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Research results

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Policy for public procurement of research results in Vietnam


“What would be stands of view and objectives of actors involved into the policy for procurement of research results by the State?” and others. In the scope of this study, the group of authors gives answers to the above noted questions and draws out some problems to issuance of a policy for procurement of research results by the State in Vietnam.. Procurement of research results.. Procurement of research results and the public procurement of research results.

Promoting applying research results into production in Vietnam: some restrictions of policies


As the interpretation, application of research results can be understood as putting research results into practice or using research results for specific purpose of life. Other concepts of application of research results are technological transfer, knowledge transfer or commercialization of research results….

Commercialization of research results from universities to businesses in Vietnam: Current situation and solutions


This article will discuss the concept of "commercialization of research results". identify the status of commercialization of research results from universities to businesses in Vietnam in recent years. analyze difficulties and propose policies to promote the commercialization of research results from universities to businesses.. Keywords: Technology transfer. Research results. Office of Technology Transfer.. Concept of commercialization of research results.

Improvement of system of indicators for acceptance evaluation of social science research results in university of sciences, Thai Nguyen university


Conformity of research methods to research subjects and contents.. implementation of research works. 8 4 Scientific and practical values of research results 25. Level of achievement of objectives and tasks of research. Remarkable values of research results. same directions of research.. Ranking of research results (marking √ in suitable cases, compulsorily):.

Exploiting research results on the implementation of ethnic policies in the Lao people’s democratic republic, serving the compilation of training materials to foster ethnic knowledge for Lao cadres at the Vietnam Academy for Ethnic Minorities


Therefore, in-depth research to clarify the effectiveness of ethnic policy implementation and lessons learned in ethnic policy implementation in Laos is very necessary for Vietnam.. In the research process, the author mainly uses the method of inheriting secondary documents related to the implementation of ethnic policies in Laos, which inherits published research results, documents, reports of the Lao’s Party and State, doctoral theses, research articles in scientific journals....

Research results from the Advanced Lead–Acid Battery Consortium point the way to longer life and higher specific energy for leadracid electric-vehicle batteries


In other words, the AL- ABC is an open resource—the research results are dissem- inated freely to the members and thus benefit the industry as a whole. In this respect, European, North American and Pacific Rim members take the most promising outcomes from their respective research programmes and work to- gether to build a new generation of lead r acid batteries.. As a starting point, it was decided that the electric- vehicle battery must be maintenance free.

State policies in promoting the commercialization of government funded research and development results


This study is to discuss some policy solutions to promote the commercialization of R&D results.. Keywords: Commercialization of research results. Commercialization of research and development results and experience of some countries in the world. In this paper, commercialization of R&D results is interpreted as the conversion of R&D results into production and life (Siegel et al., 1995;.

Analysis of Viet Nam’ s policies relating to dissemination and transfer of results of scientific research and technological development


Keywords: Research results. Dissemination of research results. Transfer of research results.. This view of Nguyen Lan Anh is an inclusive connotation of the concept of research results. However, this concept has not showed specific products of research results.. The content of research results mentioned in Circular 15 was based on the intellectual property right. Research results may include other subjects such initiatives, prized results from S&T contests, etc.

Research of factors affecting the results of business startup of the graduate students in the business administration sector at the University of Finance - Business Administration


This research aims at identifying the factors affecting the business startup results of students graduated in business administration from the University of Finance and Business Administration. The research results show that there are 5 factors influencing the business startup results of the alumni in business administration at The University: The business idea. business startup knowledge, Finance for start up business, Skills start up business.

International experience of linking between research, education and innovation in research and development organizations


First, R&D organizations establish spin-off enterprises to realize production of products come out from the research results. This is a specific feature of the link between research and innovation in R&D organizations, and it becomes a suitable solution allowing researchers on the one hand, keep their intellectual property, and on the other hand still gain economic profits from research results, and R&D organizations are also entitled to enjoy long-term benefits.

Marketing Research Chapter 8


Even if the research project is carried out with most meticulous design and methodology, if the research results are not effectively communicated using the research report to the manager, the research project may not be a success. This is because the research results will not help in achieving the major aim of any research project, which is to support the decision making process.

Vietnam universities: Strengthening research and innovation


(ii) Low rate of application of results of research projects for socio- economic development. 47/2014/TT- BGDDT by Ministry of Education and Training on 31 st December 2014 does not fit the balance between teaching and research duties for lecturing positions in higher education institutions. 14/2005/NQ-CP by the Government on global and basic changes in the higher education sector indicated also another shortage, namely “the limited role of supports for application of research results and the lack

Experience of some countries in the evaluation of research in universities and suggestions for Vietnam


Evaluation criteria for quality of research focused on the novelty and innovation in research, considering the quality of publications were important indicators of research results. Each unit shall be subject to evaluation had to report on the four groups of information: Human resources for research, the output of research, general description of the research organization and other relevant data.

Summary of Doctoral thesis in Business administration: Restructuring and corporate productivity – Research on the Vietnamese textile and garment industry


That explains the negative results of the coefficient β in the thesis is relatively appropriate.. 4.4.2 Discuss the research results of the thesis. The research results show that the coefficient R2 within = 0.9457 means that the independent variables explain 94.57% of the variation of the dependent variable of the corporate productivity.. In addition, the coefficients of the variables RES, REL, FDL, BCL are statistically significant.

Solutions for higher quality of scientific research: Case study of national institute for science and technology policy and strategy studies


It was the breakthrough decision by the Indian Government to enhance the promotion for development of business and commercialization of (S&T) research results”. overview is more suitable for a research work for development of technological markets or commercialization of research results than for a research work for evaluation and validation of research results. They are to fix the core attentions, to define the methodology and to identify phases of research implementation.

Research on policies to promote scienctific and technological advances in the Northern mountainous agricultural production


Research capacity at the grassroots level is very weak so the effectiveness of the research results is not high. During the implementation of the project, sometimes the coordination between management agencies and transferring units has not been tight, leading to the results of project implementation has not achieved high results.. Therefore, most of the projects affected the inflation rate.

Research of evaluation criteria completion for road traffic construction in term of environment according to sustainable development


Chapter 2 has detailed research results including description of survey samples, analysis and ranking of criteria for evaluating road traffic works in terms of environment towards sustainable development.. On the basis of the results of analysis and ranking of criteria, the research team has selected 06 evaluation criteria that have the most impact on the environmental sustainability of road traffic construction projects: energy use, energy consumption;.

Research on accuracy increase of the process of avoidance of the vessels collision in congested waters


Experimental part of the research included the full scale investigation on the merchant vessels and computer simulation. Research results can be used in navigation to increase the navigational safety and reduce the accidents number by fuller information support for the vessels collision avoidance. Obtained results form base for improvement of the functionality shore based navigational aids and for fuller information support of the navigation in congested waters.

Demographic Variables in the Research of Hanoian’s Intentions of Buying Chinese Garments


Also according to the research results, consumers of lower than high school educated have the highest intention to buy Chinese garments. The research results of may be because low educated consumers are often less knowledgeable, so they will not care much about the brand, material, or ethnicity of the product they buy but pay attention to the design, especially the variety and constant change of this product line, which is the strength of Chinese garments.

Research the Impact of Financial Leverage on the Profitability of Listed Real Estate Enterprises in Vietnam


Source: Compiled by the authors based on research results 3.2. Step 1 Get a full list of listed real estate companies according to HaSic until the research day 20/7/2018 at http://finance.vietstock.vn//doanh- nghiep-a-z/#.