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Sleep Disorders

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Chapter 028. Sleep Disorders (Part 15)


Tafti M et al: Genes for normal sleep and sleep disorders. Ann Med PMID: 16338760]. Trenkwalder C et al: The restless legs syndrome. Van Dongen HP et al: The cumulative cost of additional wakefulness:. Young MW et al: Time zones: A comparative genetics of circadian clocks.. Wyatt JK et al: Sleep facilitating effect of exogenous melatonin in healthy young men and women is circadian-phase dependent

Chapter 028. Sleep Disorders (Part 9)


It is often unclear whether it is an incidental finding or the cause of disturbed sleep. When deemed to be the latter, PLMS is called PLMD. PLMS occurs in a wide variety of sleep disorders (including narcolepsy, sleep apnea, REM sleep behavior disorder, and various. forms of insomnia) and may be associated with frequent arousals and an increased number of sleep-stage transitions.

Increased minimum alveolar concentrationawake of Sevoflurane in women of breast surgery with sleep disorders


Increased minimum alveolar concentration- awake of Sevoflurane in women of breast surgery with sleep disorders. Background: Sleep disorders are commonly encountered in clinic. The study aimed to investigate whether the hypnotic potency of sevoflurane in patients with sleep disorders differ from patients with normal sleep habits..

A prospective interventional study investigating sleep disorders prior to and during adjuvant radiotherapy for breast cancer


Both patient groups reported most sleep disorders before and during the first part of their radiation treatment. The RADIO-SLEEP study evaluates a potential decrease of sleep disorders due to habituation to radiotherapy in patients irradiated for primary breast cancer. Decrease of sleep disorders will be measured using a composite endpoint considering severity of sleep disorders, dis- tress caused by sleep disorders and the use of sleeping drugs.

Chapter 028. Sleep Disorders (Part 1)


Sleep Disorders (Part 1). Sleep Disorders. Sleep Disorders: Introduction. Disturbed sleep is among the most frequent health complaints physicians encounter. More than one-half of adults in the United States experience at least intermittent sleep disturbances.. For most, it is an occasional night of poor sleep or daytime sleepiness..

Chapter 028. Sleep Disorders (Part 5)


Sleep Disorders (Part 5). Approach to the Patient: Sleep Disorders. Patients may seek help from a physician because of one of several symptoms: (1) an acute or chronic inability to initiate or maintain sleep adequately at night (insomnia). Complaints of insomnia or excessive daytime sleepiness should be approached as symptoms (much like fever or pain) of underlying disorders.

Chapter 028. Sleep Disorders (Part 7)


Treatment with acetazolamide can decrease time spent in periodic breathing and substantially reduce hypoxia during sleep.. Insomnia Associated with Mental Disorders. Approximately 80% of patients with psychiatric disorders describe sleep complaints. There is considerable heterogeneity, however, in the nature of the sleep disturbance both between conditions and among patients with the same condition..

Chapter 028. Sleep Disorders (Part 8)


Insomnia Associated with Neurologic Disorders. Insomnia Associated with Other Medical Disorders. A number of medical conditions are associated with disruptions of sleep.. Cardiac ischemia may also be associated with sleep disruption

Chapter 028. Sleep Disorders (Part 6)


Subsyndromal psychiatric disorders (e.g., anxiety and mood complaints), negative conditioning to the sleep environment (psychophysiologic insomnia, see below), amplification of the time spent awake (paradoxical insomnia), physiologic hyperarousal, and poor sleep hygiene (see above) may all be present.

Chapter 028. Sleep Disorders (Part 13)


Disorders of sleep timing can be either organic (i.e., due to an intrinsic defect in the circadian pacemaker or its input from entraining stimuli) or environmental (i.e., due to a disruption of exposure to entraining stimuli from the environment). More than 60 million persons experience transmeridian air travel annually, which is often associated with excessive daytime sleepiness, sleep onset insomnia, and frequent arousals from sleep, particularly in the latter half of the night..

Chapter 028. Sleep Disorders (Part 2)


Stages of REM sleep (solid bars), the four stages of NREM sleep, and. The first REM sleep episode usually occurs in the second hour of sleep.. More rapid onset of REM sleep in a young adult (particularly if <30 min) may suggest pathology such as endogenous depression, narcolepsy, circadian rhythm disorders, or drug withdrawal. Overall, REM sleep constitutes 20–25% of total sleep, and NREM stages 1 and 2 are 50–60%..

Association between sleep disturbance and sarcopenia among older adults


There was an association between sleep disturbance and sarcopenia among older adults with statistical significance after using both unilabiate and multivariable model logistic. The prevalence of sleep disturbance was high and was associated with sarcopenia among older people. Sleep disorders are very common in older adults and there was an association between sleep disturbance and sarcopenia.

Complications and its association with sleep quality in the elderly diabetic patients


COMPLICATIONS AND ITS ASSOCIATION WITH SLEEP QUALITY IN THE ELDERLY DIABETIC PATIENTS. Background: Sleep disorders are commonly seen in type 2 diabetic patients. However, there is not much research about the association of diabetic complications and poor sleep quality.. Objectives: To evaluate diabetic complications and to find out which diabetic complications are associated with poor sleep quality in older diabetic patients treated at National Geriatric Hospital.

Chapter 028. Sleep Disorders (Part 4)


Cardiac dysrhythmias may occur selectively during REM sleep.. In comparison to relaxed wakefulness, respiratory rate becomes more regular during NREM sleep (especially slow-wave sleep) and tonic REM sleep and becomes very irregular during phasic REM sleep.. Sleep onset (and probably slow-wave sleep) is associated with inhibition of thyroid-stimulating hormone and of the adrenocorticotropic hormone–cortisol.

Chapter 028. Sleep Disorders (Part 12)


Other clinical entities may be characterized as a parasomnia or a sleep- related movement disorder in that they occur selectively during sleep and are associated with some degree of sleep disruption. Examples include jactatio capitis nocturna (nocturnal headbanging, rhythmic movement disorder), confusional arousals, sleep-related eating disorder, and nocturnal leg cramps.. REM Sleep Behavior Disorder (RBD).

Chapter 028. Sleep Disorders (Part 11)


Efficacy of the antidepressants is limited largely by anticholinergic side effects (tricyclics) and by sleep disturbance and sexual dysfunction (SSRIs). Adequate nocturnal sleep time and planned daytime naps (when possible) are important preventative measures.. Sleep Apnea Syndromes. Respiratory dysfunction during sleep is a common, serious cause of excessive daytime somnolence as well as of disturbed nocturnal sleep.

Chapter 028. Sleep Disorders (Part 10)


Assessment of daytime functioning as an index of the adequacy of sleep can be made with the multiple sleep latency test (MSLT), which involves repeated measurement of sleep latency (time to onset of sleep) under standardized conditions during a day following quantified nocturnal sleep. Narcolepsy is both a disorder of the ability to sustain wakefulness voluntarily and a disorder of REM sleep regulation (Table 28-2).

Chapter 028. Sleep Disorders (Part 3)


The sleep-wake cycle is the most evident of the many 24-h rhythms in humans.

Chapter 028. Sleep Disorders (Part 14)


Advanced sleep phase disorder (ASPD) is the converse of the delayed sleep phase syndrome

Relationship between levels of lipid and sleep quality in the elderly diabetic patients at national geriatric hospital


“Age and gender differences in linkages of sleep with subsequent mortality and health among very old Chinese”. “Association between objectively measured sleep quality and physical function among community- dwelling oldest old Japanese: a cross- sectional study”. “The Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index. “Effects of Sleep Disorders on Hemoglobin A1c Levels in Type 2 Diabetic Patients”, Chin Med J (Engl .