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Ischemic stroke

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Prognostic factors related to clinical outcome following thrombectomy in ischemic stroke


FOLLOWING THROMBECTOMY IN ISCHEMIC STROKE. Acute ischemic stroke continues to be one of the leading causes of disability and death and is a financial burden to an already taxed health care system. Nevertheless prognostics factors need to be systematically analyzed in the context of these new therapeutic strategies. The aim of this study was to analyze prognostic factors related to clinical outcome following thrombectomy in ischemic stroke..

Neuroprotective effects of amiodarone in a mouse model of ischemic stroke


Although it is known that amiodarone indirectly contributes to preventing ischemic stroke by maintaining sinus rhythm in patients with atrial fibrillation, the direct neuroprotective effect of amiodarone has not been clarified. The purpose of this study was to investigate the direct effect of amiodarone on ischemic stroke in mice..

Comparison of urodynamic characteristics in cerebral hemorrhage and ischemic stroke patients at Bach Mai hospital in 2016-2017


COMPARISON OF URODYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS IN CEREBRAL HEMORRHAGE AND ISCHEMIC STROKE. Objectives: To compare the urodynamic characteristics of patients with hemorrhagic stroke and those with cerebral ischemic stroke patients at Bachmai Hospital in . Subject and method: A descriptive prospective study on 84 stroke patients (26 with hemorrhagic stroke and 58 with local ischemic stroke) meeting inclusion criteria.

Ischemic stroke induces cardiac dysfunction and alters transcriptome profile in mice


Approximately 67% of acute ischemic stroke patients have ischemic and/or arrhythmic electrocardiogram abnormalities in the first 24 h after a stroke [31]. And although we selected the appropriate monofilament, the location and extent of neurological deficit and in- farction in MCAO mice in the same group may not be. Expression of the identified DEGs from RNAseq experiments were quantified using quantitative PCR (qPCR).

Transcriptome profiling revealed early vascular smooth muscle cell gene activation following focal ischemic stroke in female rats – comparisons with males


Ischemic stroke is one of the leading causes of death and disability in the world [1]. In the case of thrombolysis, the risk of these adverse effects does not outweigh the benefits past 4.5 h post stroke, which limits the use in clinical practice [6].. Despite intense research efforts during several decades with more than 1000 compounds tested and numerous interventions that have shown promise in pre-clinical studies, all failed in the clinical studies [7].

Outcomes of general anesthesia versus conscious sedation for Stroke undergoing endovascular treatment: A meta-analysis


Outcomes of general anesthesia and conscious sedation in endovascular treatment for Stroke.. Anesthesia technique and outcomes of mechanical Thrombectomy in patients with acute ischemic Stroke. Impact of anesthesia on the outcome of acute ischemic Stroke after endovascular treatment with the Solitaire stent retriever. Outcomes of anesthesia selection in endovascular treatment of acute ischemic Stroke.

Nghiên cứu hiệu quả điều trị đột quỵ não trong 6 giờ đầu bằng dụng cụ cơ học Solitaire stent


Intraarterial thrombolysis trials in acute ischemic stroke. Retrospective multicenter study of solitaire FR for revascularization in the treatment of acute ischemic stroke. ischemic stroke-STAR. Safety and efficacy of mechanical embolectomy in acute ischemic stroke: Results of the MERCI Trial. Solitaire flow restoration device versus the Merci Retriever in patients with acute ischemic stroke (SWIFT): a randomised, parallel-group, nom- inferiority trial.

Nghiên cứu đặc điểm hình ảnh cộng hưởng từ ở bệnh nhân đột quỵ nhồi máu não


Study on Morphologic Features of Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Patients with Ischemic Stroke. Objectives: To study morphologic features of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in patients with ischemic stroke. Subjects and methods: Patients with acute ischemic stroke were diagnosed by clinic, computed tomography scan and magnetic resonance imaging scan. The cerebral hemisphere ischemic stroke is common (85.2. Conclusion: MRI had a high value to diagnose acute ischemic stroke.

Critical Care Obstetrics part 26


In the non - pregnant patient, the use of rt - PA for throm- bolysis of acute ischemic stroke is well established. In the case of ischemic stroke the drug should be administered within 3 hours of symptom onset at a typical dose of 0.9 mg/kg of maternal body weight (maximum, 90 mg). The fi rst 10% of the dose is given as a bolus followed by delivery of the remaining 90% as a constant infusion over a period of 60 minutes [244.

Khảo sát nồng độ lipoprotein associated phospholipase A2 (Lp-PLA2) ở bệnh nhân nhồi máu não cấp


Aric Study: Lp-PLA2 increases risk of ischemic stroke at all levels of blood presssure", Am J Card Suppl.. Lerman A, McConnell JP Lp-PLA2: A Risk Marker or a Risk Factor?", Am J Cardiol;101[suppl]:11F-22F.. Persson M, Berglund G et al Lp-PLA2 Activity and Mass are Associated with Increased Incidence of Ischemic Stroke

Genome-wide transcriptome analysis using RNA-Seq reveals a large number of differentially expressed genes in a transient MCAO rat model


Among the cerebrovascular diseases of the brain, ischemic stroke remains one of the leading causes of mortality and disability [1–3]. The main strengths and weaknesses of the most commonly used animal models of acute ischemic stroke have been described in a number of review articles [11–13].. The results of clinical studies indicate that, currently, thrombolysis is one of the most effective and affordable methods of treatment of ischemic stroke [16, 17].

Đánh giá kết quả bước đầu điều trị nhồi máu não cấp trong 4,5 giờ đầu bằng thuốc tiêu huyết khối đường tĩnh mạch alteplase tại Bệnh viện Đa khoa Phú Thọ


Thrombolysis with 0.6 mg/kg intravenous alteplase for acute ischemic stroke in routine clinical practice the Japan post-marketing Alteplase Registration Study (J-MARS). Thrombolysis with 0.6 mg/kg intravenous alteplase for acute ischemic stroke in routine clinical practice: The Japan post-marketing alteplase Registration Study (J-MARS). Tissue plasminogen activator for acute ischemic stroke

Nghiên cứu nồng độ osteopontin huyết tương ở bệnh nhân đột quỵ nhồi máu não không do nguyên nhân từ tim trong 7 ngày đầu


In ischemic stroke patients, the average sOPN concentration of patients with mild clinical picture (NIHSS <. Conclusion: The sOPN concentration of ischemic stroke patients was higher than that of the control group who was healthy. Ischemic stroke patients with NIHSS ≥ 5, mRS >. Keywords: Ischemic stroke. Khi x ả y ra Đ QNMN, ổ t ổ n th ươ ng s ẽ t ạ o nên 3 vùng: vùng lõi hay trung tâm là ổ nh ồ i máu (infarction), vùng n ử a t ố i n ử a sáng (penumbra) và vùng xung quanh (surrounding).

Carotid approach to anterior circulation thromboembolectomy in an adult with failing fontan physiology: A case report


Society for Neuroscience in Anesthesiology and Critical Care Expert consensus statement: anesthetic management of endovascular treatment for acute ischemic stroke*:. Blood pressure management in early ischemic stroke. Germon TJ, Evans PE, Barnett NJ, et al

Nghiên cứu nồng độ myeloperoxidase huyết tương ở bệnh nhân nhồi máu não giai đoạn cấp


STUDY OF PLASMA MYELOPEROXIDASE LEVELS IN PATIENTS WITH ACUTE ISCHEMIC STROKE. Results: Mean plasma MPO level was in patients with acute ischemic stroke pmol/l). 0.510, p <0.001 and y = -25.57 x + 486.0. Tai biến mạch máu não (TBMMN) là một bệnh lý đang ngày càng thu hút sự quan tâm không chỉ của riêng ngành y tế mà của toàn xã hội vì những hậu quả nặng nề mà nó để lại. Myeloperoxidase (MPO) là một glycoprotein được tiết ra từ các bạch cầu trung tính đa nhân bị kích hoạt.

Thông báo trường hợp bệnh moyamoya được chẩn đoán lần đầu tiên tại Bệnh viện 103


Ocular ischemic syndrome in a child with moyamoya disease and neurofibromatosis. Moyamoya disease: a summary. Clinical features of Moyamoya disease in the United States. Moyamoya Disease in China, Its Clinical Features and Outcomes. Moyamoya disease in Europeans.. Moyamoya-disease-related ischemic stroke in the postpartum period. Moyamoya disease:. Clinical outcome after 450 revascularization procedures for moyamoya disease

Associations between alcohol consumption and cardiovascular disease among longterm survivors of colorectal cancer: A population-based, retrospective cohort study


Table 2 Alcohol ’ s effects on CVD, IHD, and stroke risks among male long-term survivors of colorectal cancer. 10 – 19.9 g/day ( n = 1064). hazardous alcohol consumption group than in the ab- stainer group among survivors of CRC, and the magni- tude was higher for hemorrhagic than for ischemic stroke. Key risk factors for hemorrhagic stroke are hypertension and atherosclerosis in the small vessels of the brain [24].