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Mitral valve

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Evaluation the critical care period results after isolated mitral valve replacement or simultaneous mitral and aortic valve surgery in patients with pulmonary hypertension


EVALUATION THE CRITICAL CARE PERIOD RESULTS AFTER ISOLATED MITRAL VALVE REPLACEMENT OR. SIMULTANEOUS MITRAL AND AORTIC VALVE SURGERY IN PATIENTS WITH PULMONARY HYPERTENSION. Objectives: To assess the early outcome after elective isolated or concomitant mitral valve replacement (MVR) in patients with pulmonary hypertension (PH).

The results of preserving the mitral subvalvular apparatus in mechanical mitral valve replacement at Hue Center Hospital


Indications for mitral valve surgery was based on the 2014 ACC/AHA guidelines [7]. The characteristics included: Age, gender, NYHA class of heart failure, electrocardiogram, echocardiogram, lesions of the mitral valve, mechanical valve. Of 87 selected patients in the study, their mean age was years old, female accounted for 72%.. History of mitral valve interventions PMBC, n. Mitral valve repair, n.

Assessment of clinical, paraclinical and surgical characteristics of patients received mitral valve replacement with St.Jude valves at 108 military central hospital


Severe mitral stenosis 62.2 Severe mitral valve. Thrombosis of atrium 31.9 Thickening and sticky of mitral valve. Calcification of mitral valve. The ligaments of the mitral valve are shrinking. Typical mitral valve injury due to rheumatic fever in echocardiography included thickening and sticky, calcification of mitral valve and ligaments injury (>. Choosing the valve size depended on the mitral valve annuloplasty and body surface area.

Supra-systemic pulmonary hypertension after complicated percutaneous mitral balloon valvuloplasty: A case report and review of literature


team approach consisting on advanced heart failure, cardiac surgery, intensive care and cardiac anesthesia team reached the consensus that the patient was not an appropriate can- didate for surgical mitral valve replacement, therefore the decision was to perform a percutaneous mitral bal- loon valvuloplasty (PMBV) in the cardiac catheterization under general anesthesia..

Kết quả phẫu thuật sửa van trong điều trị bệnh hở van hai lá tại Bệnh viện Đà Nẵng


OUTCOMES OF MITRAL VALVE REPAIR IN DANANG HOSPITAL. From March, 2008 to July, 2012, 55 patients with mitral regurgitation underwent mitral valve repair in Danang Hospital. Mitral valve regurgitation was classified into three types according to Carpentier: type I: 12.7%. 51 patients who had severe mitral valve regurgitation. Key words: Mitral valve regurgitation. Mitral valve repair.. Reconstructive surgery of mitral valve incompetence: Ten-year appraisal..

Đánh giá kết quả sớm phẫu thuật sửa van hai lá tại Bệnh viện Quân Y 103


Long-term outcomes of mitral valve repair for isolated commissural prolapse: Up to 17-year experience. Long-term (29 years) results of reconstructive surgery in rheumatic mitral valve insufficiency. technique for repair of the mitral valve: Early results. Mortality and morbidity after mitral valve repair: The importance of left ventricular dysfunction. Predictors of low cardiac output syndrome after isolated mitral valve surgery

Chapter 118. Infective Endocarditis (Part 10)


Poorly responsive S. aureus endocarditis involving the aortic or mitral valve. Persistent unexplained fever (≥10 days) in culture-negative native valve endocarditis. Poorly responsive or relapsed endocarditis due to highly antibiotic- resistant enterococci or gram-negative bacilli. Table 118-6 Timing of Cardiac Surgical Intervention in Patients with Endocarditis. Indication for Surgical Intervention. Acute aortic. regurgitation plus preclosure of mitral valve.

Nhận xét một số đặc điểm lâm sàng, cận lâm sàng bệnh nhân thay van hai lá cơ học có bảo tồn lá sau tại Bệnh viện Trung ương Huế


Conclusions: Patients with mitral valve disease undergoing mechanical mitral valve replacement with posterior leaflet preservation were usually admitted to the hospital in the states of symptomatic heart failure, left atrial enlargement, pulmonary hypertension, and a high rate of atrial fibrillation.. Key words: mitral valve, mitral valve replacement, posterior leaflet. Bệnh lý van hai lá (VHL) là bệnh van tim phổ biến ở các nước đang phát triển.

Chapter 118. Infective Endocarditis (Part 4)


In acute endocarditis involving a normal valve, murmurs are heard on presentation in only 30–45% of patients but ultimately are detected in 85%. Congestive heart failure develops in 30–40% of patients. it is usually a consequence of valvular dysfunction but occasionally is due to endocarditis-associated myocarditis or an intracardiac fistula. Heart failure due to aortic valve dysfunction progresses more rapidly than does that due to mitral valve dysfunction.

Cập nhật điều trị và chẩn đoán bệnh van hai lá ACC/AHA 2020


In symptomatic patients (NYHA class II, III, or IV) with rheumatic MS and an mitral Bệnh nhân có triệu chứng (NYHA II, III, IV) có valve area >1.5 cm2 , if there is evidence of hẹp van hai lá nhưng MVA > 1,5cm2, nếu có hemodynamically significant rheumatic MS bằng chứng về ảnh hưởng huyết động đáng kể on the basis of a pulmonary artery wedge do hẹp hai lá trên cơ sở áp lực động mạch phổi> pressure >25 mmHg or a mean mitral valve 25 mmHg hoặc chênh áp trung binh qua van gradient >15 mmHg during exercise

Đánh giá các yếu tố nguy cơ ở bệnh nhân phẫu thuật tim mở bệnh van hai lá theo thang điểm Euroscore II


Assessment of Risk Factors in Open Heart Surgery for Mitral Valve Disease Patients According to EuroSCORE II. Objectives: To assess risk factors in open heart surgery for mitral valve disease patients according to EuroSCORE II. After clinical examination and test results, patients would be calculated on EuroSCORE II. Conclusion: EuroSCORE II is valuable in assessing risk factors in open heart surgery for mitral valve disease patients.. EuroSCORE II..

Giá trị tiên lượng tử vong bệnh nhân phẫu thuật tim mở bệnh van hai lá theo thang điểm Euroscore II


Mortal Prognosis Value in Open Heart Surgery for Mitral Valve Disease Patients on ON EuroSCORE II. Objectives: To comment mortal prognosis value in open heart surgery for mitral valve disease patients on EuroSCORE II. Conclusion: EuroSCORE II had good value in the mortal prognosis after open heart surgeries for mitral valve disease. EuroSCORE II.. BN phẫu thuật VHL thường ở giai đoạn muộn [1].

Critical Care Obstetrics part 66


Tolerance of pregnancy when a woman has mitral disease depends upon the severity of the valve disease, the heart rate and rhythm, atrial compliance, circulating blood volume, and pulmonary vascular response.. Patients with a mitral orifi ce area >. Percutaneous balloon valvuloplasty of the mitral valve is the preferred method left atrial and pulmonary arterial pressures, and eventually pul-. Figure 45.2 Pathophysiology of mitral stenosis..

Chapter 118. Infective Endocarditis (Part 2)


The cardiac conditions most commonly resulting in NBTE are mitral regurgitation, aortic stenosis, aortic regurgitation, ventricular septal defects, and complex congenital heart disease. These conditions result from rheumatic heart disease (particularly in the developing world, where rheumatic fever remains prevalent), mitral valve prolapse, degenerative heart disease, and congenital malformations.

Chapter 007. Medical Disorders during Pregnancy (Part 3)


As a rule, mitral valve prolapse does not present problems for the pregnant patient, and aortic stenosis, unless very severe, is well tolerated.. In the most severe cases of aortic stenosis, limitation of activity or balloon valvuloplasty may be indicated.. Congenital Heart Disease. 229) The presence of a congenital cardiac lesion in the mother increases the risk of congenital cardiac disease in the newborn.

Đánh Giá Kết Quả Sớm Phẫu Thuật Thay Van Hai Lá Cơ Học Đơn Thuần Tại Trung Tâm Tim Mạch Bệnh Viện e


Left sàng, cận lâm sàng và kết quả phẫu thuật thay van ventricular rupture post mitral valve replacement. hai lá có huyết khối nhĩ trái tại bệnh viện Việt Đức

Chapter 118. Infective Endocarditis (Part 12)


Mortality rates for S. aureus prosthetic valve endocarditis exceed 70% with medical treatment but are reduced to 25% with surgical treatment. In patients with intracardiac complications associated with S. aureus prosthetic valve infection, surgical treatment reduces the mortality rate twentyfold. Surgical treatment should be considered for patients with S. aureus native aortic or mitral valve infection who have TTE-demonstrable vegetations and remain septic during the initial week of therapy.

Bài giảng Bệnh van tim - Ts.Bs.Trần Kim Sơn


Modified: In patients with chronic, moderate, ischemic MR (stage B) undergoing CABG, the usefulness of mitral valve repair is uncertain. Hở van hai lá thứ phát mức độ nặng được định nghĩa tương tự với hở van hai lá nguyên phát mức độ nặng (diện tích lỗ hở≥0.4 cm2, thể tích dòng hở.

An automatic detection of end systolic and end diastolic phase


As a rule, in ultrasound groupings sequences, end- diastolic frame is determined from the R-wave of the electrocardiogram (ECG), after mitral valve conclusion or when the ventricular size is maximal [4] and end-systole edge is distinguished after mitral valve opening or when ventricular volume is negligible [4].

Combined spinal-epidural anesthesia for cesarean delivery in a patient with cor triloculare biventriculare


The echocardiogram showed evidence of congenital heart disease (CHD), including no visible nub of the interatrial septum on any section, a single atrium (SA), pulmonary artery enlargement, right ventricular hypertrophy, mitral and tricuspid valves located at the same level, poor valve development, mitral valve moderate regurgitation, tricuspid moderate regurgitation, and disappearance of the endocardial cushion decussation. studies have shown that careful and meticulous intra- vertebral anesthesia