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Staphylococcal Infections

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Chapter 129. Staphylococcal Infections (Part 9)


While in vivo studies have been promising in either preventing or reducing the incidence of infections, none of these vaccines has yet been successful for either prophylaxis or therapy.. Coagulase-Negative Staphylococcal Infections. aureus, are among the most common causes of prosthetic-device infections. Approximately half of the identified CoNS species have been associated with human infections.

Chapter 129. Staphylococcal Infections (Part 10)


Infections that are not associated with prosthetic devices are infrequent, although native-valve endocarditis due to CoNS has accounted for ~5% of cases in some reviews. lugdunensis appears to be a more aggressive pathogen in this setting, causing greater mortality and rapid valvular destruction with abscess formation.. Staphylococcal Infections: Treatment. General Principles of Therapy.

Chapter 129. Staphylococcal Infections (Part 1)


Staphylococcal Infections (Part 1). Staphylococcal Infections. Staphylococcal Infections: Introduction. Staphylococcus aureus, the most virulent of the many staphylococcal species, has demonstrated its versatility by remaining a major cause of morbidity and mortality despite the availability of numerous effective antistaphylococcal antibiotics. aureus is a pluripotent pathogen, causing disease through both toxin-mediated and non-toxin-mediated mechanisms.

Chapter 129. Staphylococcal Infections (Part 2)


Staphylococcal Infections (Part 2). aureus Infections. aureus is a part of the normal human flora. ~25–50% of healthy persons may be persistently or transiently colonized. The rate of colonization is higher among insulin-dependent diabetics, HIV-infected patients, patients undergoing hemodialysis, and individuals with skin damage.

Chapter 129. Staphylococcal Infections (Part 11)


Staphylococcal Infections (Part 11). Table 129-3 Antimicrobial Therapy for Serious Staphylococcal Infections a. Sensitive to penicillin. Nafcillin (2 g q4h) or oxacillin (2 g q4h), cefazolin (2 g q8h), vancomycin (1 g q12h b. Fewer than 5% of isolates are sensitive to penicillin..

Chapter 129. Staphylococcal Infections (Part 5)


Device-Related Infections (e.g., intravascular catheters, prosthetic joints). Staphylococcal scalded-skin syndrome

Chapter 129. Staphylococcal Infections (Part 12)


Staphylococcal resistance to daptomycin has been reported. Tigecycline, a broad- spectrum minocycline analogue, has bacteriostatic activity against MRSA and is approved for use in skin and soft tissue infections as well as intraabdominal infections caused by S. A number of additional antistaphylococcal agents (e.g., dalbavancin, oritavancin, and ceftobiprole) are undergoing clinical trials..

Chapter 129. Staphylococcal Infections (Part 3)


The initiation of staphylococcal infection requires a breach in cutaneous or mucosal barriers. aureus infections are common, apparently because of the capacity of these pathogens to survive, to persist in a quiescent state in various tissues, and then to cause recrudescent infections when suitable conditions arise.. The anterior nares is the principal site of staphylococcal colonization in humans. aureus to both nasal mucin and keratinized epithelial cells of the anterior nares.

Chapter 129. Staphylococcal Infections (Part 4)


These menadione and hemin auxotrophic mutants are generally deficient in α toxin and can persist within endothelial cells. colony variants are often selected after aminoglycoside therapy and are more commonly found in sites of persistent infections (e.g., chronic bone infections) and in respiratory secretions from patients with cystic fibrosis.

Different microbial and resistance patterns in primary total knee arthroplasty infections – a report on 283 patients from Lithuania and Sweden


Though staphylococcal infections were most common in both countries, they were more common in Lithuania than in Sweden and respect- ively). 128, 33% in Sweden and in Lithuania) followed by CoNS in Sweden and in Lithuania) (Table 2). Type of PJI and microbial profile. aureus and CoNS whereas in the Kaunas, S. Polymicrobial infections. We found a statistically significant difference in the number of polymicrobial infections between Sweden and Lithuania, n and n = 5 (5.9.

Chapter 129. Staphylococcal Infections (Part 8)


Urinary Tract Infections. Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are infrequently caused by S. In contrast with that of most other urinary pathogens, the presence of S. aureus in the urine suggests hematogenous dissemination. aureus infections occasionally result from instrumentation of the genitourinary tract.. Prosthetic Device–Related Infections. aureus accounts for a large proportion of prosthetic device–related.

Chapter 129. Staphylococcal Infections (Part 6)


Skin and Soft Tissue Infections. Common predisposing factors include skin disease, skin damage (e.g., insect bites, minor trauma), injections (e.g., in diabetes, injection drug use), and poor personal hygiene. These infections are characterized by the formation of pus-containing blisters, which often begin in hair follicles and spread to adjoining tissues.

Chapter 129. Staphylococcal Infections (Part 7)


Respiratory Tract Infections. Respiratory tract infections caused by S. aureus occur in selected clinical settings. aureus is a cause of serious infections in newborns and infants. these infections present as shortness of breath, fever, and respiratory failure. Pneumothorax and empyema are recognized complications of this infection.. aureus pulmonary infections are commonly seen in intubated patients in intensive care units.

Chapter 129. Staphylococcal Infections (Part 13)


Lowy FD: Staphylococcus aureus infections. Hiramatsu K et al: The emergence and evolution of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Ing MB et al: Bacteremia and infective endocarditis: Pathogenesis, diagnosis, and complications, in The Staphylococci in Human Disease, KB Crossley, GL Archer (eds). von Eiff C et al: Pathogenesis of infections due to coagulase-negative staphylococci

Etiology and antimicrobial susceptibility of neonatal sepsis in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit in Can Tho Children’s Hospital


Coagulase - negative staphylococcal infections in the neonatal intensive care unit. Chaurasia S, Sivanandan S, Agarwal R, et al. Neonatal sepsis in South Asia: huge burden and spiralling antimicrobial resistance.. Dat VQ, Vu HN, Nguyen The H, et al.. Li X, Ding X, Shi P, Zhu Y, et al. Clinical features and antimicrobial susceptibility profiles of culture - proven neonatal sepsis in a tertiary children’s hospital, 2013 to 2017. Nguyen QH, Nguyen TK, Ho D, et al.

Chapter 130. Streptococcal and Enterococcal Infections (Part 8)


In contrast to patients with staphylococcal TSS, the majority with streptococcal TSS are bacteremic. soft tissue infection—necrotizing fasciitis, myositis, or cellulitis—although a variety of other associated local infections have been described, including pneumonia, peritonitis, osteomyelitis, and myometritis. Streptococcal TSS is associated with a mortality rate of ≥30%, with most deaths secondary to shock and respiratory failure.

Chapter 130. Streptococcal and Enterococcal Infections (Part 9)


Its presence can be demonstrated by cross-streaking of the test isolate and an appropriate staphylococcal strain on a blood agar plate. GBS organisms causing human infections are encapsulated by one of nine antigenically distinct polysaccharides. The capsular polysaccharide is an important virulence factor.. Antibodies to the capsular polysaccharide afford protection against GBS of the same (but not of a different) capsular type.

Chapter 121. Intraabdominal Infections and Abscesses (Part 4)


Historically, coagulase-negative staphylococcal species were identified most commonly in these infections, but more recently these isolates have been decreasing in frequency. Staphylococcus aureus is more often involved among patients who are nasal carriers of the organism than among those who are not, and this organism is the most common pathogen in overt exit-site infections. Gram-negative bacilli and fungi such as Candida spp.

Chapter 131. Diphtheria and Other Infections Caused by Corynebacteria and Related Species (Part 7)


isolated from human blood and abscess infections. accolens has been isolated from wound drainage, throat swabs, and sputum and is typically identified as a satellite of staphylococcal organisms. it has been associated with endocarditis. equi has been recognized as a cause of pneumonia in horses since the 1920s.

Chapter 124. Sexually Transmitted Infections: Overview and Clinical Approach (Part 11)


As the most common manifestation of these serious bacterial infections in women, MPC can be a harbinger or sign of upper genital tract infection, also known as pelvic inflammatory disease (PID. In pregnant women, MPC can lead to obstetric complications.