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Oxygen therapy

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Modifed high-fow nasal cannula oxygen therapy versus conventional oxygen therapy in patients undergoing bronchoscopy: A randomized clinical trial


The partial pressure of arterial oxygen (PaO 2 ) usually decreases by 10–20 mmHg during bronchoscopy [3], and bronchoal- veolar lavage (BAL) is associated with an even greater decrease [4]. during bronchoscopy [6]. High-flow nasal cannula (HFNC) oxygen therapy provides accurate oxygen delivery, wash-out of the anatomic dead space, and a low level of positive pres- sure [9]. Thus, HFNC therapy could be used as a new choice for oxy- gen therapy during bronchoscopy.

Impact of high‑fow oxygen therapy during exercise in idiopathic pulmonary fbrosis: A pilot crossover clinical trial


BMI body mass index, GAP gender age physiology, FEV 1 expiratory flow in the first second, FVC forced vital capacity, DL CO carbon monoxide diffusion capacity, SpO 2 peripheral oxygen saturation. Ambulatory oxygen therapy on exertion 8 (80). Ambulatory 24‑h oxygen therapy 4 (40). Table 2 Comparisons of CPET data with SOT and HFNC oxygen therapy.

Risk prediction tool for use and predictors of duration of postoperative oxygen therapy in children undergoing non-cardiac surgery: A case-control study


First, in some high-risk patients, such as those with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome or prolonged operation, oxygen therapy was not discontinued. Second, after oxygen therapy was discontinued, oxygen therapy was reinstituted in case of dyspnea, having respiratory events, or if SpO 2 fell below 95%. Postoperative oxygen therapy.

High frequency jet ventilation through mask contributes to oxygen therapy among patients undergoing bronchoscopic intervention under deep sedation


High frequency jet ventilation through mask contributes to oxygen therapy. However, whether jet ventilation or conventional oxygen therapy (COT) is more effective and safe in maintaining adequate oxygenation, is unclear among patients with airway stenosis during bronchoscopic intervention (BI) under deep sedation.. Arterial blood gas was examined and recorded 15 min after the procedure was initiated.

High flow nasal therapy in perioperative medicine: From operating room to general ward


High-flow nasal cannula oxygen therapy in adults:. Comparison of high- flow nasal oxygen therapy with conventional oxygen therapy and noninvasive ventilation in adult patients with acute hypoxemic respiratory failure: a meta-analysis and systematic review. Lee CC, Mankodi D, Shaharyar S, Ravindranathan S, Danckers M, Herscovici P, et al. High flow nasal cannula versus conventional oxygen therapy and.

Determination of oxygen saturation compared to a prescribed target range using continuous pulse oximetry in acutely unwell medical patients


Conclusions: Medical patients receiving oxygen in a ward setting spend significant periods of time with SpO 2 both above and below the prescribed target range while receiving oxygen therapy.. Keywords: Oxygen saturation, Target range. addressing the use of oxygen in the acute care setting was the 2008 British Thoracic Society (BTS) guide- line for emergency oxygen use in adults [3]. recommends the titration of oxygen to achieve a target.

The use of oxygen reserve index in one-lung ventilation and its impact on peripheral oxygen saturation, perfusion index and, pleth variability index


The oxygen reserve index (ORi): a new tool to monitor oxygen therapy. Hypoxemia during one-lung ventila- tion: does it really matter? [published online ahead of print, 2021 Jul 7]. Utility of the pleth variability index in predicting anesthesia- induced hypotension in geriatric patients. Monitoring the oxygen reserve index can contribute to the early detection of deterioration in blood oxygenation during one-lung ventilation. Usefulness of oxygen reserve index (ORi.

High-flow nasal cannula improves clinical efficacy of airway management in patients undergoing awake craniotomy


Clinical efficacy of high-flow oxygen therapy through nasal cannula in patients with acute heart failure. High- flow therapy via nasal cannula in acute heart failure. Protocol for a randomised controlled trial of nasal high flow oxygen therapy compared to standard care in patients following cardiac surgery: the HOT-AS study. High-flow nasal oxygen for severe hypoxemia after cardiac surgery.

Cerebral arterial air embolism after endobronchial electrocautery: A case report and review of the literature


HBO 2 : Hyperbaric oxygen. HBO 2 : Hyperbaric oxygen therapy. The authors thank the patient and his families for approval for publication.. XLG and LHW analysed, interpreted the patient data. We confirm that we have obtained verbal consent to publish from the patient to report the individual patient’s data and medical images. We have also now obtained written informed consent from the daughter of the patient, after he passed away..

Secondary polycythemia in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: Prevalence and risk factors


Prognostic value of the hematocrit in patients with severe COPD receiving long-term oxygen therapy. Anemia and hemoglobin serum levels are associated with exercise capacity and quality of life in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.. Spirometric reference values from a sample of the general U.S. The definition of anemia: what is the lower limit of normal of the blood hemoglobin concentration? Blood.. Clinical and radiographic correlates of hypoxemia and oxygen therapy in the COPDGene study.

Perioperative adherence to continuous positive airway pressure and its effect on postoperative nocturnal hypoxemia in obstructive sleep apnea patients: A prospective cohort study


Use of supplemental oxygen therapy was much lower in the CPAP adherent group vs non-adherent group (9.8% vs 46.5%, p <. The images or other third party material in this article are included in the article's Creative Commons licence, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material.

Emergency admission parameters for predicting in-hospital mortality in patients with acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with hypercapnic respiratory failure


Survival on long-term oxygen therapy in chronic airflow limitation: from evidence to outcomes in the routine clinical setting. Prog- nostic value of hypercapnia in patients with chronic respiratory failure during long-term oxygen therapy. Is hypercapnia associated with poor prognosis in chronic obstructive pulmonary dis- ease? A long-term follow-up cohort study. Predictors of long-term survival in elderly patients hospitalized for acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Living conditions and autonomy levels in COPD patients receiving non-invasive ventilation: Impact on health related quality of life


Data on sex, age, duration of NIV, and the condition associated with NIV initiation were collected for each of the following three groups: (1) patients with stable chronic hypercapnia, (2) patients with persistent hyper- capnia following acute hypercapnic exacerbation, and (3) patients with prolonged and unsuccessful weaning;. smoking status and index, long-term oxygen therapy (LTOT), ventilator settings and daily use of NIV.

Modified STOP-Bang for predicting perioperative adverse events in the Thai population


Modified STOP-Bang ≥ 3 could predict the incidence of difficult ventilation, laryngoscopic view ≥ 3, need for oxygen therapy during discharge from postanesthetic care unit and ICU admission.. Conclusions: Neither modified nor original STOP-Bang was significantly associated with perioperative adverse events. However, a modified STOP-Bang ≥ 3 can help identify patients at risk of difficult airway, need for oxygen therapy, and ICU admission..

Buoi 22 Quản lý suy hô hấp ở BN Covid


Oxy thấp: conservative oxygen strategy • Oxy cao: liberal oxygen strategyMortality and morbidity in acutely ill adults treated with liberal versus conservative oxygen therapy(IOTA): a systematic review and meta-analysis, Lancet 2018 MỤC TIÊU OXY Ở BN COIVDMỤC TIÊU: SpO2: 92-96.

Chapter 099. Disorders of Hemoglobin (Part 8)


Hydration should be monitored carefully to avoid the development of pulmonary edema, and oxygen therapy should be especially vigorous for protection of arterial saturation. Diagnostic evaluation for pneumonia and pulmonary embolism should be especially thorough, since these may occur with atypical symptoms. Critical interventions are transfusion to maintain a hematocrit >. 30, and emergency exchange transfusion if arterial saturation drops to <90%.

Switching antifbrotics in patients with idiopathic pulmonary fbrosis: A multi-center retrospective cohort study


The overall prognosis of the Switch-IPF cohort was significantly better than the Non- Switch-IPF cohort (median periods: 67.2 vs. history of acute exacerbation, and usage of long-term oxygen therapy, the Switch- IPF cohort had significantly longer survival times than the Non-Switch-IPF group (median 67.2 vs. Conclusion: Switching antifibrotics is feasible and may improve prognosis in patients with IPF.

High intensity interval training versus moderate intensity continuous training for people with interstitial lung disease: Protocol for a randomised controlled trial


Supplemental oxygen will be provided during training if the participant is on long term and/or ambulatory oxygen therapy or if SpO 2 on room air is less than 85% whilst exercising and is accom- panied by symptoms and signs of severe hypoxemia. Sup- plemental oxygen will be used during home exercise in participants prescribed long term or ambulatory oxygen therapy..

Hyperoxaemia and hypoxaemia are associated with harm in patients with ARDS


In comparison, a clinical trial of patients with early ARDS, allocation to con- servative oxygen therapy (PaO 2 target 7.3–9.3 kPa (55–70 mmHg)) was associated with higher 90-day mortality than a liberal oxygen strategy (PaO 2 target 12–14 kPa (90–105 mmHg)) [15].