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Local anesthetics

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Color Atlas of Pharmacology (Part 19): Local Anesthetics


Benzocaine (ethoform) is a member of the group of local anesthetics lacking a nitrogen that can be protonated at physiological pH. 208 Local Anesthetics. Local Anesthetics 209. Local anesthetics and pH value 100. Opioid Analgesics—Morphine Type Source of opioids. Besides morphine, opium contains alkaloids devoid of an- algesic activity, e.g., the spasmolytic pa- paverine, that are also classified as opi- um alkaloids.

Differential effects and mechanisms of local anesthetics on esophageal carcinoma cell migration, growth, survival and chemosensitivity


All local anesthetics increase 8-OHdG level in esopha- geal carcinoma cells. Local anesthetics. Amide-linked local anesthetics preferentially target leukemia stem cell through inhibition of Wnt/beta- catenin. Effects of local anesthetics on breast cancer cell viability and migration. Antimetastatic potential of amide-linked local anesthetics: inhibition of lung adenocarcinoma cell migration and inflammatory Src signaling independent of sodium channel blockade..

Cytotoxicity of amide-linked local anesthetics on melanoma cells via inhibition of Ras and RhoA signaling independent of sodium channel blockade


Our findings provide preclinical evidence on how amide-linked local anesthetics could affect melanoma patients.. In line with clinical observations, preclinical studies suggest that amide-linked local anesthetics have anti- tumor effects. Ropivacaine, lidocaine and bupivacaine are amide-linked local anesthetics and act on neuron cells via blocking voltage-gated sodium-channel (VGSC). In addition, local anesthetics preferentially target cancer stem cells [14].

Combined ultrasound and nerve stimulator-guided deep nerve block may decrease the rate of local anesthetics systemic toxicity: A randomized clinical trial


Ultrasound could offer direct visualization of the nerve structures, needle pathway and local anesthetics (LAs) spread in real time and is thus widely used in peripheral nerve blocks.. [9] reported that the use of ultrasound reduced the risk of LAST throughout its continuum by 60 to 65% compared to without ultrasound.

Effect of caudal ketamine on minimum local anesthetic concentration of ropivacaine in children: A prospective randomized trial


Also, it has been proved that several additives with local anes- thetics can prolong the duration of caudal analgesia [3].. Many ad- ditives have been administrated in order to decrease the concentration of local anesthetics for caudal analgesia, while the effect of some additives on the MLAC values of local anesthetics have been explored in some previous studies [8, 9].

Case report: intravenous lipid emulsion for treatment of local anesthetic toxicity following brachial plexus anesthesia


Local anesthetic system toxicity (LAST) is a recognized complication of major conduction anesthesia. The estimate of clinically important local anesthetic toxicity is from 7.5 to 20 occurrences per 10,000 peripheral nerve blocks [6]. The incidence of toxicity is greater with brachial plexus techniques than most others, because larger than usual doses of local anesthetics are used and the injections are made in and around large vascular channels in the head, neck and axillary regions.

Maternal sciatic nerve administered bupivacaine induces hippocampal cell apoptosis in offspring


Efficacy and safety of local anesthetics bupivacaine, ropivacaine and. Use of local anesthetics for dental treatment during pregnancy. Placental transfer of drugs administered to the mother. Local Anesthetics edn: IntechOpen. iTRAQ proteomics analysis reveals that PI3K is highly associated with bupivacaine- induced neurotoxicity pathways.

Effects of regional anesthesia techniques on local anesthetic plasma levels and complications in carotid surgery: A randomized controlled pilot trial


-history of anaphylactic reaction to local anesthetics -local infection in the lateral cervical region -presumed limitation of patients ’ compliance. The limit of quantification of the method was 100 ng/ml.. Images were obtained at baseline, 15, 30 and 180 min after successful establishment of the cervical block..

Section III - Drugs Acting on the Central Nervous System


In brief, hydrophobicity increases both the potency and the duration of action of the local anesthetics. Local anesthetics prevent the generation and the conduction of the nerve impulse. The gating of the Na + channel can be modulated by protein phosphorylation. boundary of the receptor site (see Ragsdale et al. formed by the intracellular mouth of the pore.. Some of the common local anesthetics (e.g., tetracaine) are esters.

Adverse events associated with continuous interscalene block administered using the catheter-over-needle method: A retrospective analysis


However, even if the catheter tip is in the correct position, local anesthetics may spread to the anterior part of the an- terior scalene muscle, resulting in phrenic nerve block and dyspnea [16]. Similarly, when local anesthetics spread to the anterior part of the anterior scalene muscle through the prevertebral layer of the deep cervical fascia, the recur- rent laryngeal nerve is blocked, resulting in hoarseness or cough reflex during drinking, or both [17].

Improved Outcomes in Colon and Rectal Surgery part 4


Inadequate analgesia can also result from tachyphylaxis to local anesthetics, which is defined as repeated injection of the same dose of local anesthetic leading to diminishing efficacy. Additionally, inadequate analgesia can be a consequence of the tissue pH into which the local anesthetic is injected. it is only in the nonionized state that local anesthetics can penetrate the nerve sheath, thus producing analgesia.

The analgesic efficacy of subcostal transversus abdominis plane block with Mercedes incision


The oblique subcostal transversus abdominis plane (OSTAP) block has been demonstrated to improve pain-related outcomes after upper abdominal surgeries, such as laparoscopic cholecystectomy [2–4, 6–. no invasion of the diaphragm or sur- rounding tissues. allergy to local anesthetics, coagulopathy, local or sys- temic infection), history of abdominal surgery or trauma, previous liver resection, rupture or bleeding of the tumor, emergency surgery for liver resection, estimated operation time of more

Anatomical dimensions of the lumbar dural sac predict the sensory block level of continuous epidural analgesia during labor


The epidural space between the dura mater and the vertebral canal wall is used as a route for administer- ing local anesthetics. Sec- ond, local anesthetics penetrate into the subperineural space by spreading around the capillary and lymphatic channels of the vasa nervorum at the dura mater [2, 3]. Peak pain block level DSL − 0.093 × BMI Peak temperature block level DSL − 0.069 × BMI.

The effect of perineural dexamethasone on rebound pain after ropivacaine singleinjection nerve block: A randomized controlled trial


The continuous in- fusion of local anesthetics through the perineural cath- eter may reduce the incidence of rebound pain [12].. In 2018, liposomal bupivacaine was approved for interscalene nerve block. No details of rebound pain was re- ported in VandePitte’s study. If proven to be safe and effective, adjuvants to local anesthetics could be a useful and economic strategy to prevent rebound pain.

Wound infiltration with ropivacaine as an adjuvant to patient controlled analgesia for transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion: A retrospective study


Since Mullen and Cook first demonstrated the use of wound infiltration with local anesthetics in spine surgery in a few literatures reported the appli- cation of wound infiltration with local anesthetics in sev- eral surgical procedures. found that local infiltration analgesia had a reduction of VAS and morphine consumption in postoperative pain control.

Retrospective study of quadratus lumborum block for postoperative analgesia in patients undergoing percutaneous nephrolithotomy


The injection site in the vicinity of lumbar plexus and local anesthetics infiltration accounted for the faint- ness in lower extremities and better pain control after hip arthroplasty.

Efficacy of programmed intermittent bolus epidural analgesia in thoracic surgery: A randomized controlled trial


Second, in this study, the dose and concentration of local anesthetic was single, and the total dose of local anesthetic and counts of PCA were less than that of preliminary studies. We need to re- examine the small dose and concentration of local anesthetics in future studies.. PIB can reduce local anesthetic consumption in thoracic surgery. CEI: Continuous epidural infusion. PIB: Programmed intermittent bolus.

Comparative addition of dexmedetomidine and fentanyl to intrathecal bupivacaine in orthopedic procedure in lower limbs


Lower limb surgeries could be performed under local, neuroaxial and general anesthesia, but neuroaxial block is the preferred method. Administrating the combinations of other classes of analgesics with local anesthetics has used to increase the duration and reduce side effects of analgesia [3]. Some drugs have been used as adjuvants in spinal anesthesia to prolong intraoperative and postoperative analgesia [1, 2] including opioids, α2 agonists, neo- stigmine, vasoconstrictors, etc.

Determination of the ED95 of intrathecal hyperbaric prilocaine with sufentanil for scheduled cesarean delivery: A dose-finding study based on the continual reassessment method


Considering the anesthetic efficacy, numerous studies have determined the dose-response relationship of the most commonly used intrathecal local anesthetics for caesarean section [8]. Hyperbaric prilocaine (HP) 2% is an intermediate- potency amide-type local anesthetic, providing short onset, intermediate duration of motor block and few side-effects [12, 13]..

Optimal dose of perineural dexmedetomidine to prolong analgesia after brachial plexus blockade: A systematic review and Meta-analysis of 57 randomized clinical trials


Investigating the efficacy of dexmedetomidine as an adjuvant to local anesthesia in brachial plexus block a systematic review and meta-analysis of 18 randomized controlled trials. Dexmedetomidine as an adjuvant to local anesthetics in brachial plexus blocks a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Evidence basis for using perineural dexmedetomidine to enhance the quality of brachial plexus nerve blocks: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.