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Lập trình web với PHP


Ngôn ngữ lập trình php.. 10/10/10 3. Ngôn ngữ lập trình php. Ngôn ngữ lập trình php(TT). 10/10/10 5. 10/10/10 7. 10/10/10 9. 10/10/10 11

Secure PHP Development- P1


Secure PHP. Your in-depth guide to designing and developing secure PHP applications. You’ll learn how to:. Follow the entire process of each PHP application life cycle from requirements, design, and develop- ment to maintenance and tuning.. Use PHP in groupware, document management, issue tracking, bug tracking, and business applications. Mature as a PHP developer by using software practices as part...

Secure PHP Development- P2


Wiley Publishing, Inc.. Requests to the Publisher for permission should be addressed to the Legal Department, Wiley Publishing, Inc., 10475 Crosspoint Blvd., Indianapolis, IN fax E-Mail:. is a trademark of Wiley Publishing, Inc.. LIMIT OF LIABILITY/DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY: WHILE THE PUBLISHER AND AUTHOR HAVE USED THEIR BEST EFFORTS IN PREPARING THIS BOOK, THEY MAKE NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES WITH RESPECT...

Secure PHP Development- P3


Part VII: Appendixes. The four appendixes in Part VII present a detailed description of the contents and structure of the CD-ROM, and help on PHP, SQL and Linux. The CD-ROM contains full source code used in the entire book.. The SQL appendix introduces you to various commands that enable you to cre- ate and manage MySQL databases, tables, and so...

Secure PHP Development- P4


Part I Designing PHP Applications Chapter 1 Features of Practical PHP Applications. Features of a Practical PHP Application. Using external configuration files. Using relational database. Identifying the Sources of Risk. Minimizing User-Input Risks. Running external programs with user input. Getting user input in a safe way. Chapter 3 PHP Best Practices. Best Practices for Naming Variables and Functions. Best Practices...

Secure PHP Development- P5


Designing and Implementing the Internet Resource Manager Application Classes. Designing and implementing the IrmCategory class. Designing and implementing the IrmResource class. Designing and implementing the Message class. Creating a Category Manager Application. Creating a Resource Manager Application. Creating a Search Manager Application. Designing and Implementing the Help Application Classes. Designing and implementing the Help class. Part III Developing E-mail Solutions...

Secure PHP Development- P6


Creating the makesite.conf file. Creating the virtual host configuration. Creating the contents configuration file. Creating the e-mail template. Creating the makesite script. Creating the Configuration File. Creating the Application Configuration Files. Creating the main configuration file. Creating the errors file. Creating the Web Forms Submission Manager Application. Creating the Web Forms Reporter Application. Creating the CSV Data Exporter Application. Creating...

Secure PHP Development- P7


Designing PHP Applications. Features of Practical PHP Applications. 02 549669 PP01.qxd AM Page 1. IN THIS CHAPTER. Exploring the features of a practical PHP application. Putting the features to work in applications. Today PHP is widely used in both personal and corporate worlds as an efficient Web application platform. In most cases, PHP is introduced in a corporation because of...

Secure PHP Development- P8


empty($_REQUEST[‘name. $_REQUEST[‘name. If the end user wants to change the page this script displays, he or she has to modify the script itself, which has a higher chance of breaking the application. $PHPLIB_DIR = $_SERVER[‘DOCUMENT_ROOT. Add PHPLIB path to PHP’s include path. ini_set( ‘include_path. $PHPLIB_DIR . ini_get(‘include_path’));. Include the PHPLIB template class include(‘template.inc’);. Setup this application’s template. $OUT_TEMPLATE = ‘listing2out.html’;....

Secure PHP Development- P9


$t->set_var(“NAME”, $name);. An external configuration file separates code from information that is end-user configurable.. By separating end-user editable information to a separate configuration file we reduce the risk of unintentional modification of core application code. As a developer, you can instruct the end user to only modify the configuration file and never to change anything in the core application files....

Secure PHP Development- P10


$t->set_var(“ERRORS”, $errors);. $t->set_var(“NUM1”, $num1);. $t->set_var(“NUM2”, $num2);. $t->set_var(“OPERATOR”, $operator);. $t->set_var(“RESULT”, $result);. http://yourserver/ch1/calc.php?num1=123&operator=%2B&num2=0. The calc.php script produces an output screen, as shown in Figure 1-1, using the. calc.html template stored in ch1/templates. Figure 1-1: Output of the calc.php script.. Figure 1-2: Output of the calc.php script (calling without an operator).. Figure 1-3: Output of calc.php script (divide by zero error message).. “<li>You...

Secure PHP Development- P11


However, if you wanted to choose the Spanish language ( ES ) version of error messages, all you have to do is set LANGUAGE to ES in calc2.conf and uncomment the ES version of error codes in calc2.errors file. If you need to store data, strongly consider using a relational database. If you have access to a fast database such...

Secure PHP Development- P12


Minimizing User-Input Risks. Running external programs with user input. Listing 2-1 shows a simple PHP script called bad_whois.php ( bad_ has been added so that you think twice before actually putting this script in any real Web site).. Listing 2-1: bad_whois.php. $_REQUEST[‘domain. $WHOIS = ‘/usr/bin/whois’;. exec(“$WHOIS $domain”, $output, $errors);. ‘<br>’;. http://server/bad_whois.php?domain=evoknow.com. Figure 2-1: Harmless output of bad_whois.php script.. domain=evoknow.com is...

Secure PHP Development- P13


echo “Check if user given coupon is valid or not.<br>”;. user is a customer or not.. echo “Check if user is a customer or not.<br>”;. http://server/bad_autovars.php?couponCode=2000. If the coupon code is valid, it checks whether the current user is a customer. If the current user is a customer, it shows a message indicating that the customer is a winner. If...

Secure PHP Development- P14


Following are some of the regular expression functions PHP provides:. preg_match. This function takes a regular expression and searches for it in the given string. For example, say you want to find out if a user data field called $userData contains anything other than digits. You can test it with preg_match(“/[^0-9. Here, the regular expression /[^0-9]/ tells preg_match to find...

Secure PHP Development- P15


PHP Best Practices. IN THIS CHAPTER. Best practices for naming variables and functions or methods. Best practices for functions or methods. Best practices for database. Best practices for user interface. Best practices for documentation. Best practices for configuration management. T HE APPLICATION CODE PRESENTED in this book uses a set of programming practices that qualify as best practices for any...

Secure PHP Development- P16


echo “Address 2 = $addr2\n”;. echo “City = $city\n”;. echo “State = $state\n”;. echo “ZIP = $zip\n”;. ‘NAME’ =>. ‘EMAIL’ =>. ‘AGE’ =>. ‘ADDR1’ =>. ‘ADDR2’ =>. ‘CITY’ =>. ‘STATE’ =>. ‘ZIP’ =>. echo “Name = $params[‘NAME’]\n”;. echo “Email = $params[‘EMAIL’]\n”;. echo “Age = $params[‘AGE’]\n”;. echo “Address 1 = $params[‘ADDR1’]\n”;. echo “Address 2 = $params[‘ADDR2’]\n”;. echo “City = $params[‘CITY’]\n”;. echo...

Secure PHP Development- P17


$params[‘FNAME. $params[‘LNAME. $params[‘SCHOOL. $params[‘YEAR’];. $stmt = “UPDATE myTable SET $values WHERE ID = $params[‘ID’]”;. $fields = array(‘FNAME’ =>. ‘LNAME’ =>. ‘SCHOOL’ =>. ‘YEAR’ =>. echo “<html>”;. echo “<head><title>My Document</title></head>”;. echo “<body bgcolor=’#ffffff’>”;. echo “<h1>Hello $user</h1>”;. echo “</body>”;. echo “</html>”;. $MY_TEMPLATE = ‘screen.ihtml’;. <body bgcolor=”#ffffff”>. $MY_TEMPLATE = ‘bad_screen.ihtml’;

Secure PHP Development- P18


$template->set_file(‘fh’, $MY_TEMPLATE);. $template->set_block (‘fh’, ‘mainBlock’, ‘main’);. $template->set_var(‘USERNAME’, $user);. $template->set_var(‘CMD_OPTIONS’, $cmdOptions);. $template->parse(‘main’,’mainBlock’, FALSE);. $template->pparse(‘output’, ‘fh’);. <body bgcolor=”#ffffff”>. <select name=”cmd”>. The <option value=”{CMD_ID}”>{CMD_NAME}</option>. <option value=”{CMD_ID}”>{CMD_NAME}</option>. $template->set_block (‘mainBlock’, ‘optionBlock’, ‘options’);. $template->set_var(‘CMD_ID’, $cmdID);. $template->set_var(‘CMD_NAME’, $cmdName);. $template->parse(‘options’,’optionBlock’, TRUE);. When using the Template object to display a user interface, you may think that many calls to the set_var() method are needed to replace template tags. $template->set_var(‘FIRST’,...

Secure PHP Development- P19


Enable all error reporting error_reporting(E_ALL). There are many error reporting levels. You can find all about these error reporting levels in http://www.php.net/manual/en/