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The small intestine

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Finite element analysis of a self-propelled capsule robot moving in the small intestine


Schematic diagrams of the capsule moving in (a) Case 1: flat-open intestine, (b) Case 2: collapsed intestine, (c) Case 3: contrac- tive intestine, (d) Case 4: curved intestine.. Material parameters of the capsule and the synthetic small intestine.. the Poisson’s ratio of the intestine, 𝜌 𝑖 is the density of the intestine and 𝜇 is the friction coefficient between the capsule and the small intestine..

Changes in the morphofunctional organization of the intraorgan hemocirculatory bed of the liver with mechanical acute small bowelobstruction


Tập Obstruction of the lumen of the small. intestine does not occur instantly: for some time after reducing the diameter of the lumen of the small intestine, passage of intestinal contents through the intestine is possible (in clinical practice, this condition is often called “partial small bowel obstruction.

The Encyclopedia Of Nutrition And Good Health - I


MICROVILLI , which further increase the surface area so that the total surface area of the inner sur- face of the small intestine is about the size of a tennis court. The large intestine is about one-quarter of the length of the small intestine and averages 2.5 inches (6.5 cm) in diameter. The opening between the terminal portion of the small intestine ( ILEUM ) and the large intestine is regulated by the ileocecal valve.

Evaluation of small intestinal damage in a rat model of 6 Minutes cardiac arrest


(iii) a systemic inflammation and thus a potential contribution of the small intestine to systemic inflammation could not be simulated after 6 min of CA in rats.. Although 6 min of transient global ischaemia and subse- quent reperfusion led to mucosal damage and decreased thickness of the muscularis in the small intestine, jejunal tissue concentrations of IL-1α, IL-1β, IL-10 and TNF-α.

The Encyclopedia Of Nutrition And Good Health - D


The small intes- tine represents the upper three-fourths of the intestinal tract and begins at the pyloric valve, which regulates partially digested food leaving the stomach. The first section, within a foot of the stomach, is called the DUODENUM , where BILE and pancreatic secre- tions flow into the intestine. JEJUNUM or middle region of the small intestine fol- lows the duodenum. Most nutrient absorption occurs in the small intestine.

The Encyclopedia Of Nutrition And Good Health - S


This disease is characterized by a marked loss in flatten- ing of the villi—the small, hairlike projections that increase the absorptive surface of the small intes- tine. Celiac disease increases the risk of gastric intestinal cancer, especially of the small intestine.. Locust bean gum (carob seed gum) comes from the bean of the carob tree. Tragacanth gum is a product of the Middle East..

The Encyclopedia Of Nutrition And Good Health - G


TOKININ into the bloodstream, which causes the gallbladder to release bile into the DUODENUM , the upper section of the small intestine. EASE , cystic fibrosis, and alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver.. In the United States, most stones are of the mixed variety. Unlike most serum proteins that are made by the LIVER , gamma globulins are prod- ucts of B cells and related plasma cells of the.

Genetic mapping of novel modifiers for ApcMin induced intestinal polyps’ development using the genetic architecture power of the collaborative cross mice


Overall polyps were distributed approximately equally between 3 segments of the small intestine: SB1 with polyps (25. QTL analysis using HAPPY was performed for polyp count traits sub-divided into three parts of the small intestinal tract (SB1, SB2, and SB3) and colon, for the 402 mice in 49 CC-B/6- Apc Min/+ F1 crosses, includ- ing males and females. In the proximal section of the small intestine, SB1, (Fig.

High-level integration of murine intestinal transcriptomics data highlights the importance of the complement system in mucosal homeostasis


In another experiment quercetin was added to the standard diet and the response was measured in two parts of the small intestine (jejunum and ileum), as well as in the colon [65]. One experiment tested a probiotic on two strains of mice and two sections of the intestine (small and large intestine) [66]. in the colon. In each ex- periment, the normalization was performed with one of the following methods, GCRMA, RMA, MAS5 or quan- tile normalization.

Encyclopedia Of Animal Science - D


More information on fermentation and nutrient ab- sorption in the ruminant forestomachs, and in the hindgut of the horse, the pig, and the fowl is provided in the article, ‘‘Digesta Processing and Fermentation. The absorption sites in the small intestine differ depending on the species. Most of this absorption occurs in the small intestine in a strict carnivore. In the horse and pig, the absorption of water and ions is shifted from the small to large intestine as microbial digestion develops.

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/ abnormal condition of the skin 10. twitching of the eyelid 15. inflammation of the gum(s) 2. visual examination of the colon 3. surgical repair of the stomach 4. disease of the mouth 8. suture of the jejunum (second part of the small intestine) 10. inflammation of the pharynx 11. spasm of the esophagus 3. inflammation of the stomach 5. excision of all or part of the jejunum 8. inflammation of the ileum 10. inflammation of the small intestine 12. disease of the small intestine 13. inflammation of

thuật ngữ y khoa.pdf


the esophagus 4. excision of (part of) the esophagus 7. surgical repair of the small intestine 9. fixation of the small intestine (to the abdominal wall) 10. suture of the bile duct 11. surgical repair of the anus or rectum 14. removal of the gallbladder 15. visual examination of the stomach 8. surgical puncture of the pleura 2. excision of the tonsils 4. paralysis of the voice box 9. surgical repair of the septum10. incision of the sinus11. surgical repair of the nose15. condition of the lungsể

The Encyclopedia Of Nutrition And Good Health - M


MOLYBDENUM : Xanthine oxidase is involved in the synthesis of the waste product URIC ACID . Lecithin functions as a building block of the lipid carriers in the bloodstream, like LOW - DENSITY LIPOPROTEIN. microvilli Minute, hair-like extensions of the surface of cells lining the small INTESTINE and used to absorb nutrients. The inside of the small intes- tine resembles a wrinkled shag carpet.

Nghiên cứu sử dụng enzim lactozym để phân huỷ đường lactoza trong sữa tươi



Summary of essay content Milk is one of the food that have the highest nutritional value. Milk contains all the necessary nutrients for human body, especially for the children, the old and the weak. However, a part of carbonhydrat, the main content of milk, causes an obstruction of absorbing milk in small intestine. The reason of this problem is that the small intestine can not absorb lactoza of milk because of the lack of enzyme for transforming lactoza, called β- Glactosidaza.

The Encyclopedia Of Nutrition And Good Health - J


jaundice A yellowing of skin, mucous mem- branes, and whites of the eyes due to the buildup of BILE PIGMENT (bilirubin) in the body. Bilirubin is produced during the degradation of the red pig- ment of the oxygen-carrying protein HEMOGLOBIN. (See also. jejunum The middle segment of the small intes- tine. Like other regions of the small intestine, the jejunum possesses a large surface area due to its highly wrinkled surface. In the first, JUICE.

Encyclopedia Of Animal Science - V


However, thiamin is very heat sensitive and is easily destroyed during feed processing, especially in the presence of reducing sugars. Dietary forms of riboflavin are mostly coenzyme derivatives that are released in the stomach and hydrolyzed by phosphatases in the small intestine. Riboflavin is absorbed by a specialized transport mechanism in the proximal small intestine. Intestinal absorption of riboflavin appears to be increased by the presence of food in the intestine.

Section XIII - The Vitamins


In the presence of bile salts, phylloquinone and the menaquinones are adequately absorbed from the intestine, almost entirely by way of the lymph. menaquinones are absorbed by diffusion in the distal portions of the small intestine and in the colon. Hypoprothrombinemia of the Newborn. In premature infants and in infants with hemorrhagic disease of the newborn, the. Hemorrhagic disease of the newborn has been associated with breast-feeding.

Chapter 040. Diarrhea and Constipation (Part 1)


While the primary function of the small intestine is the digestion and assimilation of nutrients from food, the small intestine and colon together perform important functions that regulate the secretion and absorption of water and electrolytes, the storage and subsequent transport of intraluminal contents aborally, and the salvage of some nutrients after bacterial metabolism of carbohydrate that are not absorbed in the small intestine. The main motor functions are summarized in Table 40-1.

Chapter 087. Gastrointestinal Tract Cancer (Part 14)


Tumors of the Small Intestine. Small-bowel tumors comprise <3% of gastrointestinal neoplasms. Abdominal symptoms are usually vague and poorly defined, and conventional radiographic studies of the upper and lower intestinal tract often appear normal.

A preliminary study on the detection of potential contaminants in the European brown hare (Lepus europaeus) by suspect and microplastics screening


Most of the hares were dissected in a still life-warm state of preservation. macro- and microga- monts) in the mild inflamed mucosa of the small intestine. white pinpoint foci in the mucosa of the intestine due to coccidial aggregates) were seen in hare PE2. In histopathology moderate amounts of coccidia accompanied by a moderate lymphoplasmacytic inflammatory reaction of the mucosa were identified. PE1 showed scattered lym- phoplasmacytic foci in the liver.