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Gastrointestinal Tract Cancer

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Chapter 087. Gastrointestinal Tract Cancer (Part 4)


Gastrointestinal Tract Cancer. Several additional etiologic factors have been associated with gastric carcinoma. Gastric ulcers and adenomatous polyps have occasionally been linked, but data on a cause-and-effect relationship are unconvincing. The inadequate clinical distinction between benign gastric ulcers and small ulcerating carcinomas may, in part, account for this presumed association.

Chapter 087. Gastrointestinal Tract Cancer (Part 16)


Crump W et al: Lymphoma of the gastrointestinal tract. N Engl J Med PMID: 12181401]. N Engl J Med PMID: 14657432]. N Engl J Med PMID: 12621137]. Med PMID: 15689586]. Ryan DP et al: Carcinoma of the anal canal. N Engl J Med PMID: 10717015]. N Engl J Med PMID:. N Engl J Med PMID: 11556297]. Weitz J et al: Colorectal cancer

Chapter 087. Gastrointestinal Tract Cancer (Part 14)


Small-bowel tumors comprise <3% of gastrointestinal neoplasms. Abdominal symptoms are usually vague and poorly defined, and conventional radiographic studies of the upper and lower intestinal tract often appear normal.

Chapter 087. Gastrointestinal Tract Cancer (Part 17)


Blay J-Y et al: Consensus meeting for the management of gastrointestinal. Demetri GD et al: Efficacy and safety of sunitinib in patients with advanced gastrointestinal stromal tumors after failure of imatinib: A randomized controlled trial. Licht JD et al: Gastrointestinal sarcomas. Ahsan H et al: Family history of colorectal adenomatous polyps and increased risk for colorectal cancer. Baron JA et al: A randomized trial of aspirin to prevent colorectal adenomas. N Engl J Med .

Chapter 087. Gastrointestinal Tract Cancer (Part 9)


In patients with a history of IBD lasting ≥15 years who continue to experience exacerbations, the surgical removal of the colon can significantly reduce the risk for cancer and also eliminate the target organ for the underlying chronic gastrointestinal disorder. The value of such surveillance techniques as colonoscopy with mucosal biopsies and brushings for less- symptomatic individuals with chronic IBD is uncertain.

Chapter 087. Gastrointestinal Tract Cancer (Part 7)


Risk factors for the development of colorectal cancer are listed in Table 87- 4.. Table 87-4 Risk Factors for the Development of Colorectal Cancer. Diet: Animal fat. The etiology for most cases of large-bowel cancer appears to be related to environmental factors.

Chapter 087. Gastrointestinal Tract Cancer (Part 6)


Cancer of the large bowel is second only to lung cancer as a cause of cancer death in the United States: 153,760 new cases occurred in 2007, and 52,180 deaths were due to colorectal cancer. Adenomatous polyps may be found in the colons of ~30% of middle-aged and ~50% of elderly people. Occult blood in the stool is found in <5% of patients with polyps..

Chapter 087. Gastrointestinal Tract Cancer (Part 3)


The mortality rate from gastric cancer in the United States has dropped in men from 28 to 5.8 per 100,000 persons, while in women the rate has decreased from 27 to 2.8 per 100,000.. Nonetheless, 21,260 new cases of stomach cancer were diagnosed in the United. States, and 11,210 Americans died of the disease in 2007. The risk of gastric cancer is greater among lower socioeconomic classes..

Chapter 087. Gastrointestinal Tract Cancer (Part 12)


In contrast to most other cancers, the prognosis in colorectal cancer is not influenced by the size of the primary lesion when adjusted for nodal involvement and histologic differentiation.. Table 87-6 Predictors of Poor Outcome Following Total Surgical Resection of Colorectal Cancer. Cancers of the large bowel generally spread to regional lymph nodes or to the liver via the portal venous circulation. Colorectal Cancer: Treatment.

Chapter 087. Gastrointestinal Tract Cancer (Part 13)


Radiation therapy to the pelvis is recommended for patients with rectal cancer because it reduces the 20–25% probability of regional recurrences following complete surgical resection of stage II or III tumors, especially if they have penetrated through the serosa. Preoperative radiotherapy is indicated for patients with large, potentially unresectable rectal cancers. Systemic therapy for patients with colorectal cancer has become more effective.

Chapter 087. Gastrointestinal Tract Cancer (Part 1)


Esophageal Cancer. A variety of causative factors have been implicated in the development of the disease (Table 87-1). In the United States, esophageal cancer cases are either squamous cell carcinomas or adenocarcinomas

Chapter 087. Gastrointestinal Tract Cancer (Part 10)


The digital examination should be part of any routine physical evaluation in adults older than age 40, serving as a screening test for prostate cancer in men, a component of the pelvic examination in women, and an inexpensive maneuver for the detection of masses in the rectum. The development of the Hemoccult test has greatly facilitated the detection of occult fecal blood.

Chapter 087. Gastrointestinal Tract Cancer (Part 5)


The use of adjuvant chemotherapy alone following the complete resection of a gastric cancer has only minimally improved survival. However, combination chemotherapy administered before and after surgery (perioperative treatment) as well as postoperative chemotherapy combined with radiation therapy reduces the recurrence rate and prolongs survival.. Primary Gastric Lymphoma. Primary lymphoma of the stomach is relatively uncommon, accounting for.

Chapter 087. Gastrointestinal Tract Cancer (Part 2)


About 10% of esophageal cancers occur in the upper third of the esophagus (cervical esophagus), 35% in the middle third, and 55% in the lower third.. By the time these symptoms develop, the disease is usually incurable, since difficulty in swallowing does not occur until >60% of the esophageal circumference is. Because the population of persons at risk for squamous...

Chapter 087. Gastrointestinal Tract Cancer (Part 15)


Secondary lymphoma of the small bowel consists of involvement of the intestine by a lymphoid malignancy extending from involved retroperitoneal or mesenteric lymph nodes (Chap. Primary intestinal lymphoma accounts for ~20% of malignancies of the small bowel. Resection of the tumor constitutes the initial treatment modality. The frequent presence of widespread intraabdominal disease at the time of diagnosis and the...

Chapter 087. Gastrointestinal Tract Cancer (Part 8)


Distribu tion of Polyps. Large intestine. syndrome and small intestines. hypertrophy of retinal pigment epithelium. Turcot's syndrome. Large intestine (often proximal). stomach tumors of the ovary, breast, pancreas,. Large and small intestines, stomach. Polyposis Coli. Polyposis coli (familial polyposis of the colon) is a rare condition characterized by the appearance of thousands of adenomatous polyps throughout the large bowel. Polyposis...

Comprehensive analysis of coagulation indices for predicting survival in patients with biliary tract cancer


Comprehensive analysis of coagulation indices for predicting survival in patients with biliary tract cancer. Background: Abnormal activation of the coagulation system has been reported in patients with malignancies, but its prognostic significance in biliary tract cancer (BTC) remains unclear. This study aims to analyze and compare the prognostic value of coagulation indices in patients with BTC..

Probiotic potential of lactic acid bacteria isolated from chicken gastrointestinal digestive tract


While the func- tionality of probiotics depends on their ability to survive and colonize the gastrointestinal tract, the resistance of cells to bile acids is a property that is necessary (Taranto et al. However, many studies have indicated that probiotic bacteria may not survive in sufficient numbers when they pass through the gastrointestinal tract in in vitro test (Lin et al.

The role of the bacterial microbiome in the treatment of cancer


Locally resident microbiota, especially the microbiota of the gastrointestinal tract and other parts of the digestive system, have been found to be closely related to the carcinogenesis of the resident organ . The influence of the intratumour microbiome of gastrointestinal can- cer also plays an indispensable role in the outcome of cancer treatment. The value of the intratumour microbiome and the me- tabolism of tumour cells may be another target of future research on other cancers..