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Hypoproliferative Anemias

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Chapter 098. Iron Deficiency and Other Hypoproliferative Anemias (Part 1)


Iron Deficiency and Other Hypoproliferative Anemias. Iron Deficiency and Other Hypoproliferative Anemias: Introduction. Anemias associated with normocytic and normochromic red cells and an inappropriately low reticulocyte response (reticulocyte index <2.0–2.5) are hypoproliferative anemias.

Chapter 098. Iron Deficiency and Other Hypoproliferative Anemias (Part 10)


Iron Deficiency and Other Hypoproliferative Anemias. Table 98-6 Diagnosis of Hypoproliferative Anemias. Renal Disease. to severe. Mild Mild to. 80–90 90 90. SI <30 <50 Normal Normal. TIBC >360 <300 Normal Normal. <10 10–20 Normal Normal. Anemia of Renal Disease. Chronic renal failure is usually associated with a moderate to severe hypoproliferative anemia. the level of the anemia correlates with the severity of. the renal failure.

Chapter 098. Iron Deficiency and Other Hypoproliferative Anemias (Part 9)


Iron Deficiency and Other Hypoproliferative Anemias. Anemia of Acute and Chronic Inflammation/Infection (the Anemia of Chronic Disease).

Chapter 098. Iron Deficiency and Other Hypoproliferative Anemias (Part 4)


Iron Deficiency and Other Hypoproliferative Anemias. Stages of Iron Deficiency. Iron-deficiency anemia is the condition in which there is anemia and clear evidence of iron lack. The progression to iron deficiency can be divided into three stages (Fig. Laboratory studies in the evolution of iron deficiency. Patients with iron-deficiency anemia demonstrate all the same abnormalities plus hypochromic microcytic anemia. This is a period of iron-deficient erythropoiesis .

Chapter 098. Iron Deficiency and Other Hypoproliferative Anemias (Part 7)


Iron Deficiency and Other Hypoproliferative Anemias. The distinction between true iron- deficiency anemia and the anemia associated with chronic inflammation is among the most common diagnostic problems encountered by clinicians (see below).. Iron-Deficiency Anemia: Treatment. The severity and cause of iron-deficiency anemia will determine the appropriate approach to treatment.

Chapter 098. Iron Deficiency and Other Hypoproliferative Anemias (Part 5)


Iron Deficiency and Other Hypoproliferative Anemias. Clinical Presentation of Iron Deficiency. Certain clinical conditions carry an increased likelihood of iron deficiency.. Pregnancy, adolescence, periods of rapid growth, and an intermittent history of blood loss of any kind should alert the clinician to possible iron deficiency. A cardinal rule is that the appearance of iron deficiency in an adult male means gastrointestinal blood loss until proven otherwise.

Chapter 098. Iron Deficiency and Other Hypoproliferative Anemias (Part 6)


Iron Deficiency and Other Hypoproliferative Anemias. Table 98-3 Iron Store Measurements. Serum Ferritin, µg/L. 1–300 mg Trace to 1+ 15–30. 300–800 mg 2+ 30–60. 800–1000 mg. 3+ 60–150. Iron overload — >500–1000. Red Cell Protoporphyrin Levels. Protoporphyrin is an intermediate in the pathway to heme synthesis. Under conditions in which heme synthesis is impaired, protoporphyrin accumulates within the red cell. Normal values are <30 µg/dL of red cells.

Chapter 058. Anemia and Polycythemia (Part 9)


With a hypoproliferative anemia, no erythroid hyperplasia is noted in the marrow, whereas patients with ineffective red cell production have erythroid hyperplasia and an M/E ratio <. Hypoproliferative Anemias. At least 75% of all cases of anemia are hypoproliferative in nature. A hypoproliferative anemia reflects absolute or relative marrow failure in which the erythroid marrow has not proliferated appropriately for the degree of anemia.

Chapter 098. Iron Deficiency and Other Hypoproliferative Anemias (Part 2)


The iron-transferrin complex circulates in the plasma until it interacts with specific transferrin receptors on the surface of marrow erythroid cells. Once the iron-bearing transferrin interacts with its receptor, the complex is internalized via clathrin-coated pits and transported to an acidic endosome, where the iron is released at the low pH. The iron is then made available for heme synthesis...

Chapter 098. Iron Deficiency and Other Hypoproliferative Anemias (Part 3)


The balance of iron in humans is tightly controlled and designed to conserve iron for reutilization. Iron may also enter the body through red-cell transfusions or injection of iron complexes. The margin between the amount of iron available for absorption and the requirement for iron in growing infants and the adult female is narrow. prevalence of iron deficiency worldwide—currently estimated...

Chapter 098. Iron Deficiency and Other Hypoproliferative Anemias (Part 8)


Although small doses of iron or iron preparations with delayed release may help somewhat, the gastrointestinal side effects are a major impediment to the effective treatment of a number of patients.. If iron deficiency persists despite adequate treatment, it may be necessary to switch to parenteral iron therapy.. Parenteral Iron Therapy. Parenteral iron use has been rising rapidly in the...

Chapter 098. Iron Deficiency and Other Hypoproliferative Anemias (Part 11)


this form of anemia may be prevalent in the elderly. Changes in the erythrocyte indices on refeeding should prompt evaluation of iron, folate, and B 12 status.. The peripheral blood smear may show spur cells and stomatocytes from the accumulation of excess cholesterol in the membrane from a deficiency of lecithin cholesterol acyltransferase. Patients with more. Importantly, the liberal use...

Chapter 100. Megaloblastic Anemias (Part 1)


Megaloblastic Anemias. Megaloblastic Anemias: Introduction. The megaloblastic anemias are a group of disorders characterized by the presence of distinctive morphologic appearances of the developing red cells in the bone marrow.

Chapter 101. Hemolytic Anemias and Anemia Due to Acute Blood Loss (Part 1)


Hemolytic Anemias. Anemias due to increased destruction of red cells, or hemolytic anemias (HAs), may be inherited or acquired. From the clinical point of view, they may be more acute or more chronic, and they may vary from mild to very severe. The site of hemolysis may be predominantly intravascular or extravascular.

Chapter 100. Megaloblastic Anemias (Part 4)


Megaloblastic Anemias. Biochemical Basis of Megaloblastic Anemia. The common feature of all megaloblastic anemias is a defect in DNA synthesis that affects rapidly dividing cells in the bone marrow.

Chapter 101. Hemolytic Anemias and Anemia Due to Acute Blood Loss (Part 5)


Hemolytic Anemias and Anemia Due to Acute Blood Loss. Hemolytic Anemias Due to Abnormalities of the Membrane- Cytoskeleton Complex. The detailed architecture of the red cell membrane is complex, but its basic design is relatively simple (Fig. The lipid bilayer, which incorporates phospholipids and cholesterol, is spanned by a number of proteins that have their hydrophobic transmembrane domains embedded in the membrane.

Chapter 101. Hemolytic Anemias and Anemia Due to Acute Blood Loss (Part 3)


Inherited Hemolytic Anemias. There are three essential components in the red cell: (1) hemoglobin, (2) the membrane-cytoskeleton complex, and (3) the metabolic machinery necessary to keep (1) and (2) in working order. Here we will discuss diseases of the latter two components. Diseases caused by abnormalities of hemoglobin are discussed in Chap

Chapter 101. Hemolytic Anemias and Anemia Due to Acute Blood Loss (Part 18)


Hemolytic Anemias and Anemia Due to Acute Blood Loss. Anemia Due to Acute Blood Loss. Blood loss causes anemia by two main mechanisms: first, by the direct loss of red cells. second, because if the loss of blood is protracted, it will gradually deplete the iron stores, eventually resulting in iron deficiency. Iron-deficiency anemia is discussed in Chap.

Chapter 101. Hemolytic Anemias and Anemia Due to Acute Blood Loss (Part 11)


Hemolytic Anemias and Anemia Due to Acute Blood Loss. Table 101-5 Drugs that Carry Risk of Clinical Hemolysis in Persons with G6PD Deficiency. Table 101-6 Diseases/Clinical Situations with Predominantly Intravascular Hemolysis. red cells. red cell population. Exacerba tions due to C activation. lysis of normal red cells. Red cell fragmentation. Red cell morphology on blood smear

Chapter 101. Hemolytic Anemias and Anemia Due to Acute Blood Loss (Part 6)


Hemolytic Anemias and Anemia Due to Acute Blood Loss. Peripheral blood smear from patients with membrane-cytoskeleton abnormalities. Hereditary spherocytosis. Elliptocytosis, with both alleles of the α-spectrin gene mutated.. Table 101-3 Inherited Diseases of the Red Cell Membrane- Cytoskeleton. Mutations of this gene account for about 65% of HE.. More severe forms may be. due to. SPTB 14q23-q24.1 β- Spectrin. Mutations of this gene. account for. ~30% of HE, including some severe forms..