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Responsible Tourism

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Lecture Responsible Tourism - Unit 1: Principles of responsible tourism


Inadequate sharing of tourism benefits. of tourism. What is responsible tourism?. An approach to the managing and doing of tourism that. The core of responsible tourism: sustainable tourism development. Some measures of responsible tourism. RESPONSIBLE TOURISM. The key to responsible tourism. BENEFITS OF RESPONSIBLE TOURISM. Benefits of responsible tourism for business. Benefits of responsible tourism for visitors. Responsible tourism meets growing lifestyle trends of travellers such as:.

Lecture Responsible Tourism - Unit 2: Responsible tourism product development


Unique characteristics of tourism products. Characteristics of responsible tourism products. Responsible tourism products are the goods and services that form tourism experiences and are specifically designed to be:. Examples of responsible tourism products. Responsible tourism destination. Responsible tourism attraction. Responsible tourism accommodation. Responsible tourism transportation. DEVELOPING TOURISM PRODUCTS THAT ARE COMMERCIALLY VIABLE.

Lecture Responsible Tourism - Unit 12: Responsible tourism policy and planning for tourism authorities


SUSTAINABLE GROWTH IN TOURISM. Compromising sustainability compromises tourism’s competitiveness. …to responsible tourism. RESPONSIBLE TOURISM RESPONSIBLE. The benefits for governments in adopting a responsible tourism approach. 7 key areas where governments can foster responsible tourism. sector activities to enable responsible tourism. 3 Setting responsible tourism standards.

Lecture Responsible Tourism - Unit 4: Responsible employment in tourism


The importance of team commitment and co- operation to achieve responsible tourism. Benefits of team commitment in responsible tourism activities. Fostering team commitment tourism through responsible tourism action planning. Team commitment example 1:. Gaining team commitment example 2:

Lecture Responsible Tourism - Unit 13: Community action in responsible tourism


Describe how to develop responsible tourism products that are economically viable. Identify methods to safeguard the local community and environment from negative tourism impacts. Explain the importance of community, government and private sector participation and support in tourism. Describe how to monitor and evaluate environmental and social impacts of tourism on the community, environment and economy. Developing responsible tourism products that are economically viable 2.

Lecture Responsible Tourism - Unit 15: Responsible tourism good practices for protected areas in Vietnam


Understand the impacts of tourism in protected areas and the importance of responsible tourism. Explain how responsible tourism principles should be considered in protected area infrastructure and services. Describe responsible tourism principles in visitor impact management in protected areas. Identify financing mechanisms for economic sustainability in protected areas. Identify how to involve local communities in protected area planning and management.

Lecture Responsible Tourism - Unit 9: Responsible tourism good practice for cultural heritage sites in Vietnam


Benefits of cultural heritage tourism. revitalisation of traditional handicrafts and intangible cultural heritage. The challenges of cultural heritage tourism 1/2. The challenges of cultural heritage tourism 2/2. Responsible tourism: Building a sustainable future for cultural heritage sites. The benefits of responsible tourism in cultural heritage site management. cultural (and natural) heritage. Key components for applying responsible tourism in cultural heritage site management.

Lecture Responsible Tourism - Unit 5: Responsible organisational policy development & capacity building


By the end of the unit participants will be able to:. procedures for Responsible Tourism. organisational policies in responsible tourism. Developing organisational procedures and guidelines in responsible tourism 4. procedures and guidelines in responsible tourism 5. programme to support responsible tourism policy directives. The function of company policies in responsible tourism. Responsible tourism policies are at the. RESPONSIBLE TOURISM.

Lecture Responsible Tourism - Unit 16: Responsible tourism for tour operators


Responsible tourism products are the goods and services that form tourism experiences and are specifically designed to be:. Examples of responsible tourism products. Responsible tourism destination. Responsible tourism attraction. Responsible tourism accommodation. Responsible tourism transportation. The responsible tourism product development process. RESPONSIBLE TOURISM PRODUCT PLANNING. RESPONSIBLE TOURISM PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT. Develop a responsible tourism product.

Lecture Responsible Tourism - Unit 3: Responsible tourism marketing and communications


RESPONSIBLE TOURISM. MARKETING AND COMMUNICATIONS. http://www.flickr.com/photos N . Explain the importance of marketing and communicating about Responsible Tourism. Importance of. responsible marketing and communications in tourism. Marketing and communicating. Collecting visitor. COMMUNICATIONS IN TOURISM. RESPONSIBLE TOURISM MARKETING &. The role and function of marketing and communications. The marketing and communications mix. Products in tourism marketing. Pricing in tourism marketing.

Lecture Responsible Tourism - Unit 8: Responsible tourism impact monitoring for sustainability


RESPONSIBLE TOURISM. IMPACT MONITORING FOR SUSTAINABILITY. By the end of the unit participants will be able to:. Explain how to interpret research output on impacts of tourism products and services. responsible tourism impact monitoring for sustainability. organising a monitoring programme 3. improving a monitoring programme. OVERVIEW OF RESPONSIBLE TOURISM IMPACT MONITORING FOR SUSTAINABILITY. RESPONSIBLE TOURISM IMPACT MONITORING FOR SUSTAINABILIY.

Lecture Responsible Tourism - Unit 14: Responsible tourism good practice for craft villages in Vietnam


Responsible tourism balances the needs of the consumer, supplier, community and environment. Application of responsible tourism in craft villages. Benefits of adopting a responsible tourism approach in craft villages. http://chogombattrang.vn/upload/user/hieunt/news/du-lich-bat-trang-www.chogombattrang.vn.jpg. Priced to meet the budget of the target market. Number of the different actors (companies or workforce. identify challenges at different stages of the value.

Lecture Responsible Tourism - Unit 11: Responsible food & beverage operation


Responsible tourism target areas in the F&B service sector. Fair Trade. Skills including food hygiene. Poor food hygiene. Follow Fair Trade principles. Practice good food hygiene. Engage with the community. Look after customers and the community. http://www.flickr.com/photos/10451396@N .

Lecture Responsible Tourism - Unit 7: Supporting tourism destinations


OVERVIEW OF RESPONSIBLE SUPPORT TO TOURISM DESTINATIONS. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fishing_techniques. What do we mean by supporting local tourism destinations?. http://www.flickr.com/photos/noxstar . The role and benefits of supporting local tourism destinations.

Lecture Responsible Tourism - Unit 6: Responsible tourism supply chains


Gauge suppliers’ level of awareness of sustainable tourism. 10 A2.2 The staff are trained on cultural and social issues (once a year) 6 B Maximise socio-economic benefits for local society. Developing a responsible supply chain policy and procedures. improving sustainability in the supply chain. Example of responsible supply chain policy statement. A1 Tours recognises that our social, economic and environmental impacts reside as much in our supply chain as in our own activities.

Lecture Responsible Tourism - Unit 10: Responsible accommodation operation: managing energy, water & waste


The issue of water, energy and waste in the accommodation sector. OPERATION: MANAGING ENERGY, WATER AND WASTE. Impacts of unsustainable practices in the accommodation sector. http://www.triplepundit.com/2009/11/hotels-whats-keeping-you- from-going-green (Accessed May 2013). 2008, The staying power of sustainability: Balancing opportunity and risk in the. AND WASTE IN THE ACCOMMODATION SECTOR. Impacts of overconsumption of energy and water and increased pollution and waste....

Du lịch sinh thái (1)


Du lịch thiên nhiên (natural tourism. Du lịch dựa vào thiên nhiên (Natural -based tourism. Du lịch môi trường (Environmental tourism. Du lịch đặc thù (Particular tourism. Du lịch xanh (Green tourism. Du lịch thám hiểm (Adventure tourism. Du lịch bản xứ (Indigenous tourism. Du lịch có trách nhiệm (Responsible tourism. Du lịch nhạy cảm (Sensitized tourism. Du lịch nhà tranh (Cottage tourism. Du lịch bền vững (Sustainable tourism). Cơ sở phát triển DLST. Tìm hiểu và bảo vệ các giá trị thiên nhiên.

Luận văn Thạc sĩ Kinh tế: Xây dựng chiến lược phát triển du lịch sinh thái tỉnh Đồng Nai giai đoạn 2008 2015, tầm nhìn đến 2020


Du lịch thiên nhiên (Nature Tourism). Du lịch xanh (Green Tourism). Du lịch môi trường (Enviromental Tourism. Du lịch bản xứ (Indigenous Tourism). Du lịch nhạy cảm (Sensitized Tourism. Du lịch thám hiểm (Adventure Tourism. Du lịch có trách nhiệm (Responsible Tourism). Du lịch nhà tranh (Cottage tourism. Du lịch bền vững (Sustainable Tourism). Chiến lƣợc phát triển du lịch sinh thái Đánh giá tổng quan tài nguyên du lịch Đồng Nai 2.1.1. Tài nguyên du lịch tự nhiên

Nghiên cứu phát triển du lịch sinh thái miệt vườn tỉnh Bến Tre

Luận văn.PDF


Du lịch thiên nhiên (Nature Tourism).. Du lịch môi trường (Environmental Tourism).. Du lịch đặc thù (Particular Tourism).. Du lịch xanh (Green Tourism).. Du lịch thám hiểm (Adventure Tourism).. Du lịch có trách nhiệm ( Responsible Tourism).. Du lịch nhạy cảm ( Sensitized Tourism).. Du lịch nhà tranh (Cottage Tourism).. Du lịch bền vững ( Sustainable Tourism).. Du lịch nông thôn. Đơn cử, ở du lịch sinh thái miệt vườn Bến Tre. Miệt vườn – Du lịch sinh thái miệt vườn. Du lịch sinh thái miệt vườn.

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Du lịch thiên nhiên (Nature Tourism. Du lịch dựa vào thiên nhiên (Nature – Based Tourism. Du lịch môi trường (Environmental Tourism. Du lịch đặc thù (Particular Tourism. Du lịch xanh (Green Tourism. Du lịch thám hiểm (Adventure Tourism. Du lịch bản xứ (Indigenous Tourism. Du lịch có trách nhiệm (Responsible Tourism. Du lịch nhạy cảm (Sensitized Tourism. Du lịch nhà tranh (Cottage Tourism. Du lịch bền vững (Sustainable Tourism). Sản phẩm du lịch Các đặc tính của sản phẩm du lịch a.