Approach 2nd ed - Chapter 4


Genetic data for ter- mites indicate relatively high inbreeding and relatedness within colonies and kin- biased foraging behavior for some species (Kaib et al. 1996, Vargo et al.

Sublethal neonicotinoid exposure attenuates the effects of electromagnetic fields on honey bee flight and learning


RFID tracking of sublethal effects of two neonicotinoid insecticides on the foraging behavior of Apis mellifera.

Research Techniques in Animal Ecology - Chapter 2


Foraging behavior and reproductive success in chinstrap penguins: The effects of transmitter attachment. Effects of radiocollars on San Joaquin kit foxes. A Critical Review of the Effects of Marking 51. Sexually differentiated effects of radiotransmitters on predation risk and behaviour in kangaroo rats Dipodomys merriami. Effects of radio-collaring on deer mouse survival and vulnerability to ermine predation.

Stephens & Foraging - Behavior and Ecology - Chapter 11


Foraging and Population Dynamics 369. Foraging decisions are a fundamental driving force of population dynamics.. For all of these reasons, foraging decisions must profoundly drive or modulate population dynamics. The goal of this chapter is to provide an overview of the influences of foraging on population dynamics and the reciprocal influences of population dynamics on foraging.. 11.3 “Top-down” versus “Bottom-up” Approaches Relating Individual Behavior to Population Dynamics.

Stephens & Foraging - Behavior and Ecology - Chapter 9


Current issues of journals in animal behavior and ecology provide many examples of the effects of danger on foraging. For any- one who wants to pursue the theory more deeply, I recommend one review (Houston et al

Stephens & Foraging - Behavior and Ecology - Chapter 8


As the self-feeding rate increases, it becomes possible to sustain a higher workload, and the mea- sured behavior should approach the predictions of the three rate-maximizing currencies. (Figures 8.1 and 8.2 show measured behavior as well as predictions about behavior based on central place foraging currencies, but provisioning predictions require an estimate of the self-feeding rate, which we do not yet have.)

Stephens & Foraging - Behavior and Ecology - Chapter 7


The subordinate then maximizes its fitness, subject to the condition that the dominant always excludes it from foraging in the dominant’s current foraging habitat. Clark and Ekman assumed that food in the mediocre but safer H 1 habitat was sufficient to cover metabolic costs on normal days, but not on cold days (which occurred with a certain probability p). Clark and Ekman also considered how changes in the food supply in the mediocre H 2 habitat affected their predictions.

Stephens & Foraging - Behavior and Ecology - Chapter 4


Conditioning is thoroughly covered in The Principles of Learning and Behavior (Domjan 1998), while Animal Minds: Beyond Cognition to Consciousness (Griffin 2001) represents the field of cognitive ethology

Stephens & Foraging - Behavior and Ecology - Chapter 10


Trait-Group Selection and Cooperative Foraging in the Extreme. Consider a foraging specialist that pays all of the costs of foraging while sharing the benefits with others. This individual thus pays all of the foraging costs, while all queens produce workers. This failure led inevitably to starvation and death of the colony. One caveat, though, is that these results could be an artifact of the unnatural selective regime in the laboratory.

Stephens & Foraging - Behavior and Ecology - Chapter 5


Foraging ecologists and digestive physiologists focus on different aspects of the costs of foraging. Extrinsic factors are properties of the environment, such as the abundance and distribution of resources and predators, together with properties of the resource, such as ease of detection and capture.