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Install PHP

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Publishing AJAX and PHP - part 26


Although we assume you already have some experience developing PHP applications, we'll quickly go through the steps to install your machine with the necessary software.. these instructions apply to both Windows and *nix users, so be sure not to miss this section at the end of the appendix.. To build websites with AJAX and PHP you will need (quite unsurprisingly) to install PHP.

Secure PHP Development- P3


In the Linux appendix, you learn how you can install PHP and related tools on a Linux platform.. I am always very interested in learning what my readers are thinking about and how this book could be made more useful. If you are interested in contacting me directly, please send e-mail to [email protected] . The most updated versions of all the PHP applications discussed in this book can be found at http://www.evoknow.com/phpbook.php.

Giải pháp thiết kế web động với PHP - p 4


Unless you need IIS for ASP or ASP.NET, I recommend that you install Apache, using XAMPP or one of the other popular all-in-one packages, as described in the next section. For instructions on how to install PHP in IIS, skip ahead to “Installing PHP with the Microsoft Web Platform Installer.” Installing XAMPP on Windows XAMPP installs Apache, PHP, MySQL, phpMyAdmin, and several other tools on your computer in a single operation. Two others are WampServer (www.wampserver.com/en/) and.

PHP and MySQL Web Development - P165


Before we can install PHP, you need to have Apache preconfigured so that it knows where everything is.You will come back to this later in the section when you set up the Apache server. gunzip -c apache_1.3.27.tar.gz | tar xvf. cd apache_1.3.27. ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/apache. gunzip -c php-4.2.3.tar.gz | tar xvf. Again there are many options with PHP’s configure command. --with-xml --with-apache=../apache with-curl=..

Secure PHP Development- P162


This appendix describes how you can install PHP and related tools on a Linux platform.. Most people run the Apache Web server with Linux. You can install Apache 2.0 either by using an RPM binary distribution or by com- piling it from the source distributions. You can install it using the following command:. Once it is installed, you can access it from the /usr/local/apache directory..

Phát triển web với PHP và MySQL - p 82


Now it’s time to install PHP. PHP requires that you have Apache preconfigured so that it knows where everything is. You will come back to this later in the section when you set up the Apache server. Change back to the directory where you have the sources.. gunzip -c apache_1.3.x.tar.gz | tar xf. ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/apache. Okay, now you can start setting up PHP. gunzip -c php-4.0.x.tar.gz | tar xvf. Again there are many options with PHP’s configure command.

PHP/My SQL Tutorial


The supplied README file deals with the installation in some detail, but here's the Reader's Digest version: If you want to install PHP to a folder other than C:\php3, you'll need to edit the .inf file that comes with PHP.. If you open up that file, you'll see there are lots of interesting things to change. If you're using Apache for Win32, set up Apache to recognize and parse PHP files. Or if you're using IIS or PWS, right-click on php_iis_reg.inf and select 'Install'.

OBJECT-ORIENTED PHP Concepts, Techniques, and Code- P19


(If you want to install PHP as a static module, you will also have to down- load the source code for Apache.) Instructions for compiling PHP are readily available at http://php.net, but taking this route requires familiarity with working from the command line in Linux.. The Windows PHP installer will get you up and running in minutes, but it is not meant for a production server—it’s better to perform a manual installation.

Giải pháp thiết kế web động với PHP - p 5


If you installed XAMPP, MAMP, or used the Microsoft Web PI to install PHP, all the extensions listed here should be enabled. If you used a different method to install PHP, and any of the extensions are missing from your setup, you need to upgrade your PHP testing environment. extensions aren t supported, some of the code in this book won t work when you upload your files to your website.

Phát triển web với PHP và MySQL - p 3


The home page for PHP is available at http://www.php.net. If you need even higher performance, you can obtain the Zend Optimizer, Zend Cache, or Zend Compiler from http://www.zend.com. With this new version, you can install PHP as an ISAPI module for Microsoft’s Internet Information Server.. Why Use PHP and MySQL?. To demonstrate this, the examples in this book have been written and tested on two popular setups:.

Học php, mysql và javascript - p 51


Windows "C:\Program Files\EasyPHP 3.0\php\pear". INSTALLED PACKAGES, CHANNEL PEAR.PHP.NET:. cd \Program Files\EasyPHP 3.0\php pear channel-discover pear.phpunit.de pear install phpunit/PHPUnit. pear channel-discover pear.phpunit.de pear install phpunit/PHPUnit. So, for example, consider the case of testing PHP’s in-built array and the function sizeof and its alias count . 482 | Appendix E: Using PEAR and PHPUnit. PHPUnit testing in action require_once 'PHPUnit/Framework.php';.

Install PHP - MySQL with IIS bằng hình ảnh


Copy file C:\PHP\sapi\php4isapi.dll vào C:\PHP - Rename file php.ini-dist thành php.ini. gõ php.ini. Edit vài thông số trong php.ini như sau. Save file php.ini lại.. Xem hình bên dưới. Kiểm tra

PHP and MySQL Web Development - P164


Let’s now install Apache, PHP, and MySQL under a Unix environment

IIS Web Server - Part 3 - Install Microsoft Web Platform & Install BlogEngine.Net


Trong này tích hợp rất nhiều tiện ích như .Net Framework, PHP.... Hổ trợ cả việc cài đặt SQl Server nhanh chóng. Trong phần Web Apps Microsoft Web Flatform tích hợ rất nhiều bộ Source nổi tiếng trên thế giới. Bây giờ tôi sẽ hướng dẫn các bạn cách cài đặt BlogEngine.Net từ Microsoft Web Flatform Bạn vào IIS chọ Website cần cài đặt sau đó nhấp chọn Microsoft Web Flatform. Tại màn hình Web Flatform Installer bạn chọn mục Web Applications ->. BlogEngine.Net sau đó chọn tiếp Install.

Phát triển web với PHP và MySQL - p 83


Install the php.ini file and the DLLs as mentioned previously.. Script Map] “.php”=”C:\\Program Files\\PHP\\php4isapi.dll”. In the PWS Manager, right-click a given directory you want to add PHP support to, and select Properties. You can set up PHP and MySQL with other Web servers such as Omni, HTTPD, and Netscape Enterprise Server.

Secure PHP Development- P168


As root, change to the PHP source distribution directory and run the following:. make install to compile and install the PHP inter- preter on your system.. You can either store the PHP module within the Apache binary or install it as a DSO module for Apache. You must have DSO support enabled in Apache before you can use PHP as a DSO module. To recompile Apache with DSO support, do the following:. From the Apache source distribution directory, run the following com- mand as root:.

PHP Developer's Dictionary- P116


The DIR parameter is the LDAP base install directory and defaults to /usr/local/ldap.. This option includes support for the mcrypt library. The DIR option for this command is optional and defines the mcrypt base install directory.. This option enables mSQL support in PHP. The DIR parameter specifies the mSQL install directory and defaults to /usr/local.. This option enables MySQL support in PHP. The DIR parameter specifies the MySQL install directory and defaults to /usr/local..

Publishing PHP eclipse - part 11


It watches the PHP engine. This setup allows different clients to use DBG since DBG sits between and independent from the PHP engine and client callers. Installing the Debugger. Before we can even start to configure Eclipse, we need to prepare our environment. We will need to install and configure DBG to listen to our PHP engine.. First, we need to install DBG.

PHP and MySQL Web Development - P168


AddType application/x-httpd-php .php. Action application/x-httpd-php "/php/php.exe ". (You can also install it as a CGI, but we strongly recommend you use the ISAPI module as it is faster.) It assumes that you have followed the steps in either the “Using InstallShield” or “Manual Installation” sections.The main difference is that the doc_root configuration directive is likely to be “c:/Inetpub/wwwroot”..



While not as powerful as the original Zend Server, which was designed for running and managing business-critical PHP applications in production, it’s absolutely perfect to use as a development platform, and is available for all of the following:. Windows XP, service pack 2. Windows Vista (excluding Starter). Zend Server CE comes with everything you need, including Apache and PHP (and with a little configuring, MySQL, too) and is very easy to install.