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The Dock

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Using the Dock


When you drag an icon onto a Dock folder and pause, the folder's window appears around your cursor, so you can continue the drag into an inner folder (and even an innerinner folder, and so on). Tip: When you try to drag something into a Dock folder icon, the Dock icons scoot out of the way. the Dock assumes that you're trying to put that something ontothe Dock. But if you press the key as you drag an icon to the Dock, the existing Dock icons freeze in place.

Setting Up the Dock phần 2


So as you read references to the Dock in this book, mentally substitute the phrase "bottom part of the Dock". when you read references to the "right side of the Dock."

Setting Up the Dock phần 1


Setting Up the Dock. Apple starts the Dock off with a few icons it thinks you'll enjoy: Dashboard, QuickTime Player, iTunes, iChat, Mail, the Safari Web browser, and so on. But using your Mac without putting your own favorite icons in the Dock is like buying an expensive suit and turning down the free alteration service. At the first opportunity, you should make the Dock your own.. The concept of the Dock is simple: Any icon you drag onto it (Figure 4-1) is installed there as a button.

17.4. Rewriting the Words


Using the same routine described in the previous paragraphs, you can edit all of the commands that pertain to the Dock—both its commands in the menu (Dock. Preferences, Turn Magnification On, and so on) and the shortcut menus that pop out of the Dock icons themselves. These wordings are in System Library Core Services. Dock.app Contents Resources English.lproj DockMenus.plist.Click the flippy triangles to see the various commands you can rewrite.

The "Heads-Up" Program Switcher


If you keep the key pressed, each press of the Tab key highlights the Dock icon of another program, in left-to-right Dock order. Mac OS X brings the corresponding program to the front.. If you leave the key pressed, you can choose a program by clicking its icon with your mouse.. A single press of -Tab takes you to the program you used most recently, and another press returns you to the program you started in.. programs—your Web browser and your email program, for example.

Mac OS X Leopard Bible


As you open new applications, they appear in the Dock to the left of the vertical line. New documents and windows minimized in the Dock appear to the right of the Dock divider.. The Dock can be at the bottom of the screen or at either side. This creates a Dock-based alias of the item. Applications must be placed to the left of the Dock divider. Moving icons in the Dock. You can rearrange icons in the Dock by dragging them to different positions.



The old white snails were the first persons of distinction in the world, that they knew. but the old ones, especially Dame Mother Snail, thought they could observe how he increased in size, and she begged father, if he could not see it, that he would at least feel the little snail’s shell. ‘Hear how it beats like a drum on the dock-leaves!’ said Father Snail.. ‘There are also rain-drops!’ said Mother Snail. ‘There is nothing at all,’ said Father Snail. ‘Yes,’ said the dame.

Tự học iLife - p 4


You can view these files or delete them permanently by accessing the Trash.. FROM THE DOCK. 1 Click an iLife icon on the Mac Dock.. Note: See “Tour the Dock” for details.. If the Dock is hidden, you can move your cursor to the bottom of the screen to display the Dock.. You can open an iLife application to start organizing and editing the digital content on your computer.. INTRODUCING iLIFE ’09. Exploring iLife ’09 on the Mac chapter 2. How can I customize the Dock with my own icons?.

How the Mac Does Disks


(You can stop them from appearing in the Sidebar, too, by clicking the Sidebar button in the Finder preferences and turning off the same checkboxes.). You may see all kinds of disks on the Mac OS X desktop (shown here:hard drive, CD, iPod, iDisk)—or none at all, if you've chosen to hide them using the Finder Preferences command. usually in the upper-right corner. Dragging a disk icon into the Trash (at the end of the Dock) makes the Mac spit the disk out.

The Trash


The Trash. No single element of the Macintosh interface is as recognizable or famous as the Trash can, which now appears at the end of the Dock.. You can discard almost any icon by dragging it onto the Trash icon (actually a. When the tip of your arrow cursor touches the Trash icon, the little wastebasket turns black. Tip: Learn the keyboard alternative to dragging something to the Trash: Highlight the icon, and then press -Delete.

B.2. Frozen Programs (Force Quitting)


(Just don't perform this surgery on files in the System folder.). Now you can do whatever you like with this folder.. Tip: If you find yourself having to quit the Dock more than once, here's an easier way: Make yourself a little AppleScript (Chapter 7) consisting of a single line: tell application "Dock". to quit. Whenever you feel that the Dock (or Spaces or Exposé, which technically belong to the Dock) needs a good kick in the rear, double-click your little AppleScript..

Sử dụng photoshop cs5 part 16


B To expand icons to icons with names, or vice versa, drag the vertical edge of the dock horizontally. docks in the predefined Photography workspace.. In the left dock, panels are collapsed to icons with names. in the right dock, they’re organized in three groups. to Icons button to shrink the rightmost dock to icons.

Chapter 17. Hacking Mac OS X


TinkerTool lets you give hidden programs transparent icons on the Dock and specify the Dock's position on the screen—left, right, bottom, or top—and even whether it's centered or flush against one corner. TinkerTool also unlocks a third option for the animation of windows collapsing onto the Dock. In addition to the standard Mac OS X choices (Genie and Scale), you also get something called Suck In (no comment)..

The Spotlight Window phần 2


Move or delete the file.You can drag an item directly out of the found-files list and into a different folder, window, or disk—or straight to the Dock or the Trash. If you click something else and then re-click the dragged item in the results list, the folder map at the bottom of the window updates itself to reflect the file's new location.. If you'd like to repeat the search using a different search phrase, just edit the text in the Search bar.

Photoshop CS3 for Screen Printers- P4


It’s on the right side of the options bar, not the left.. n Transparency: To use a transparency mask for the gradient fill, place a check in the Transparency box. n Width and Height: This allows you to set the width and height for a marquee or shape by manually typing in the dimensions. The Dock is located on the far right of the options bar. To dock a palette, simply drag it from its place in the workspace to the um, Dock.

The Cocoa Difference


By dragging this icon to the desktop, or onto a folder or disk icon, you create an instant alias of the document you're working on. useful feature when, for example, you're about to knock off for the night, and you want easy access to whatever you've been working on when you return the next day.. Drag to the Dock.

Real World Adobe InDesign CS4- P1


You can change the width of the dock by dragging its edges.. To dock all of the panels in a panel group, drag the top of the panel group into the dock or hold down Option/Alt as you drag the panel tab into the dock area.. You can’t move the Control panel or the Tabs panel into the dock areas at the sides of the workspace. To turn a docked panel back into a floating panel, drag the panel’s icon out of the dock. 16 real world adobe indesign cs4.

Moving and Copying Icons phần 1


(If you drag into the right end of the Dock, you can park the document's icon there, too.) This is a useful feature when, for example, you're about to knock off for the night, and you want easy access to whatever you've been working on when you return the next day.. Drag to the Dock. By dragging this title-bar icon into the Dock icon of an.

InDesign CS5 Bible- P2


You can also set the display to any of these three settings — whether the panel is docked or not — in the Interface pane of the Preferences dialog box, using the Floating Tools Panel pop-up menu.. You can move panels in and out of panel groups, dragging them by their tabs. You can drag panels within the main dock or outside the dock (dragging them outside the dock makes them free- floating). (If the dock is collapsed, just drag the panels by their names to pull them out or move them.)

Windows and How to Work Them phần 3


When you find yourself confronting a Finder window that contains useful stuff, consider dragging its proxy icon to the Dock. That's not the same as minimizing the window, which puts the window icon into the Dock, and only temporarily at that.. (Note: Most Mac OS X document windows also offer a proxyicon feature, but produce only an alias when you drag the proxy to a different folder or disk.).