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Propofol anesthesia

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Monitoring of anesthetic depth and EEG band power using phase lag entropy during propofol anesthesia


The purpose of this study was to evaluate the clinical performance of the PLEM™ to monitor anesthetic depth and to evaluate the correlation between PLE and BIS values during propofol anesthesia.. The primary end-point of this study was to evaluate the clinical per- formance of the PLEM™ to monitor anesthetic depth during propofol anesthesia. The secondary end-point was to evaluate the correlation between the PLE and BIS values during propofol anesthesia..

Repeat propofol anesthesia does not exacerbate plaque deposition or synapse loss in APP/PS1 Alzheimer’s disease mice


There was no significant difference in the aver- age emergence time from propofol anesthesia between APP/PS min, n = 9) and control . Repeat propofol exposure did not alter plaque deposition in the cortex of APP/PS1 mice. We assessed the impact of repeat propofol anesthesia on Aβ plaque deposition in propofol and vehicle treated APP/PS1 mice.

Variation of bispectral index in children aged 1–12 years under propofol anesthesia: An observational study


Variation of bispectral index in children. aged 1 – 12 years under propofol anesthesia:. Background: The use of the bispectral index (BIS) is widespread in pediatric anesthesia, but few studies have attempted to perform a detailed evaluation of how BIS varies according to age in children under propofol anesthesia. Of the 165 participants, 157 completed the study protocol. BIS values were recorded at 0 (immediately after propofol injection and 240 s after the injection.

Effect of sex differences in remifentanil requirements for inhibiting the response to a CO2 pneumoperitoneum during propofol anesthesia: An up-and-down sequential allocation trial


A combination of remifentanil and propofol is com- monly used for total intravenous anesthesia. Although there have been several studies investigating the median effective concentration (EC 50 ) of remifentanil during propofol anesthesia in different situations [9–11], the remifentanil required to inhibit the cardiovascular response to a CO 2 pneumoperitoneum combined with propofol remains unknown..

Comparison of the effect of sevoflurane or propofol anesthesia on the regional cerebral oxygen saturation in patients undergoing carotid endarterectomy: A prospective, randomized controlled study


Comparison of the effect of sevoflurane or propofol anesthesia on the regional. cerebral oxygen saturation in patients undergoing carotid endarterectomy: a prospective, randomized controlled study. Background: The monitoring of regional cerebral oxygen saturation (SrO 2 ) using near-infrared spectroscopy is useful method to detect cerebral ischemia during. The experiment was preceded in 2 stages based on carotid artery clamping.

Effects of circadian rhythm on Narcotrend index and target-controlled infusion concentration of propofol anesthesia


This study demonstrated that the depth of anesthesia at night was deeper than that in the day when using the same propofol TCI model, under the Narcotrend moni- tor. The blood concentrations of propofol-TCI were lower at night, compared to those in the day, to achieve a simi- lar depth of anesthesia. Moreover, MAP and HR during general anesthesia at night were lower overall, compared to those receiving general anesthesia in the day, despite using the same propofol TCI.

Propofol attenuates the increase of sonographic optic nerve sheath diameter during robot-assisted laparoscopic prostatectomy: A randomized clinical trial


Conclusions: The ONSD was significantly lower during propofol anesthesia than during sevoflurane anesthesia 60 min after pneumoperitoneum and the Trendelenburg position, suggesting that propofol anesthesia may help minimize ICP changes in robotic prostatectomy patients.. Keywords: Propofol, Sevoflurane, Sonographic optic nerve sheath diameter, Robot-assisted laparoscopic prostatectomy.

Changes of cerebral regional oxygen saturation during pneumoperitoneum and Trendelenburg position under propofol anesthesia: A prospective observational study


However, BIS was unchanged after the in- duction of anesthesia. There were no factors that in- volved the decline in cerebral oxygen consumption after the pneumoperitoneum. Therefore, arterial oxygen saturation before anesthesia was significantly lower than that after the induction of anesthesia. before anesthesia was significantly higher than that after the induction of anesthesia. Mean arterial blood pressure also declined after the induction of anesthesia.

A comparison of the use of propofol alone and propofol with midazolam for pediatric magnetic resonance imaging sedation – a retrospective cohort study


Collapsibility of the upper airway at different concentrations of propofol anesthesia.. The incidence and nature of adverse events during pediatric sedation/anesthesia with propofol for procedures outside the operating room: a report from the Pediatric Sedation Research Consortium. Comparison of midazolam and propofol for sedation in pediatric diagnostic imaging studies. High-dose dexmedetomidine sedation for pediatric MRI.

Does a combined intravenous-volatile anesthesia offer advantages compared to an intravenous or volatile anesthesia alone: A systematic review and meta-analysis


A comparison to facilitate insertion of the laryngeal mask: term of recovery and postoperative nausea and vomiting after anesthesia with propofol- atracurium and thiopental- atracurium. Efficacy and costs of 3 anesthetic regimens in the prevention of postoperative nausea and vomiting. Response surface modeling of the interaction between propofol and sevoflurane. Does Propofol Anesthesia Lead to less postoperative pain compared with inhalational Anesthesia?: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Comparison of upper airway patency in patients with mild obstructive sleep apnea during dexmedetomidine or propofol sedation: A prospective, randomized, controlled trial


Effect of increasing depth of dexmedetomidine anesthesia on upper airway morphology in children. Magnetic resonance imaging of the upper airway. Effect of increasing depth of dexmedetomidine and propofol anesthesia on upper airway morphology in children and adolescents with obstructive sleep apnea. Comparison of upper airway collapse during general anaesthesia and sleep.

Ten-year experience with standardized non-operating room anesthesia with Sevoflurane for MRI in children affected by neuropsychiatric disorders


A low dose propofol anesthesia combined with nal- buphine has been proposed in a mixed pediatric popula- tion with a very low rate of respiratory complications (1%) [15]. We therefore systematically applied in the last ten years a standardized approach with sevoflurane-based anesthesia in children with neuropsychiatric disorders undergoing MRI.

Comparison of remifentanil concentrations with and without dexmedetomidine for the prevention of emergence cough after nasal surgery: A randomized double-blinded trial


In the present study, we compared the effect-site concentration (Ce) of remifentanil to prevent emergence cough after propofol anesthesia for nasal surgery when remifentanil was or was not combined with dexmedetomidine.. Methods: Forty-seven patients with propofol-remifentanil anesthesia for nasal surgery were randomly assigned to a dexmedetomidine group (Group D, n = 23) or a saline group (Group S, n = 24).

Một trường hợp xuất huyết phế nang lan tỏa sau gây mê tĩnh mạch bằng thuốc propofol


Kết luận: Propofol có thể là nguyên nhân gây ra DAH. Đây là một biến chứng nghiêm trọng và có thể gây tử vong. Nên xem xét tới chẩn đoán DAH ở bệnh nhân xuất hiện suy hô hấp và ho ra máu sau khi gây mê bằng propofol trong phẫu thuật.. Từ khóa : Xuất huyết phế nang lan tỏa, propofol.. A CASE OF DIFFUSE ALVEOLAR HEMORRHAGE AFTER PROPOFOL ANESTHESIA. Propofol là một thuốc gây mê đường tĩnh mạch thường dùng trong phẫu thuật để khởi mê và duy trì trạng thái mê..

Distant survival for patients undergoing surgery using volatile versus IV anesthesia for hepatocellular carcinoma with portal vein tumor thrombus: A retrospective study


Clinical evidence of anesthesia type on surgical outcomes Recently, several clinical studies have been investi- gated for anesthesia type on postoperative outcomes in elective cancer patients. [6] did a retrospective analysis based on 2838 patients with breast, rectal, and colon cancer, they reported that the overall survival for patients receiving propofol anesthesia is 4.7% higher at 1-yr and 5.6% higher at 5-yr than those receiving sevoflurane. designed a random- ized controlled trail in 80 breast

The effects of anesthesia induction and positive pressure ventilation on rightventricular function: An echocardiographybased prospective observational study


Right ventricular end-systolic pressure-volume relation during propofol infusion. Sevoflurane alters right ventricular performance but not pulmonary vascular resistance in acutely instrumented anesthetized pigs. Sevoflurane anesthesia during acute right ventricular ischemia in pigs preserves cardiac function better than propofol anesthesia. Right ventricular systolic function is not the sole determinant of tricuspid annular motion.

Incidence of tolerance in children undergoing repeated administration of propofol for proton radiation therapy: A retrospective study


Comparison of the intravenous reinforcing effects of propofol and methohexital in baboons. Collapsibility of the upper airway at different concentrations of propofol anesthesia.

Comparison of surgical field visibility during propofol or desflurane anesthesia for middle ear microsurgery


There is consensus that anesthesia with propofol provides better surgical field visibility and less blood loss than anesthesia with isoflur- ane or desflurane [5, 6].

Cost-effectiveness of anesthesia maintained with sevoflurane or propofol with and without additional monitoring: A prospective, randomized controlled trial


Cost-effectiveness of anesthesia maintained with sevoflurane or propofol with and. Background: We compared cost-effectiveness of anesthesia maintained with sevoflurane or propofol with and without ađitional monitoring, in the clinical setting of ear-nose-throat surgerỵ. In groups SEVO and SEVƠ. anesthesia was maintained with sevoflurane, in group SEVƠ with ađitional bispectral index (BIS) and train-of-four (TOF) monitoring.

Effects of propofol and etomidate anesthesia on cardiovascular miRNA expression: The different profiles?


However, this study provides the first insight into changes in cardiovascular miRNA expression induced by anesthesia, and makes a preliminary contribution to sub- sequent mechanism investigations.. The results of our study reveal that propofol and etomi- date anesthesia induce different miRNA expression pro- files in blood vessels, but not in cardiac tissue. Additional file 1: Table S1. Physiological Data for the Propofol and Etomidate Anesthesia Groups. Additional file 2: Table S2.