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Encyclopedia Of Animal Science - A


Sound animal husbandry depends on application of scientific knowledge of many aspects of the biology of the animals we keep. Differences in thermal adaptabilities of the two put the same environ- ment in the piglet’s cold zone, the sow’s neutral zone.. The stress response initiated by a stressor results in the release of neurotransmitters and hormones that serve as the...

Encyclopedia Of Animal Science - B


the area of the ribeye (longissimus dorsi). and the hot weight of the carcass. Marbling scores are assigned to the carcass depending on the degree of intramuscular fat that is present in the cut surface of the ribeye. Relationship between longissimus composition and the composition of other major muscles of the beef carcass.. Crossbreeding is one of the most beneficial...

Encyclopedia Of Animal Science - C


Lama and Vicugna in the New World or South America of the Camelidae family, including four domesticated species: (1) domestic Bac- trian or two-humped camels (C. However, the distribution of all four of the South American camelids overlap in large areas in the Andes. Males are seasonal breeders, corresponding with that of the females. Genetic analysis reveals the wild ancestors...

Encyclopedia Of Animal Science - D


Many changes have occurred in the biology and technology of milk production by dairy cows during the past half-century. The first traits to be evaluated nationally in the United States were milk and butterfat yield and percentage.. Percentage of dairy animals that result from AI in the United States is nearly 80%. In the United States, methodology for national evaluations...

Encyclopedia Of Animal Science - E


and the exploitation of new grazing areas have led to reductions in plant and animal biodiversity in many parts of the world in the last century.. For this regulation to be effective, there must be a greater understanding of the functioning of grazed ecosystems.. [5] Because there is a mixture of point-source (housing) and diffuse pollution (disposal to land), approaches...

Encyclopedia Of Animal Science - F


[4] Particle size of the Cr- mordanted fiber can also significantly affect the rate of passage.. Recovery in the feces of the most commonly used external alkane marker (dotriacontane, C 32 ) was around 87%. and 4) is physically similar to the contents of the digestive tract. The FO is estimated from the dilution of the marker dose in feces.....

Encyclopedia Of Animal Science - G


Food storage occurs at the end of the esophagus and/or in the cardiac area of the mammal’s stomach. Slow peristalsis of the composite is interdispersed by segmentation through the duodenum. Quantitative investigation of the intestines in eight species of domestic mammals. Digestive Physiology of the Hind Gut.. When symbiosis confers benefit to one organism at the cost of the other...

Encyclopedia Of Animal Science - H


This prohibition is frequently questioned on the grounds of the small amounts of residues consumed in beef in relation to endogenous quantities in humans and those determined as safe by toxicological methodology. The anabolic preparations available in the United States [1]. Z is a resorcylic acid lactone derivative of the nonsteroidal fungal estrogen zearalenone), steroidal androgens (T is a hormone...

Encyclopedia Of Animal Science - I


Immune System: Nutrition Effects. THE IMMUNE SYSTEM. The cells of the immune system and their responses to infection are obviously complex, but can be partitioned into two separate but interacting components those that provide innate immunity and those that provide acquired (or adaptive) immunity (Fig. The component of the immune system that protects the host animal but does not distinguish...

Encyclopedia Of Animal Science - L


However, there are diverse lactation patterns among living mammals, involving differences in the duration and intensity of lactation, as well as differences in suckling frequency, milk composi- tion, and milk yield. Lactation was well established before the divergence in the late Jurassic and/or early Cretaceous periods of the monotremes (such as echidnas and the platypus), marsu- pials (such as opossums...

Encyclopedia Of Animal Science - M


Avian testes remain in the body cavity attached to the wall of the kidney, and the testes function at body temperature. In most domestic mammals, the normal temperature of the testes is several degrees cooler in the scrotum compared with body temperature. of the testes is the production of testosterone and androstenedione. The weight of the two testes ranges from...

Encyclopedia Of Animal Science - N


Typically, phosphorus was fed above the requirement of the animals as a safety factor due to lack of confidence in the precise P requirements and supplies. Much of the P in feed ingredients (such as corn and soybean meal) is in the form of phytate P. Swine and poultry lack the enzyme (phytase) necessary to utilize the phytate P so...

Encyclopedia Of Animal Science - O


This view has now been trans- formed by the realization that omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturates are potent determinants of the body’s physiological state, regulating fuel partitioning, inflam- mation, and neurological function and are, therefore, crucial determinants of health, disease, and productivity.. In the case of a saturated fatty acid, all the carbon atoms in the chain are linked by single...

Encyclopedia Of Animal Science - P


coli are mostly harmless colonizers of the gastrointes- tinal tract of warm-blooded animals, including humans;. [1] The pathogen is estimated to be responsible for approximately 0.02% of the cases of foodborne illness in the United States and 28% of the deaths. of the total estimated deaths from foodborne disease in the United Sates annually. Drug Administration (FDA) in efforts to...

Encyclopedia Of Animal Science - Q


Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL). Most traits of agricultural importance, such as growth rate and body composition, milk yield and composition, and egg number and quality show a continuous distribu- tion of quantitative trait measurements in a population.. Genetic variation in a quantitative trait is generally attributed to allelic variation at a number of genes, in contrast to the one or...

Encyclopedia Of Animal Science - R


There is no keel and the pectoral muscles are absent or vestigial. The feathers of the emu have two shafts. All extant ratites are endemic to the Southern Hemi- sphere, whereas their ancestors were found in both hemi- spheres. The ratites have very strong legs and their muscles have a specific distribution and physiology due to the mechanic constraints of...

Encyclopedia Of Animal Science - S


In 2001, Norway and Chile produced 43% and 25% of the Atlantic salmon, respectively. Atlantic salmon make up the greatest part of the world production of the various salmon species T in 2001. Of the Pacific salmon species, the production of coho salmon (Oncorhynchus. [2] Feed (including pigments, vitamins, medication, and feed transport) accounted for 51% of the production costs...

Encyclopedia Of Animal Science - T


Transgenic Animals: Improved Performance. The ability to isolate, clone, and transfer individual genes into farm animals provides the opportunity for scientists to produce transgenic animals with modified traits that are unattain- able through genetic selection.. More recently, an insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) transgene has been used to produce transgenic pigs with enhanced muscle development and reduced fat in the carcass,...

Encyclopedia Of Animal Science - U


Ultrasound waves generated by the transducer are propagated through animal tissue until a slight change in density, such as tissue interfaces, will cause a portion of the ultrasound waves to be reflected back to the trans- ducer. The ultrasonic reflectance technique A-mode was used for the evaluation of fat thickness of swine [1] in the late 1950s. The ultrasonic equipment...

Encyclopedia Of Animal Science - V


Se is widely distributed in the body, but the most labile reservoir is in the liver. In the liver, dietary fats and tocopherols and tocotrienols in chylomicron remnants are repackaged, and RRR- a - tocopherol is preferentially incorporated by a -tocopherol transferase into very low density lipoproteins (VLDLs) and secreted. In the absence of vitamin E, polyunsaturated fatty acids are...