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Lung function

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The effects of inhaling hydrogen gas on macrophage polarization, fbrosis, and lung function in mice with bleomycin-induced lung injury


Because the endpoint of this study was to assess lung function during the fibrotic phase after lung injury, we targeted treatment during the pro- liferative phase of ARDS, which ordinary occurs 7 to 21 days after the onset of lung injury [1].

Optimal crystalloid volume ratio for blood replacement for maintaining hemodynamic stability and lung function: An experimental randomized controlled study


We hypothesized that when compared to the historical ratio of 1:3, crystalloid fluid replacement in a 1:1 ratio is sufficient to ensure hemodynamic stability with little effect on lung function as a surrogate for interstitial edema development.. The experimental procedures were approved by the institutional ethics committee for experimental research of the University of Szeged (no.

Personal innovative approach in radiation therapy of lung cancer- functional lung avoidance SPECT-guided (ASPECT) radiation therapy: A study protocol for phase II randomised double-blind clinical trial


Personal innovative approach in radiation therapy of lung cancer- functional lung. Background: Radiation therapy (RT) plays a key role in curative-intent treatment for locally advanced lung cancer.. Modern RT techniques aim to minimise the radiation dose to the lungs, without accounting for regional distribution of lung function. The study aims to assess the impact of functional lung avoidance technique on pulmonary toxicity and quality of life in patients receiving chemo-RT for lung cancer.

Mortality rate in rheumatoid arthritis-related interstitial lung disease: The role of radiographic patterns


ACR/EULAR 2010 rheumatoid arthritis classification criteria. sive decline of lung function in rheumatoid arthritis‑associated interstitial lung disease. A population‑based cohort study of rheumatoid arthritis‑associated interstitial lung disease: comorbidity and mortality. interstitial lung disease in the United States: prevalence, incidence, and healthcare costs and mortality.

Interstitial lung disease is a dominant feature in patients with circulating myositis-specifc antibodies


Clinical features, lung function, and CT scan findings were also compared between the subjects with isolated ILD and those with PM/DM-ILD (Table 3). Baseline lung function data were available for of iso- lated ILD subjects and of those with PM/. Those with isolated ILD showed more features sugges- tive of pulmonary fibrosis (reticulation and traction changes), while there were no appreciable differences in the amounts of ground glass opacities or consolidation..

Sniffer dogs can identify lung cancer patients from breath and urine samples


Data of the lung function test (FEV1) were available in 35 patients. specificity of the method was not determined. 4 comparison of the sensitivity of the diagnostic pro- cedures compared to the detection rates using breath samples (approximately equal to sensitivity) is shown.. 4 Comparison of the sensitivity of the diagnostic procedures in relation to detection rates in lung cancer using breath tests.

Repeated bronchoscopy in health and obstructive lung disease: Is the airway microbiome stable


There was no lung or airways disease in the medical history, or signs of such from the clinical examination, lung function tests or CT scans of the control subjects.. Protected bronchoalveolar lavage [2] was collected from the right middle lobe by instilling 2 × 50 mL of PSB (PBAL1 and PBAL2) within a sterile inner catheter placed in the work- ing channel, and extracted with the same sterile syringe through which the fluid was instilled.

Results of lung functional parameters measured by plethysmography in stable copd


Inspiratory-to-total lung capacity ratio predicts mortality in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.Am J Respir Crit Care Med. Correlation of pulmonary function indexes determined by low-dose MDCT with spirometric pulmonary function tests in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Lung hyperinflation and its reversibility in patients with airway obstruction of varying severity

Hemodynamic, renal and hormonal effects of lung protective ventilation during robotassisted radical prostatectomy, analysis of secondary outcomes from a randomized controlled trial


The primary purpose of this randomized study was to evaluate the effect of LTV-h.PEEP ventilation versus HTV-l.PEEP ventilation on PaO 2 and lung function postoperatively for patients undergoing RARP, which has been reported previously [9]. We hypothesized that LTV-h.PEEP ventila- tion would have adverse effects on hemodynamic, renal and hormonal parameters compared to HTV-l.PEEP ventilation.

Perioperative redistribution of regional ventilation and pulmonary function: A prospective observational study in two cohorts of patients at risk for postoperative pulmonary complications


Atelectasis and lung function in the postoperative period.. Quantification of ventilation distribution in regional lung injury by electrical impedance tomography and xenon computed tomography. Spontaneous breathing during general anesthesia prevents the ventral redistribution of ventilation as detected by electrical impedance tomography: a randomized trial.. Protective ventilation using electrical impedance tomography

A multi-centre, randomized, controlled trial on coaching and telemonitoring in patients with cystic fbrosis: ConneCT CF


Exclusion criteria include an acute depressive or psy- chotic episode, substantial immobility, no prescribed inhalation therapy, insufficient knowledge of the Ger- man language, lack of possession of a smartphone, being post-lung-transplantation, not being able to perform lung function testing, or lung function testing is contraindi- cated (e.g., because of pneumothorax or lung surgery within the previous three months).

Lung function, COPD and cognitive function: A multivariable and two sample Mendelian randomization study


Lung function, COPD and cognitive function:. Background: Observational studies show an association between reduced lung function and impaired cognition.. Our objective was to determine if lung function or risk of COPD causes reduced cog- nitive function using Mendelian randomization (MR).. Methods: Single nucleotide polymorphisms from genome wide association studies of lung function and COPD were used as exposures.

Hypoxia preconditioning attenuates lung injury after thoracoscopic lobectomy in patients with lung cancer: A prospective randomized controlled trial


In conclusion, our study suggests that HPC may be a prom- ising prevention option for lung injury, especially in patients undergoing lung cancer surgery. HPC performed before OLV improves postoperative oxygenation, enhances recov- ery of pulmonary function, and reduces the duration of hospital stay.. HPC: Hypoxic preconditioning;. NSCLC: Non-small cell lung cancer. OLV: One- lung ventilation. TLV: Two-lung ventilation. WZ, MC, HL, JY and JL performed this study and analyzed the data.

The role of clinical characteristics and pulmonary function testing in predicting risk of pneumothorax by CT-guided percutaneous core needle biopsy of the lung


and pulmonary function testing in predicting risk of pneumothorax by CT-guided. percutaneous core needle biopsy of the lung. Background: We aim to analyze the risk factors for pneumothorax associated with computed tomography (CT)- guided percutaneous core needle biopsy (PCNB) of the lung. Methods: We retrospectively evaluated 343 patients who received CT-guided pulmonary PCNBs and underwent pre- operative pulmonary function testing.

Incidence and risk factors of postoperative complications in patients with tuberculosis-destroyed lung


of the patients with massive hemoptysis underwent emergency surgery without preoperative pulmonary function examination, and 87 cases had pulmonary function examination results. TDL tuberculosis destroyed lung, BMI body mass index, OR odds ratio, CI confidence interval, NTM nontuberculous mycobacteria, MDR multidrug resistance Variables Total (n = 113%) Non-complication. Severity of TDL.

Effect of low dose naloxone on the immune system function of a patient undergoing video-assisted thoracoscopic resection of lung cancer with sufentanil controlled analgesia — a randomized controlled trial


Effect of low dose naloxone on the immune system function of a patient. Background: Perioperative immune function plays an important role in the prognosis of patients. Several studies have indicated that low-dose opioid receptor blockers can improve immune function..

Chapter 085. Neoplasms of the Lung (Part 8)


Pulmonary function tests and arterial blood gas measurements. CT or MRI scan of brain if symptoms suggestive. Cardiopulmonary exercise testing if performance status or pulmonary function tests are borderline. If surgical resection is planned: surgical evaluation of the mediastinum at mediastinoscopy or at thoracotomy.

Postoperative remote lung injury and its impact on surgical outcome


Two different forms of reg- ulated necrosis, necroptosis and parthanatos, were found to be present in lung injury after kidney transplantation in rats. TNF-α was responsible for activation of key elements of necroptosis and parthanatos in lung epithelial cells, whilst blocking their function with inhibitors alleviated remote lung injury [50].. Pathology of postoperative remote lung injury Postoperative remote lung injury shares the same patho- logical changes as ALI/ARDS.

Landscape of transcriptional deregulation in lung cancer


Besides the common function enriched for these two up-regulated sets of LUAD- and LUSC-specific TFs (‘mitotic nuclear division’. To remedy this, we used a network-based approach to incorporate expression relevance dispersed in the TF neighborhood.. Another major motivation of this work is to present the landscape of transcriptional deregulation of lung cancer including three major subtypes LUAD, LUSC and SCLC.

Chapter 085. Neoplasms of the Lung (Part 12)


The long-term survival for patients with all stages of lung cancer who receive radiation with curative intent is about 20%. In patients with a major degree of underlying pulmonary disease, the treatment plan may have to be compromised because of the deleterious effects of radiation on pulmonary function.. Patients with resected stage IA NSCLC receive no other therapy but are at a high risk of recurrence (~2–3% annually) or developing a second primary lung cancer.