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The gerund

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Bài tập ngữ pháp tiếng Anh GERUND AND INFINITIVE


BÀI TẬP NGỮ PHÁP TIẾNG ANH GERUND AND INFINITIVE. Exercise 1: Complete the sentences with the gerund form of the verbs in parentheses.. She is good at (dance. He is crazy about (sing. They are afraid of (swim. in the sea.. He is interested in (make. My uncle is afraid of (go. the dinner ourselves..



In The inappropriate wearing of a mask is forbidden, the gerund wearing is of the first type. of the gerund is so evident. don't remember his ever being angry and / don't remember him ever being angry mean very nearly the same thing, and an argument could be made for preferring the latter—the thought is of the man angry more than of the man's anger.

Oxford guide to english grammar part 24


Determiner + gerund • 133. 15 THE GERUND PAGE 160. Gerund: Jogging is good for you.. 4 In the negative, not comes before the gerund.. b An adverb can sometimes come before the gerund rather than after it.. 2 A subject can come before the gerund.. 131 Some patterns with the gerund. In subject position, the gerund is much more usual than the to-infinitive. We can also use the empty subject Preferring forward to the gerund clause. But the to-infinitive is more usual after it..

English grammar drills part 14


Underline the gerund phrases in the following sentences. The problem was attaching such a big fi le to the e-mail.. One of the hardest things about identifying gerunds is telling apart a verb in a progressive tense from a gerund that follows a linking verb. In the case of our example, we can change the past progressive was get- ting to the simple past tense got:. When we apply the same test to the gerund phrase, it makes perfect sense:.

Cách dùng cấu trúc đi với to V trong Tiếng Anh giao tiếp thông dụng


(come) to the party with you.. (go) to the cinema, but in the end we stayed at home.. (go) to the museum.. Put the verb into the gerund or the infinitive with ‘to’: She delayed. (speak) to the manager.. (go) to the beach.. Put the verb into the gerund or the infinitive with ‘to’: It appears. (go) to the countryside this weekend.. (see) the boys to the police.. (go) to the cinema, but I don’t know what she decided to do in the end.

Giải thích ngữ pháp Tiếng Anh – The Windy


Động từ thường có ba hình thức: nguyên mẫu (the infinitive), đanh động từ (the gerund), và phân từ (the participle). Động từ nguyên m ẫu có to (to-infmitive):. Động từ nguyên mẫu có lo có thể được dùng làm:. Tân ngữ của động từ (object of a verb).. Hình thức nguyên mẫu có to có thể được dùng như một tân ngữ trực tiếp sau các động từ;. Hình thức nguyên mẫu có to cũng có thể được dùng sau các cụm động từ như:.

The grammar of the english verb phrase part 16


(The gerund form having been expresses anteriority to the time of the head clause situation, irrespective of the latter’s location in time.). (The past participle taken in means ‘having been taken in’ and expresses anteriority either to the time of the head clause situation or to the time of speech.). (The ‘perfect infinitive’ expresses anteriority to the head clause situation.).

Longman preparation series for the new toeic test part 34


Choice (D) is the simple form.. Choice (B) is the present participle.. Choice (C) is the simple form. Choice (D) is the past participle.. Choice (D) is an adjective.. Choice (A) is not logical. Choice (B) is used with specific times of day. Choice (A) is the present participle. Choice (B) is the present tense singular. Choice (C) is the past tense.. Choice (A) is past tense passive. Choice (B) is future perfect passive. Choice (A) is past tense. Choice (D) is. Choice (B) is the gerund..

Chuyên đề bài tập Tiếng Anh 8 – Chuyên đề Grammar (Verb-forms) (phần 1)


You (use) to play so much when you (live) in the countryside?. 9.Use the gerund of the verbs in the box to complete the sentences.. My sister enjoys aerobics in the morning.. Vinh’s brother loves foreign coins, doesn’t he?. Put the verbs in the brackets into infinitive (V/to V) or gerund (V-ing).

Cấu trúc câu với động từ đi kèm


Động từ 'Stop' có thể được theo sau bằng cả to + infinitive hay. danh động từ - the gerund - nhưng với động từ này thì với mỗi. và có thể thấy là hai câu này khác nhau. telephone.". stopped to have lunch.". ta có thể thấy đầu tiên anh ấy chơi

Tạp chí học tiếng Anh Hot English số 79 - www.VoaChip.com


Carolyn Morris, a spokeswoman for the website, said, “The survey clearly demonstrates that not only do housewives deserve a wage for their efforts, they also need a break from the daily grind.”. 16 I www.hotenglishmagazine.com. Almonds are a member of the peach family.. a) To “put off” can mean “to delay”. For example, “The disgusting smell of that milk put me off my lunch.”. The use of the gerund or the infinitive doesn’t really change the meaning of the verb “to feel”.

Speak english around town - Part 2


Verb l + Verb 2 in the Gerund (-Ina form) Verb 1 Verb 2 is a gerund. molar - the big teeth in the back of the mouth. IO.You're not supposed to take flash pictures inside the museum.. "I have to let you know that I am extremely happy with the method.". T WILL t1£!f•YC'J �F'[At, ll<.l A "J.ATl't('

English grammar drills part 41


Exercise 16.14 (Chapter 6: Gerund phrases). Underline the gerund phrases in the following sentences. Singing in the shower is his favorite hobby.. Shivering in the stadium during the football game is not my idea of a good time.. Exercise 16.15 (Chapter 6: Infi nitive phrases). Underline the infi nitive phrases in the following sentences

Oxford guide to english grammar part 23


Some verbs can take either a to-infinitive or a gerund with almost no difference in meaning.. a With verbs of liking and hating, sometimes the gerund gives a sense of the action really happening, while the infinitive often points to a possible action.. Like, love and hate usually take a gerund, but would like, would love and would hate normally take a to-infinitive.. b Like takes a to-infinitive when it means that something is a good idea, rather than a pleasure..

Bài Giảng Và Lời Giải Chi Tiết Tiếng Anh 8 - Hoàng Thái Dương


EXERCISE 2: Complete the sentences using the gerund of the following.verbs.. (Haan thanh cau b�ng each dung hinh thuc 'gerund' cua cac d{>ng tu sau. Dung moi d{>ng tu chi m{>t l�n.). I enjoy a member of the school's football team.. I love in the garden when it is fine.. EXERCISE 3: Complete each blank in the passage with the gerund of one of the following verbs. (Hay hoan thanh m6i khoang tr6ng trong do�n van b�ng hinh thuc 'gerund' cua mqt trong cac dqng tu sau..

English Grammar For The Utterly Confused


Which is the best revision of the following sentence fragment:. Which of the following idioms is correct?. This noun or pronoun is called the “object of the preposition.”. The cost of the jeans was surprisingly high.. The adjectival phrase “of the jeans” describes the noun cost.. Annoyed, the customer stalked out of the store.. The gerund phrase is “the slow, steady dripping.”. The italic portion of the following sentence is a prepositional phrase:.

Rozakis - English Grammar for The Utterly Confused


Which is the best revision of the following sentence fragment:. Which of the following idioms is correct?. This noun or pronoun is called the “object of the preposition.”. The cost of the jeans was surprisingly high.. The adjectival phrase “of the jeans” describes the noun cost.. Annoyed, the customer stalked out of the store.. The gerund phrase is “the slow, steady dripping.”. The italic portion of the following sentence is a prepositional phrase:.

some tenses of english


But unless the gerund is preceded by a conjugated form of the verb “to be,” it is not a verb. Often, it is much easier to understand if you replace the noun gerund with the expression: “the action of…” (That is, of course you can possess the simple noun, “action.”). Although designed to hold more than 100 people, the only smoking section in the 20- story building fills quickly during the ten-minute breaks.. in the 20-story building.

Rozakis - The Complete Idiot's Guide to Grammar & Style 2e


Some appositives are essential to the meaning of the sentence. describes the pronoun "I.". The gerund phrase is "following what's left of The Grateful Dead around the country.". It was the fifth game of the 1956 Series.. You reviewed some of the most common subordinating conjunctions in the previous section. Like adverb clauses, adjective clauses are of the dependent variety.. As you learned in Chapter 4, relative pronouns connect (or "relate"—get it?)

English Grammar for the Utterly Confused (Utterly Confused Series)


Which is the best revision of the following sentence fragment:. Which of the following idioms is correct?. This noun or pronoun is called the “object of the preposition.”. The cost of the jeans was surprisingly high.. The adjectival phrase “of the jeans” describes the noun cost.. Annoyed, the customer stalked out of the store.. The gerund phrase is “the slow, steady dripping.”. The italic portion of the following sentence is a prepositional phrase:.