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Oral Manifestations of Disease

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Chapter 032. Oral Manifestations of Disease (Part 1)


As primary care physicians and consultants, internists are often asked to evaluate patients with disease of the oral soft tissues, teeth, and pharynx.. Knowledge of the oral milieu and its unique structures is necessary to guide preventive services and recognize oral manifestations of local or systemic disease (Chap. Diseases of the Teeth and Periodontal Structures. Tooth development begins in utero and continues until after the tooth erupts.

Chapter 032. Oral Manifestations of Disease (Part 10)


Aging and Oral Health. While tooth loss and dental disease are not normal consequences of aging, a complex array of structural and functional changes occurs with age that can affect oral health.. Poor oral hygiene often results when vision fails or when patients lose manual dexterity and upper extremity flexibility. This is particularly common for nursing home residents and must be emphasized since regular oral cleaning and dental care has been shown to reduce the incidence of pneumonia..

Chapter 032. Oral Manifestations of Disease (Part 7)


Osteoarthritis is a common cause of masticatory pain. The temporomandibular joint is involved in 50% of patients with rheumatoid arthritis and is usually a late. feature of severe disease

Chapter 032. Oral Manifestations of Disease (Part 9)


The most common concerns regarding care of dental patients with medical disease are fear of excessive bleeding for patients on anticoagulants, infection of the heart valves and prosthetic devices from hematogenous seeding of oral flora, and cardiovascular complications resulting from vasopressors used with local anesthetics during dental treatment.

Chapter 032. Oral Manifestations of Disease (Part 2)


Eventually there is resorption of the alveolar bone. However, if the host is stressed or exposed to a new pathogen, rapidly progressive and destructive disease of the periodontal tissue can occur. It may also produce a gangrene-like destructive process of the oral soft tissues and bone that resembles noma, seen in severely malnourished children in developing nations..

Chapter 032. Oral Manifestations of Disease (Part 6)


Diseases of the Tongue. See Table 32-4.. Table 32-4 Alterations of the Tongue. Macroglossia Enlarged tongue that may be part of a syndrome. found in developmental conditions such as Down syndrome, Simpson-Golabi-Behmel syndrome, or Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome may be due to tumor (hemangioma or lymphangioma), metabolic disease (such as primary amyloidosis), or endocrine disturbance (such as acromegaly or cretinism).

Chapter 032. Oral Manifestations of Disease (Part 3)


Diseases of the Oral Mucosa. Table 32-1 Vesicular, Bullous, or Ulcerative Lesions of the Oral Mucosa. Lip and oral mucosa (buccal, gingival, lingual mucosa). Lasts about 1 week, but condition may be prolonged if secondarily infected.. Gingiva and oral mucosa. may be. accompanied by small vesicles on oral mucosa that rupture to form shallow ulcers;. Oral mucosa Fatigue, sore throat, malaise, fever, and. spontaneously in 2–4 weeks.

Chapter 032. Oral Manifestations of Disease (Part 5)


Table 32-3 White Lesions of Oral Mucosa. responds to topical. in mouth. purplish papules on skin. Oral mucosa, vagina, anal mucosa. Painless white thickening of epithelium;. Any area of oral mucosa, sometimes related to location of habit. White patch that may become firm, rough, or red-fissured and ulcerated. may become sore and painful but usually painless.

Chapter 032. Oral Manifestations of Disease (Part 4)


Table 32-2 Pigmented Lesions of the Oral Mucosa. Any area of the mouth. brown to black macule growth. Diffuse pale to dark-brown. may be physiologic ("racial") or due to smoking. Nevi Any area. of the mouth. localized, brown to black pigmentation. Can be flat and diffuse, painless, brown to black, or can be raised and nodular. Any area of the mouth, but mostly buccal mucosa. Blotches or spots of bluish-black to dark-brown.

Chapter 032. Oral Manifestations of Disease (Part 8)


Often the earliest symptom of Bell's palsy in the day or so before facial weakness develops is pain and hyperalgesia behind the ear and side of the face. Diseases of the Salivary Glands

Chapter 054. Skin Manifestations of Internal Disease (Part 1)


Skin Manifestations of Internal Disease. Skin Manifestations of Internal Disease: Introduction. It is now a generally accepted concept in medicine that the skin can show signs of internal disease. Therefore, in textbooks of medicine one finds a chapter describing in detail the major systemic disorders that can be identified by cutaneous signs.

Chapter 054. Skin Manifestations of Internal Disease (Part 27)


Skin Manifestations of Internal Disease. a Also associated with systemic diseases.. b Reviewed in section on Purpura.. cReviewed in section on Papulonodular Skin Lesions.. d Favors plantar surface of the foot.. Purpuric lesions and livedo reticularis are found in association with painful ulcerations of the lower. These ulcers are often slow to heal, but when they do, irregularly shaped white scars are formed.

Chapter 054. Skin Manifestations of Internal Disease (Part 20)


In the skin, the. in the arteries of the heart, kidney, gastrointestinal tract, and extremities, the deposits lead to angina, hypertension, gastrointestinal bleeding, and claudication, respectively. The internal manifestations of Torre syndrome include multiple carcinomas of the gastrointestinal tract (primarily colon) as well as cancers of the larynx, genitourinary tract, and endometrium.

Chapter 126. Infections in Transplant Recipients (Part 4)


The finding of CMV in the liver of a patient with GVHD does not necessarily mean that CMV is responsible for hepatic enzyme abnormalities. It is interesting that the ocular and neurologic manifestations of CMV infections are uncommon in these patients.. Management of CMV disease in HSCT recipients includes strategies directed at prophylaxis and preemptive therapy (suppression of silent replication) and at treatment of disease.

Prediction of missing common genes for disease pairs using network based module separation on incomplete human interactome


More com- prehensive results in [4] demonstrate that this network- based measurement of disease module separation is more indicative of pathological manifestations of disease pairs than simply measuring the overlap between the associated gene sets, such as Jaccard Index:. To further explore the predictive power of the disease module separation, we use it to tackle the incomplete- ness of the data.

Chapter 054. Skin Manifestations of Internal Disease (Part 19)


The presence of multiple tricholemmomas on the face and cobblestoning of the oral mucosa points to the diagnosis of Cowden disease (multiple hamartoma syndrome) due to mutations in the PTEN gene.. Internal organ involvement (in decreasing order of frequency) includes fibrocystic disease and carcinoma of the breast, adenomas and carcinomas of the thyroid, and gastrointestinal polyposis. Keratoses of the palms, soles, and dorsal aspect of the hands are also seen.

Chapter 054. Skin Manifestations of Internal Disease (Part 8)


The lesions are broad macules that usually measure 2–7 mm in diameter but occasionally are larger. oval shape, and their erythematous color may be uniform or the result of delicate telangiectasias. The most common locations for mat telangiectasias are the face, oral mucosa, and hands—peripheral sites that are prone to intermittent ischemia..

Chapter 054. Skin Manifestations of Internal Disease (Part 5)


Diffuse thinning of the hair is also associated with hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism (Table 54- 4).. Scarring alopecia is more frequently the result of a primary cutaneous disorder such as lichen planus, folliculitis decalvans, chroniccutaneous (discoid) lupus, or linear scleroderma (morphea) than it is a sign of systemic disease.. Although the scarring lesions of discoid lupus can be seen in patients with systemic lupus, in the majority of cases the disease process is limited to the skin..

Chapter 054. Skin Manifestations of Internal Disease (Part 2)


Fami ly history of atopy, including. glucocortico ids,. superimpose d irritant or allergic contact dermatitis. antihistamin es. open wet dressings;. oral/IM glucocortico ids. Topic al or oral antibiotics. Erythe ma, crusting, vesicles, and bullae. Remo ve irritant or allergen;. topical glucocortico ids. oral antihistamin es. Erythe ma, fine scale, crust. history of allergic contact dermatitis to topical agent and. Pink- red, greasy scale. glucocortico ids and imidazoles.

Chapter 054. Skin Manifestations of Internal Disease (Part 23)


Lesions that are blue in color are the result of either vascular ectasias and tumors or melanin pigment in the dermis. Venous lakes (ectasias) are compressible dark-blue lesions that are found commonly in the head and neck region. Venous malformations are also compressible blue papulonodules and plaques that can occur anywhere on the body, including the oral mucosa.