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Opioid analgesics

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The intraoperative use of non-opioid adjuvant analgesic agents: A survey of anaesthetists in Australia and New Zealand


The intraoperative use of non-opioid adjuvant analgesic agents: a survey of. anaesthetists in Australia and New Zealand. Due to their well- known short and long term side effects, the use of non-opioid analgesics has often been encouraged to decrease the dose of opioid required and minimise these side effects. The trends in using non-opioid adjuvants among Australian Anaesthetists have not been examined before.

Effect of opioid-free anaesthesia on postoperative period in cardiac surgery: A retrospective matched case-control study


The use of opioid analgesics has become widespread with the development of new opioid agents.. Their use is based on their antinociceptive effects, the control of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) re- sponses to surgical stress, and their induced hypnotic re- duction [2].

Chapter 012. Pain: Pathophysiology and Management (Part 8)


Although opioid use for chronic pain of nonmalignant origin is controversial, it is clear that for many such patients opioid analgesics are the best available option. This is understandable since opioids are the most potent and have the broadest range of efficacy of any analgesic medications. Although addiction is rare in patients who first use opioids for pain relief, some degree of tolerance and physical dependence are likely with long-term use.

Efficacy of non-opioid analgesics to control postoperative pain: A network metaanalysis


Multimodal pain management guidelines have been developed that provide guidance on reducing opioid monotherapy and the doses of opioids used to treat acute pain, while still providing effective pain manage- ment [10–12] This approach involves the administration of various opioid and non-opioid agents that act on dif- ferent sites, resulting in a synergistic and additive effect [10–12]. Non-opioid pharmacologic therapies for potential use in the multimodal regimen include acetaminophen and/.

The relationship between the level of μopioid receptor (μORs) and postoperative analgesic use in patients undergoing septoplasty: A prospective randomized controlled trial


In our study, we investigated the relationship between μ-Opioid receptor level and opioid analgesics and evalu- ated with post-operative pain and analgesic use. reported that there are the relationship between some tumor cells in the body and the anesthetic technique and μ-Opioid receptors.

Chapter 012. Pain: Pathophysiology and Management (Part 6)


Table 12-1 lists the most commonly used opioid analgesics.Opioids produce analgesia by actions in the central nervous system. The most serious side effect is respiratory depression. The most important principle is to provide adequate pain relief. In fact, there is a vanishingly small chance of patients becoming addicted to narcotics as a result of their appropriate medical use.The availability of new routes of administration has extended the usefulness of opioid analgesics

Color Atlas of Pharmacology (Part 19): Local Anesthetics


Certain opioid analgesics, such as codeine and tramadol, may be prescribed in the usu- al manner, because of their lesser po- tential for abuse and development of dependence.. Effects of opioids O. With any of the high-effica- cy opioid analgesics, overdosage is like- ly to result in respiratory paralysis (im- paired sensitivity of medullary chemo- receptors to CO 2.

Comparison of analgesic effect of oxycodone and morphine on patients with moderate and advanced cancer pain: A meta-analysis


Cancer Pain Relief: With a Guide to Opioid Availability, 2nd ed. Riley J, Ross JR, Rutter D, et al. Oxycodone for cancer-related pain: meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Caraceni A, Hanks G, Kaasa S, et al. Use of opioid analgesics in the treatment of cancer pain: evidence-based recommendations from the EAPC..

Color Atlas of Pharmacology (Part 18): Drugs for the Suppression of Pain


Acetaminophen, the amphiphilic acids acetylsalicylic acid (ASA), ibuprofen, and others, as well as some pyrazolone derivatives, such as aminopyrine and dipyrone, are grouped under the label antipyretic analgesics to distinguish them from opioid analgesics, because they share the ability to reduce fever.. It can be administered orally or in the form of rectal suppositories (single dose, 0.5–1.0 g).

Factors associated with intravenous lidocaine in pediatric patients undergoing laparoscopic appendectomy – a retrospective, single-centre experience


However, we could detect a significantly lower pre- scription rate of non-opioid analgesics in the lidocaine group, whereas the number of patients requiring any form of opioid rescue medication did not differ between the groups..

Efficacy of intravenous lidocaine infusions for pain relief in children undergoing laparoscopic appendectomy: A randomized controlled trial


Non-opioid analgesics consumption in the whole perioperative period. Despite a reduction of the intraoperative opioid re- quirement, intravenous lidocaine infusion did not signifi- cantly reduce postoperative opioid consumption in the study population.. An intravenous lidocaine infusion might affect the postoperative period by increasing the time to the first rescue analgesic request from 40 min in the control group to 55 min in the lidocaine group (p = 0.05)..

Ultrasound-guided ilioinguinaliliohypogastric block (ILIHB) or perifocal wound infiltration (PWI) in children: A prospective randomized comparison of analgesia quality, a pilot study


With regards to the consumption of analgesics, the overall volume of consumed opioid analgesics (piritra- mide) was lower, and they were consumed less fre- quently following ultrasound block.

Dexmedetomidine infusion as an analgesic adjuvant during laparoscopic сholecystectomy: A randomized controlled study


In the last decades non-opioid analgesic strategies become more important, to minimise opioid- related side effects and enhance recovery [11].. While intraoperative DEX infusion may be a new and effective Table 1 Demographic data and comorbidities. [13] reported that dexmedetomi- dine led to a decreased requirement for opioid analgesics, inhaled anesthetics, and the incidence of severe circulation problems during traumatic phases of surgeries.

Characterization of self-anticipated pain score prior to elective surgery - a prospective observational study


Although total equianalgesic doses of opioid adminis- tered during perioperative period were calculated, the use of non-opioid analgesics were not taken into account for the overall surrogate indicator for postoperative pain.. The online version contains supplementary material available at https://doi.. org/10.1186/s y.. https://doi.org/10.1016/S X.. https://doi.org/10.1093/bja/87.1.88.. https://doi.org/10.1093/bja/aen099.. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcws . https://doi.org A SW d..

Efects of diferent plasma target concentrations of remifentanil on the MACBAR of sevofurane in children with laparoscopic surgery


Previous studies have found that opioid analgesics can reduce the MAC BAR or MAC of inhalation anaesthetic under skin-cutting stimulus both in children and adults and also can reduce the MAC BAR of sevo- flurane when using pneumoperitoneum stimulation in adults [3]. However, whether opioid analgesics have the same effect on sevoflurane’s MAC BAR in children under pneumoperitoneum stimulus has not been reported..

Intravenous patient-controlled analgesia plus psychoeducational intervention for acute postoperative pain in patients with pulmonary nodules after thoracoscopic surgery: A retrospective cohort study


Most patients used the total amount of IV-PCA within the first 2 post- operative days (PODs), and additional opioid analgesics (rescue analgesia) were prescribed by the anaesthesiolo- gists or surgeons upon patient request. Intercostal block and infiltration with local anaesthetics of the surgical wound were not performed for all patients.. Psychoeducational intervention.

Effects of patient-controlled analgesia with hydromorphone or sufentanil on postoperative pulmonary complications in patients undergoing thoracic surgery: A quasi-experimental study


On the other hand, as a potent opioid analgesics, hydromorphone relieves pain through exciting the μ opi- oid receptor of the central nervous system [10]. Also, the involved anesthesiologists and surgeons during the surgery and the investigator who performed the postoperative follow-up were not aware of the group allocation. General anesthesia was in- duced by intravenous injection with midazolam (0.1 mg/.

Improved analgesia and reduced post-operative nausea and vomiting after implementation of an enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) pathway for total mastectomy


We found less improvement in pain control in the post-PACU hospital stay, as evidenced by the mod- est reduction in opioid consumption and lack of difference in pain scores, which may reflect the limited duration of regional analgesia and difficulty in implementing consist- ent use of non-opioid analgesics postoperatively.. Our ERAS pathway is novel in its inclusion of Pecs blocks.

Neurochemical Mechanisms in Disease P51


Adams ML, Brase DA, Welch SP, Dewey WL (1986) The role of endogenous peptides in the action of opioid analgesics. Afrah AW, Stiller CO, Olgart L, Brodin E, Gustafsson H (2001) Involvement of spinal N-methyl- D-aspartate receptors in capsaicin-induced in vivo release of substance P in the rat dorsal horn.. Alger B, Le Beau F (2001) Physiology of the GABA and glycine systems.

Acute transient spinal paralysis and cardiac symptoms following an accidental epidural potassium infusion – a case report


Because of the paralytic ileus the decision against opioid analgesics was made. Therefore the epidural analgesia was performed using a catheter placed at the T 7–8 thoracic level and the infusion of 4 0.2% Ropivacaine at 4 ml/h was performed. Simultaneously, a significant hypokalemia was diagnosed in a routine laboratory examination, leading to the place- ment of a central vein catheter for intravenous potassium substitution.