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Post-operative pain

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Comparing post-operative pain between single bundle and double bundle anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: A retrospective study


All patients were followed for 1 day after their surgery to as- sess their post-operative pain and amount of morphine consumption. Post-operative pain scores and volume of morphine consumption were recorded every 4 h for the first day after the surgery. The post-operative pain was assessed using an 11-point pain numeric rating scale (PNRS), with 0 representing no pain and 10 the worst pain imaginable..

TNF-α - mediated peripheral and central inflammation are associated with increased incidence of PND in acute postoperative pain


The above results further confirm that acute postoperative pain can directly affect the function of the hippocampus and mPFC.. These studies suggest that c- Fos is not only a marker of acute postoperative pain acting on related brain regions, but also can further aggravate the damage to cognitive function. Finally, our model of acute postoperative pain is based on tibial fracture surgery and may not be repre- sentative of all complex clinical post-operative pain..

Survey of postoperative pain control in different types of hospitals: A multicenter observational study


Survey of postoperative pain control in different types of hospitals: a multicenter observational study. Although the Polish national guidelines for post-operative pain management have been published, many patients experience severe pain in the postoperative period. We also aimed to determine if there were any differences in pain severity associated with anesthesia technique, type of surgery, and the patient ’ s age and sex..

Gradual withdrawal of remifentanil delays initial post-operative analgesic demand after thyroid surgery; double-blinded, randomized controlled trial


The main objective of this study was to evaluate imme- diate post-operative pain levels in patients who underwent two types of remifentanil withdrawal methods. The timing of the first demand of post-operative analgesic was com- pared in both groups. In parallel, post-operative morphine consumption was also compared between both groups, as well as numeric rating scale (NRS) values at rest and after a small head flexion.

The relationship between the level of μopioid receptor (μORs) and postoperative analgesic use in patients undergoing septoplasty: A prospective randomized controlled trial


The μ -Opioid receptor activity was investigated in pre-operative blood samples and compared to post-operative pain level and time required for second round of analgesic administration. The visual analogue score (VAS) was used to evaluate the post-operative pain degree (0 no pain.

Effect of postoperative Trendelenburg position on shoulder pain after gynecological laparoscopic procedures: A randomized clinical trial


Although laparoscopic surgery has proven its superiority over laparotomy in terms of improved post-operative pain scores, postoper- ative shoulder pain remains a major concern following laparoscopic surgeries. Shoulder pain is reported to occur in 35 to 70% of laparoscopic surgeries [2, 3]. The precise mechanism of this shoulder pain remains unclear.

The infuence of diferent THA surgical approaches on Patient’s early postoperative anxiety and depression


Our study also revealed that great difference of patients’ 5-day post- operative pain levels existed between the NLA group and the OCM group (p <. Correlation analysis indicated that post-operative pain feeling was strongly correlated with post-operative anxiety and depression (p <.

Postoperative analgesia for pediatric craniotomy patients: A randomized controlled trial


Comparison of post-operative pain intensity of FLACC in patients aged 1 – 6 years among the four study groups. The FLACC in 1 – 6 years old pediatric patients, over time, the pain intensity gradually decreased, and increased slightly at 24 h after surgery. Comparison of post-operative pain intensity of WBFS in patients aged 1 – 6 years among the four study groups.

The effect of intraoperative lidocaine versus esmolol infusion on postoperative analgesia in laparoscopic cholecystectomy: A randomized clinical trial


Lidocaine group Esmolol group. 3 Time to first perception of pain between the two groups. VAS pain scores at rest. 4 Post-operative pain scores at rest during various time points. Mixed model analysis showed no significant difference in pain scores over times between lidocaine and esmolol group (group time interaction effect, p = 0.38). VAS pain scores with movement. 5 Post-operative pain scores with movement at various time points.

Efficacy of continuous in-wound infusion of levobupivacaine and ketorolac for postcaesarean section analgesia: A prospective, randomised, double-blind, placebocontrolled trial


Pre-operative predictive tests for post- caesarean pain have been studied and might provide the basis for individualised approaches to multimodal post-operative pain management [10, 11]. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effective- ness of pain treatment with in-wound infusion of levobupi- vacaine and/or ketorolac after caesarean section as adjuvant to systemic analgesics.

Serratus anterior plane block for minimal invasive heart surgery


Background: Minimal invasive heart surgery (MIHS) presents several benefits, but provides intense and prolonged post-operative pain. Our objective was to compare efficacy of serratus anterior plane block (SAPB) with continuous wound infiltration (CWI) for management of post-operative pain following MIHS.. In the CWI group, catheter was inserted in the subcutaneous space by the surgeon at the end of the procedure.

Predictors of treatment failure among patients with gunshot wounds and posttraumatic stress disorder


The following 17 characteristics of the PTSD treatment failure were assessed for defining the PTSD treatment failure predictors: anesthesia type, patient age, height and weight. pre- and post-operative pain intensity by the VAS scale. pre-operative neuropathic pain by theDN4, pre- and post-operative M-PTSD, pre-and post-operative blood glucose level.

Dexmedetomidine versus midazolam on cough and recovery quality after partial and total laryngectomy – a randomized controlled trial


We observed no significant difference in post-operative pain scores between the two groups at the point of wakefulness. The requirement for rescue analgesics was significantly lower in group D than in group M (4 vs.

Role of ultrasound guided transversus abdominis plane block as a component of multimodal analgesic regimen for lower segment caesarean section: A randomized double blind clinical study


Keywords: Transversus abdominis plane block, Caesarean section, Spinal anaesthesia, Post-operative pain, Pain management. 2018 Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0. Lower segment caesarean section (LSCS) is a major sur- gical procedure with substantial post-operative pain [1]..

Emergence agitation after intraoperative neurolytic celiac plexus block with alcohol: A case report


We asked the patient if he had incisional pain or ure- thral irritation that he denied having. Thus, we excluded post-operative pain and the urinary catheter from poten- tial causes to his emergence agitation. We speculated that the patient ingested a large amount of alcohol during the NCPB through the rich vascular network around the celiac plexus.

Post-operative pain management modalities employed in clinical trials for adult patients in LMIC; a systematic review


Post-operative pain management. Post Operative Pain Management Modalities Employed in Clinical Trials for Adult Patients in LMIC. “postoperative pain management”, “postoperative pain relief”, “postoperative analgesia”, “postoperative surgical pain” with suitable Boolean searching [9, 10]. Bhatia et al . Shukla et al . dexmedetomidine 1 μ g/kg, (diluted in 5 ml NS) Sinha et al.,.

Intravenous patient-controlled analgesia plus psychoeducational intervention for acute postoperative pain in patients with pulmonary nodules after thoracoscopic surgery: A retrospective cohort study


However, VATS is also accompanied by moderate to severe post- operative pain in some patients, which is one of the most disturbing complaints after surgery [5]. Intravenous patient-controlled analgesia (IV-PCA) with continuous infusion of opioids upon the patient’s indi- vidual analgesic needs is widely used to manage acute postoperative pain [8, 9].

Comparison of preemptive paracetamol, paracetamol-diclofenac & paracetamoltramadol combination on postoperative pain after elective abdominal surgery under general anesthesia, Ethiopia: A randomized control trial study, 2018


After 24 h post- operative analgesic therapy continue according to the hos- pital protocol. The post-operative analgesia drug provided to patients were only tramadol since morphine was not available at the study site during the study time.. Postoperative pain: the presence of pain in the postoperative period was defined as a pain occurring in a surgical patients following a procedure [24].. analgesic drugs in milligrams used in the first 24 h after the operation..

Postoperative analgesic efficacy of ear acupuncture in patients undergoing abdominal hysterectomy: A randomized controlled trial


Similarly, Iacobone,m et al. 2014 [24], found less post- operative pain scores and reduced postoperative acet- aminophen consumption in acupuncture treated groups versus the control group in patients undergoing thyroid- ectomy under general anesthesia..

Effectiveness of analgesia with hydromorphone hydrochloride for postoperative pain following surgical repair of structural congenital malformations in children: A randomized controlled trial


Currently, intravenous analgesia is preferred for post- operative pain control following repair of structural con- genital malformations. Studies investigating the effectiveness of sufentanil or hydromorphone for analgesia in pediatric patients undergoing surgery for repair of structural congenital malformations are scarce.