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Linear discriminant analysis

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Validation assessments on resampling method in imbalanced binary classification for linear discriminant analysis


Validation assessments on resampling method in imbalanced binary classification for linear discriminant analysis. VALIDATION ASSESSMENTS ON RESAMPLING METHOD IN IMBALANCED BINARY CLASSIFICATION FOR. Previous studies have attempted to address the effect of a resampling method on the performance of LDA.

Nhận dạng ảnh mặt người sử dụng mạng Nơron



Keywords: Human Face Recognition, Principal Components Analysis, Linear Discriminant Analysis, Morphological Processing, Neural Network based Back-propagation Learning Algorithm.

Ứng dụng mô hình Gauss tuyến tính trong nhận dạng một bộ khẩu lệnh tiếng Việt



Then, the thesis presents many kinds of linear Gaussian models that combine the differences state and observation processes. Results and conclusion • Study to build Vietnamese speech database • Study to applicate linear Gaussian models in Vietnamese speech recognition Keyword: Speech recognition, linear Gaussian models, hidden Markov model, Factor analysed hidden Markov model, linear discriminant analysis,

Nghiên cứu phương pháp nhận dạng mặt người dựa trên PCA - LDA và mạng Neural


Có hai phƣơng pháp nhận dạng phổ biến hiện nay là nhận dạng dựa trên đặc trƣng hình học của các phần tử trên khuôn mặt nhƣ biển đổi Sóng Wavelet (Gabor Wavelet) và Mạng Nơron (Neural Network. và nhận dạng dựa trên xét tổng thể toàn khuôn mặt nhƣ phƣơng pháp Phân tích thành phần chính (Principal Component Analysis – PCA) phƣơng pháp Phân tích phân lớp tuyến tính (Linear Discriminant Analysis – LDA.

HseSUMO: Sumoylation site prediction using half-sphere exposures of amino acids residues


The former applied a covariance discriminant algorithm in combination with pseudo amino acid composition model.. The latter works by computing a position-specific amino acid propensity matrix at locations of interest, which was then used in combination with linear discriminant analysis..

A partially function-to-topic model for protein function prediction


From protein sequence to protein function via multi-label linear discriminant analysis. Decision trees for hierarchical multi-label classification. ML-KNN : a lazy learning approach to multi-label learning. Mining multi-label data

Ứng dụng một số mô hình học máy trong dự báo chiều biến động của thị trường chứng khoán Việt Nam


Ví dụ về các kỹ thuật học máy có thể nhắc đến như Mạng thần kinh nhân tạo (Artificial Neural Networks - ANN), Máy vectơ hỗ trợ (Support Vector Machines - SVM) và Lập trình di truyền (Genetic Programming - GP), thuật toán K-lân cận (K-nearest neighbors - KNN), Mô hình hồi quy Logistic, phân tích phân biệt tuyến tính (Linear Discriminant Analysis – LDA), phân tích phân biệt toàn phương (Quadratic Discriminant Analysis - QDA).. Bài báo này sẽ khám phá một ứng dụng của Học máy trong tài chính.

Phân nhóm các thuật toán học máy


Hình 15: Dimensional Reduction AlgorithmsCác thuật toán Giảm chiều dữ liệu phổ biến như: Flexible Discriminant Analysis (FDA) Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) Mixture Discriminant Analysis (MDA) Multidimensional Scaling (MDS) Partial Least Squares Regression (PLSR) Principal Component Analysis (PCA) Principal Component Regression (PCR) Projection Pursuit Quadratic Discriminant Analysis (QDA) Sammon Mappingk.

Luận văn Thạc sĩ Khoa học máy tính: Nhận dạng khuôn mặt trong hỗ trợ công tác quản lý tiếp dân


Phương pháp nhận dạng khuôn mặt fisherface đuợc mô tả bởi Belhumeur và cộng sự sử dụng cả phân tích thành phần cơ bản - Principal Components Analysis (PCA) và phân tích phân biệt tuyến tính - Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) để tạo ra một ma trận chiếu không gian con, tương tự như được sử dụng trong phương pháp eigenface. Có Fisher’s Linear Discriminant (FLD), chúng ta có thể phân loại tập huấn luyện để xử lý với những người khác nhau và biểu hiện trên khuôn mặt khác nhau.

Insights into Klebsiella pneumoniae type VI secretion system transcriptional regulation


Results: We analyzed the genomes of Kp52.145, HS11286 and NTUH-K2044 strains to perform a broad prediction and re-annotation of T6SS genes through similarity searches, comparative and linear discriminant analysis. 38 genes were found in Kp52.145, while 29 in HS11286 and 30 in NTUH-K2044. Some of the T6SS genes are comprised in syntenic regions. 17 sigma 70-dependent promoter regions were identified in Kp52.145, 12 in HS11286 and 12 in NTUH-K2044.

Optical character recognition using neural networks


LINEAR DISCRIMINANT ANALYSIS The linear discriminant analysis is one of the techniques of predictive discriminant analysis. We note the centers of gravity of the conditional point clouds, their variance-covariance matrix. The Bayesian rule is to produce an estimate of the a posteriori probability of assignment is the a priori probability of belonging to a class.

A procedure for taxon assessment based on morphological variation in European water frogs (Pelophylax esculentus complex)


Linear discriminant analysis with both quantitative and qualitative traits as a rapid method for the assessment of water frog taxa showed satisfactory accuracy and prediction classification for all 3 members of the complex.. BREKA et al. Günther et al., 1991). Besides the shape of inner metatarsal tubercle, the most commonly used qualitative characters are the level of ventral maculation, presence/absence of the dorsal stripe, presence/absence of stripes or spots on the dorsal side of the frog.

Characterization of bacterial communities associated with the pinewood nematode insect vector Monochamus alternatus Hope and the host tree Pinus massoniana


Linear discriminant analysis effect size (LEfSe) analysis Species distribution analysis at the phylum level indi- cated that the main bacteria in the M. The Acidobacteria in infected pines was highly similar to that in healthy pines, while the Proteobacteria in infected pines was highly similar to that in the midgut of M.

Application of multifactorial discriminant analysis in the morphostructural differentiation of wild and cultured populations of Vieja Azul (Andinoacara rivulatus)


Length–weights were determined by logarithmic transformation of the following linear regression equation: log BW = a + (b × log SL), where BW is the body weight (g), SL is the standard length (cm), a is the intercept, and b is the slope of the regression curve (Ruiz-Campos et al., 2010).. The raw data of the meristic characters were used in analysis.

Using accounting ratios in predicting financial distress: An empirical investigation in the Vietnam stock market


The analytical technique employed in iden- tifying financial distress of firms should allow for a binary dependent variable in the regres- sion analysis. The ini- tial approach for predicting corporate failure in the literature is normally to apply a statistical classification technique (discriminant analysis) to a sample containing both failed and non- failed firms as indicated in Deakin (1972) and Altman et al.

Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Handbook, 2 Edition part 46


These statistical classifiers include the Euclidean distance classifier, the Fisher linear discriminant function, the Fisher linear discriminant function with pseudo-inversion of the covariance matrix, the generalized Fisher linear discriminant function, the regularized linear discrim- inant analysis, the minimum empirical error classifier, and the maximum margin classifier.. Schumacher, Robner and Vach (1996) make a detailed comparison between neural networks and logis- tic regression.

Comprehensive analysis of genetic and evolutionary features of the hepatitis E virus


Group membership prediction according to the discriminant function obtained in discriminant analysis based on the normalized codon adaptation index (N-CAI) of the HEV ORFs in relation to all the hosts.. Analysis of the similarity index of the codon usage between HEV strains and its main hosts. All three HEV ORFs were analyzed together regardless of the genotype and the data were colored according to the ORF (A).

Whole genomic comparative analysis of Streptococcus pneumoniae serotype 1 isolates causing invasive and non-invasive infections among children under 5 years in Casablanca, Morocco


Finally, we did a linear regression of the Jaccard dis- tance based on the accessory genes and the nucleotide diversity of synonym sites of core genes for each pair of genomes to provide insights of accessory genome ada- taptive evolution. DAPS: Discriminant analysis of principal components. This study is a part of the Pneumococcal African Genome project (PAGe) project.

Non-linear analysis of multilayered reinforced composite plates


Today, analysis of linear laminated composite plates has been studied by many authors. However, the analysis of non-linear laminated composite plates has received comparatively little attention . spe- cially for analysis of non-linear stiffened laminated composite plates and shells subjected to distributed transverse loads.

An effective high-order element for analysis of two-dimensional linear problem using SBFEM


Scaling center and defining cure use in the scaled boundary finite element analysis (4 linear elements case). Scaling center and defining cure use in the scaled boundary finite element analysis (2 quadratic elements case). In the geometry modelling, the scaling center is chosen at the corner of the plate (see Figs. In the numerical method, the Pois- son’s ratio ν = 0.3 and meshes with N identical linear elements and quadratic elements are em- ployed.