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Oxford Collocations Dictionary for students of English

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Oxford Collocations Dictionary for students of English_ Chương 1


Collocations Dictionary. UNIVERSITY PRESS. Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford.. Oxford and Oxford English are registered trademarks of Oxford University Press in the UK and in certain other countries. Oxford University Press 2002. Database right Oxford University Press (maker) First published 2002.

Oxford Collocations Dictionary for students of English_ Chương 2.24


I drive I park I impound, tow away The vehicle was impounded as part of the police investigation. of The Students' Union is the main vehicle of communi- cation for students in the college.. behind/under-of The work is carried out behind a veil of secrecy.. 1 tube carrying blood in the body. of The writer tapped into a rich vein of humour in the play..

Oxford Collocations Dictionary for students of English_ Chương 3


You can check your answers in the dictionary by looking up the entries for the nouns.. on the main clauses of the new constitution.. in the area.. Oxford University Press djMi.13.t,i6'O.. Use the entries for the words in bold to help you.. a I saw an interesting ad in the newspaper and decided to apply for the job.. 3 Now find collocations in the sentences from Exercise 2 that match up with the definitions below:.

Oxford Collocations Dictionary for students of English_ Chương 2.23


I cur- rent, modern a book on current English usage I actual Actual usage of the word is different from the meaning given in the dictionary. in - The word has a slightly different meaning in popular usage.. full, maximum He made full use of the opportunity to travel. 0 an efficient use of resources 0 an article with a judicious use of examples 0 The layout of thefurni- ture makes optimum use of the space available.

Oxford Collocations Dictionary for students of English_ Chương 2.14


I difficulty The difficulty level of the exercises in the book varies widely. above a/the - His English is way above the level of the other students. high, upper the upper levels of the civil service I. below a/the - below the level of the cloud on a -wlth On the secondfloor you are on a level with the treetops. to a/the - The water rose to the level of the ground floor windows.. with The top of the water came level with her chtn..

Oxford Collocations Dictionary for students of English_ Chương 2.5


ear noun 1 part of the body. PHRASES the centre/surface of the earth, the earth's core/crustimantle/surface, (the) planet earth 2sol1. I scorched The wreckage of the plane was scattered across the scorched earth. EARTH + NOUN bank, mound I scrambled to the top of the steep earth bank.. for- in The back of the garment is split for ease in walking. for-of The whole machine is designed for ease of use.

Oxford Collocations Dictionary for students of English_ Chương 2.11


I manual, non-manual I semi-skilled, skilled, unskilled I blue-collar, white-collar I desk a desk job in the police housing department I proper He'd done lots of part-time work, but this was his first proper job. 0 He's just landed himself a highly-paid job in the City. I advertise I saw the job advertised on the Internet. I interview (sb) for We're interviewing for the job in the Sales Department.

Oxford Collocations Dictionary for students of English_ Chương 2.4


pitch I fumbled for the light switch in the pitch dark. in the - I hate getting up in the dark.. stand in The valley lay in darkness.. in (the. 0 Her eyes seemed to glow in the darkness. of the date of the election.

Oxford Collocations Dictionary for students of English_ Chương 2.25


I finish. in a/the - She's studying the theme of death in the works of Beckett. PREP for Things worked out uiellfor Janet in the end.. among a/the - There is a change in the distribu- tion of skills among the workforce. in a/the - Oneperson in the uiorkjorce is always responsible for the same job.. PHRASES a member of the workforce. gang A gang of council workmen has been dig- ging a hole in the road..

Oxford Collocations Dictionary for students of English_ Chương 2.20


I continue The rain continued for most of the day. out of the - Come in out of the rain. in a/the - Most of the students are in the age range 17-21. in a/the- standing in the second rank 0.

Oxford Collocations Dictionary for students of English_ Chương 2.18


I - on a paper on the develop- ment of the novel. in - The book is now available inpaperback.. in a/the- The identity of the murderer is revealed in the very last paragraph. VERB + PARALLEL have This weather pattern of the southern hemisphere has no parallel in the north. 2 being unable to work in the normal way. in a/the>. in a/the - They uient for a walk in the park.. greater part of the building has been refurbished.

Oxford Collocations Dictionary for students of English_ Chương 2.1


I - at He expressed amazement at being left out of the match.. remove, resolve They had to change some of the wording in the document to resolve the ambiguity.. I fire, use I run out of Afeto of the jeeps had run out of ammunition.. for(sb's)-Whatdoyoudoforamusementround here? 0 The play was written for the amusement of the other students.

Oxford Collocations Dictionary for students of English_ Chương 2.7


GOLF + NOUN course, links I hole The eighth at Banff is one of the world's great golf holes. common The results of the research should be used for the common good rather than for individual profit.. o Lttoill do you good to get out of the house more often.. for sb/sth's - When the prime minister's health problems continued, he resigned for the good of the party..

Oxford Collocations Dictionary for students of English_ Chương 2.2


VERBS be, look I become, get The lamp post got bent in the crash.. in favour of The methods they employed were heavily biased in the gentry's favour. in the - You can read the story of Noah in the Bible.. in a/the- You'llfind the professor's book in the bibliography. in a/the - He attacked his guards in a desperate bid for freedom. in a/the - Put the wrapper in the bin..

Oxford Collocations Dictionary for students of English_ Chương 2.19


VERB + QUALIFICATION acquire, gain, obtain I have, hold Only two of the applicants had the necessary qualifications.. in - The animals are still in quarantine at the port.. of the Queen of France. in a/the - an important stage in their quest for truth in - of We set off in quest of the perfect wedding dress.. VERB + QUESTION ask (sb) I have Have any of the audience got questions for our speaker?

Oxford Collocations Dictionary for students of English_ Chương 2.16


I put forward They put his name for- ward. chose him) as one of the five candidates for the post.. NAME + VERB appear The name of the artist appears on the vase. by - The head teacher knows every child in the school by name. by the - of an actor by the name of Tom Rees in sb/sth's - The tickets were booked in the name of McLean. I arrest you in the name. on the authority) of the law. I -for/of The common name for the flower is 'pineapple lily'..

Oxford Collocations Dictionary for students of English_ Chương 2.22


-for a hard task for the committee - in one of the first tasks in language learning. about Some of the girls taunted her about her weight. companies may befaced with a windfall tax on the profits of the last few years. from/out of - The hospital was funded from tax- ation.

Oxford Collocations Dictionary for students of English_ Chương 2.15


The environmental commission made a proposal for 0 new pork in the city.. May I make 0 suggestion to the chairman of the board?. of the medium of study. in a/the - I'm afraid Mrs Haley is in a meeting at the moment. in a/the - Refer to the terms set out in the com- pany's memorandum. -for a memorial for victims of the air crash -to The prime minister today unveiled a memorial to those who died in the disaster.. 2 thought of the past.

Oxford Collocations Dictionary for students of English_ Chương 2.13


VERB + KNOCK get, have, take You've had a nasty knock on the head. off He had knocked one of the pictures off the wall. on I knocked my head on one of the beams.. knock sb to the ground. at Someone knocked loudly at the door. on She knocked timidly on the study door and entered.. VERB + KNOT do, tie Tie a knot in the rope. ADV for certain, full well, perfectly well, very well I don't kruno for certain, but I think she lives in the next oil- lage.o You know very well what I'm.

Oxford Collocations Dictionary for students of English_ Chương 2.6


I mass a mass funeral of the victims of thefire. o A new branch of the shop will be opening in the near fu- ture. for the - What are your plans for the future? in (the. of the - The stars of thefuture are competing in the uiorld junior athlet- ics championships this month.