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Provincial Competitiveness Index

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Place Brand Positioning Based on Provincial Competitiveness Index: Implications for Danang City


Place Brand Positioning Based on Provincial Competitiveness Index: Implications for Danang City. a Faculty of Marketing, University of Economics – The University of Danang, Danang City, Vietnam. Danang has been leading the Provincial Competitiveness Index (PCI) since 2013. Based on provincial competitiveness index, many researchers and practitioners can understand how entrepreneurs perceive about every province or city.

Factors affecting foreign direct investment attraction a case study of Thai Nguyen province


Thai Nguyen Province needs to strictly follow the Scheme Directive 19 and the “Enhancing provincial competitiveness index” Project and raise public awareness and understanding about trading and merging between businesses. The linkages between FDI business and enterprises in the province needs also be improved..

Thực trạng thu hút đầu tư vào các khu công nghiệp ở tỉnh Thừa Thiên Huế


Thua Thien Hue Provincial People’s Committee, Thua Thien Hue Statistical Yearbook, PAPI Provincial Governance and Pu- blic Administration Performance Index, PCI Provincial Competitiveness Index for the assessment, analysis. On the basis of secondary information, descriptive statistics method is used to assess the current situation of investment attraction in industrial zones in Thua Thien Hue province.. The investment attraction in industrial zones of Thua Thien Hue province.

Business environment in Vietnam from enterprises’ perspective


The author tries to assess business environment in Vietnam by i) comparing Vietnam business conditions and other countries using results of Global Entrepreneurship Monitor – (GEM) and Vietnam Entrepreneurship Monitor (VEM). ii) evaluating the improvement of Vietnam business environment used mainly results of Provincial Competitiveness Index (PCI) of Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI).. Key words: Business environment.

Factors Affecting Foreign Direct Investment in Thanh Hoa Province


Thanh Hoa is classified as one of the top provinces based on the provincial competitiveness index. Therefore, the identification of factors affecting FDI in Thanh Hoa and an analysis of the impact of each factor to attract foreign investment is essential for the government in offering policies to attract investment capital.. Thereby, the role of the private sector was strengthened..

Cạnh tranh đô thị - city competitiveness


Đó chính là các chuẩn mực phản ánh kết quả quản lý và định hướng sự hoàn thiện và cạnh tranh. nhưng chúng ta cũng đang có các chỉ tiêu thống kê và một số chuẩn mực định hướng cho cạnh tranh như hệ thống đánh giá về chỉ số năng lực cạnh tranh cấp tỉnh (Provincial Competitiveness Index - PCI), đánh giá chất lượng dịch vụ công cấp tỉnh (Public Administration Performance Index - PAPI), và Bộ chỉ số đô thị (Vietnam Urban Indicators - VUI) đang được xây dựng từ năm 2011 và các chỉ tiêu thống kê của Tổng

Local Economic Governance and the Development of the Business Sector in Vietnam


Land access and security of tenure and proactivity of the provincial leadership unexpectedly show negative effects while the other 2 indicators, including entry cost for new firms and legal institutions, have no significant impact on business sector growth.. Keywords: Local economic governance, Provincial Competitiveness Index, business sector growth..

Improvement of human resources quality for demand of FDI enterprises in Vietnam today


According to the Provincial Competitiveness Index (PCI) report made by the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI) in of enterprises in general claimed difficulties in looking for human resources in line with their needs.

Solutions for human resource development appropriately toward the new generation of FDI into Vietnam


Besides, according to the report on Provincial Competitiveness Index (PCI) implemented by VCCI in 2017, it has shown that 55% of Vietnamese enterprises affirmed that they faced difficulties in finding quality workers who meet their needs and 69% of FDI enterprises believe that they confront obstacles in labors recruitment because they do not meet the professional and technical requirements..

An investigation on the impact of institutional environment on firm growth in Vietnam


The literature on the influence of the institu- tional environment on firm growth and perfor- mance in developing economies is rather limit- ed. the impacts of the Provincial Competitiveness Index (PCI) on different issues such as firm formalization (Malesky and Taussig, 2009) or firm survival (Doan et al., 2013) or firm per- formance (Phan, 2013). No prior study has fo- cused on the impacts of PCI sub-indicators on firm growth.

Một số giải pháp nhằm góp phần cải thiện chỉ số năng lực cạnh tranh cấp tỉnh PCI của Nghệ An


DN………………….Doanh nghiệp DNTN ……………..Doanh nghiệp tƣ nhân DNNN……………...Doanh nghiệp Nhà nƣớc TNHH……………...Trách nhiệm hữu hạn CP…………………..Cổ phần ĐKKD……………...Đăng ký kinh doanh VCCI……………….Phòng Thƣơng mại và Công nghiệp Việt Nam (Vietnam Chamber For Commerce and Industry) VNCI……………….Dự án nâng cao năng lực cạnh tranh Việt Nam (Vietnam Competitiveness Initiative) PCI………………….Chỉ số năng lực cạnh tranh cấp tỉnh (Provincial Competitiveness Index).

Regional approach to developing industrial clusters and poverty reduction: A case study of Vietnam


(b) Together with the related departments, implement improvement of the provincial business environment by developing and implementing programs of improving provincial competitiveness index. [2] Le Anh Tuan (2010), Tapping the Potential of Cardamom for Poverty Reduction and Sustainable Forest Protection. [4] Nadvi, Khalid and Stephanie Barrientos (2004), Industrial Clusters and Poverty Reduction:. [5] Nguyen Dinh Cung (2010), “Proposed Solutions to Economic Restructuring and Shift in the Growth Model

Luận văn Thạc sĩ: Nâng cao chỉ số năng lực cạnh tranh cấp tỉnh (PCI) của tỉnh Long An


Dịch vụ hỗ trợ doanh nghiệp. 3.2.2 Cải thiện việc hỗ trợ doanh nghiệp. (7) Dịch vụ hỗ trợ doanh nghiệp. 1 DN Doanh nghiệp. 2 DNNN Doanh nghiệp Nhà nước. 14 PCI Chỉ số năng lực cạnh tranh cấp tỉnh (tiếng Anh: Provincial Competitiveness Index). Kết quả khảo sát chỉ số Dịch vụ hỗ trợ doanh nghiệp năm 2016...52. Chính quyền đã đang và cải thiện môi trường kinh doanh, tạo điều kiện thuận lợi cho các doanh nghiệp và nhà đầu tư.

Quang Ninh Newletter No 4.2018


Đến nay, Quảng Ninh được luôn nỗ lực và quyết tâm tập trung specific Action Plan, which is associated withđến nay) về những nhiệm vụ, giải pháp cải thiện đánh giá là một điển hình tốt với nhiều sáng triển khai hiệu quả ba khâu đột phá the Government’s targets in Resolution No.19môi trường đầu tư kinh doanh, nâng cao năng kiến cải cách, gắn việc cải thiện môi trường kinh chiến lược, trong đó ưu tiên dành and Provincial Competitiveness Index (PCI).

The effect of taxation and corruption on firm growth: An empirical investigation for Vietnam


A Provincial Competitiveness Index (PCI) is also included in the model. By adding this variable in the model, the effect of the business environment on firm revenue will be captured. In the first regres- sions when only tax rate, bribe rate and fixed year dummy variables are taken into account, the coefficients for both tax and bribe rates are substantially large, positive and strongly signif- icant.



Thái Sơn Thai Son20 Ban Xúc tiến và Hỗ trợ đầu tư tỉnh Quảng Ninh www.investinquangninh.vn 21MÔI TRƯỜNG ĐẦU TƯ Investment Environment MÔI TRƯỜNG ĐẦU TƯ Investment Environment trở thành công cụ quan trọng thúc đẩy năng taxation and customs, reduce the IN MEKONG RIVER DELTA REGION AND EXPERIENCE EXCHANGE IN MANAGEMENT lực điều hành kinh tế của các địa phương, situation “top is hot and bottom is CONFERENCE ON ANALYSIS OF THE 2017 PROVINCIAL COMPETITIVENESS INDEX phản ánh sự hài lòng của cộng đồng doanh

The effect of state ownership and provincial competitiveness on firm performance: Case of Vietnam


The effect of state-ownership and provincial competitiveness on firm performance. To examine the role of state-ownership and provincial competitiveness on firm performance, we estimate from the model (1) to (4), respectively. In model (3) and (4), we estimate the effects of provincial competitiveness on firm performance.. Table 3: The relationship between state-ownership, provincial competitiveness and firm performance.

An evaluation of provincial macroeconomic performance in Vietnam


Provincial Competitiveness Index (PCI) ranked the quality of conducting economic op- erations of the provincial governments, specifi- cally in creating a favorable policy environment for the development of private enterprises.. In the studies of (Lovell, 1995), (Lovell, Pastor, and Turner, 1995), making this assumption of identical inputs vector between countries might be considered too strong.

Promoting marketing’s application in investment promotion in Phu Tho province, Vietnam


Provincial competitiveness index of Phu Tho province for the period of . In recent years, Phu Tho is one of the first localities in the administrative reform under OSS.mechanism. Thus, contributing to attract investment capital for socio- economic development of the province..