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Tissue oxygenation

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Brain tissue oxygenation during transnasal endoscopic skull base procedures


Brain tissue oxygenation during transnasal endoscopic skull base procedures. Brain tissue oxygenation Endoscopy. Transnasal Skull base. Purpose: We aimed to study brain tissue oxygenation during the period of controlled reduction of arterial blood pressure – a maneuver often used in extended endoscopic skull base surgery for bloodless operative field..

Improved haemodynamic stability and cerebral tissue oxygenation after induction of anaesthesia with sufentanil compared to remifentanil: A randomised controlled trial


Induction of anaesthesia with propofol and sufentanil re- sults in improved haemodynamic stability and higher cerebral tissue oxygenation compared to propofol and remifentanil in CABG patients. SctO 2 : Cerebral tissue-oxygenation. SptO 2 : Peripheral tissue- oxygenation. MP and PLB managed the inclusion of the participants. MP and AFK interpreted the data and wrote the first draft of the manuscript.

The effect of selective cerebral perfusion on cerebral versus somatic tissue oxygenation during aortic coarctation repair in neonates and infants


NIRS-measured tissue oxygenation is determined by the balance between tissue oxygen con- sumption and supply. when tissue oxygen consumption remains relatively stable, it is essentially determined by tissue perfusion or oxygen delivery [9].. We hypothesize that tissue beds perfused by the vas- culature proximal and distal to the aortic coarctation have distinct oxygenation patterns during aortic coarc- tation surgery in neonates and infants.

Changes in the sublingual microcirculation following aortic surgery under balanced or total intravenous anaesthesia: A prospective observational study


Our first finding is that both balanced anaesthesia and TIVA were associated with overall maintenance of microvascular perfusion and tissue oxygenation. Patients receiving balanced anaesthesia showed an increase in microvascular density, which was inversely related to a reduction in systemic vascular resistance.

Lower limb perfusion during roboticassisted laparoscopic radical prostatectomy evaluated by near-infrared spectroscopy: An observational prospective study


Near-infrared spectroscopy as an index of brain and tissue oxygenation. Relationship between near infrared spectroscopy and intra-compartmental pressures. Well leg compartment syndrome after robotic prostatectomy:. Compartment syndrome following robotic- assisted prostatectomy: rhabdomyolysis in bone scintigraphy. The clinical diagnosis of compartment syndrome of the lower leg:. are clinical findings predictive of the disorder? J Orthop Trauma.

Chapter 020. Hypothermia and Frostbite (Part 3)


Supplemental oxygenation is always warranted, since tissue oxygenation is adversely affected by the leftward shift of the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve. Pulse oximetry may be unreliable in patients with vasoconstriction. If protective airway reflexes are absent, gentle endotracheal intubation should be performed. Although cardiac pacing for hypothermic bradydysrhythmias is rarely indicated, the transthoracic technique is preferable..

Chapter 081. Principles of Cancer Treatment (Part 13)


Thus, during surgical procedures, patients with prior exposure to bleomycin should be maintained on the lowest PI O2 consistent with maintaining adequate tissue oxygenation.

High mobilization of CD133+/CD34+ cells expressing HIF-1α and SDF-1α in septic abdominal surgical patients


Therefore, the de- bate of considering the HIF-1a as a marker of the true level of tissue oxygenation is still open. A possible explanation reconciling conflicting results is provided by Piccoli and al., whose results suggest that the chemokine-dependent mobilization from the BM is a trigger for the stabilization of HIF-1 α under normoxic conditions in healthy donors.

Critical Care Obstetrics part 19


Maintaining adequate tissue oxygenation in the face of acute blood loss is a function of partial pressure of inspired oxygen, pulmonary gas exchange, oxygen delivery to the blood, cardiac performance, tissue oxygen demands, and red cell oxygen content. Oxygen content is the sum of the product of the hemo- globin concentration, the binding coeffi cient of oxygen for hemo- globin (1.39), and oxygen saturation, plus the small amount of oxygen dissolved in plasma.

The relationship between intraoperative cerebral oximetry and postoperative delirium in patients undergoing off-pump coronary artery bypass graft surgery: A retrospective study


Randomized trial of near-infrared spectroscopy for personalized optimization of cerebral tissue oxygenation during cardiac surgery. Effects of cerebral near-infrared spectroscopy on the outcome of patients undergoing cardiac surgery: a systematic review of randomised trials

Critical Care Obstetrics part 59


It is characterized by an inability of the host to maintain vascular integrity and fl uid homeostasis resulting in inadequate tissue oxygenation and circulatory failure.. The spectrum of host response ranges from simple sepsis to septic shock with multiple - organ system dysfunction and death. Patients with septic shock require early and aggressive intervention, and often succumb despite timely and appropriate therapy. of those with severe sepsis develop septic shock [3.

Tourniquet-induced tissue hypoxia characterized by near-infrared spectroscopy during ankle surgery: An observational study


Tissue oxygenation monitoring. Tissue oxygenation was monitored using a tissue oxim- eter based on near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) (FORE-SIGHT Elite, CASMED, Inc., Branford, Con- necticut). In essence, NIRS-measured tissue oxygenation is determined by the balanced between oxygen con- sumption and supply of the tissue bed which is about 2–.

Supraglottic jet oxygenation and ventilation assisted fiberoptic intubation in a paralyzed patient with morbid obesity and obstructive sleep apnea: A case report


Adipose tissue accumulated in pharyngeal can make patient’s pharyngeal cavity narrow and make the oropharyngeal muscles and soft tissue collapse, obstruct- ing the airway [12, 13]. The incidence of difficult intubation in morbid obesity patients during general anesthesia induction undergoing abdominal surgery can be as high as 24%.

Supraglottic jet oxygenation and ventilation for obese patients under intravenous anesthesia during hysteroscopy: A randomized controlled clinical trial


Meanwhile, we located the front-end of WNJ by fibro bronchoscope and found that the best site for WNJ oxygenation was between epiglottis and uvula in the WNJ SJOV Group. Oxygenation effect can be maintained better in the WNJ SJOV Group than that in the WNJ Oxygen Group, although the same WNJs were used for the pa- tients in both groups. Theoretically, SJV can make the WNJ front end swing, which may cause damage to the throat soft tissue.

Mild hypercapnia improves brain tissue oxygen tension but not diffusion limitation in asphyxial cardiac arrest: An experimental study in pigs


Previous studies found mild hypercapnia increased cerebral oxygenation assessed by near infrared spectros- copy (NIRS) and attenuated the release of serum neuron specific enolase (NSE .

A case report of fatal disseminated fungal sepsis in a patient with ARDS and extracorporeal membrane oxygenation


Due to continuing severe septic shock (Lactat 8.3 mmol/l, Norepinephrine 1.5 μg/kg/min) and persistent risk of hypoxemia after interdisciplinary discussion extracorporal veno-venous oxygenation was established.. In cases of septic shock extracorporal veno-arterial oxy- genation is often limited due to higher heart time vol- umes in sepsis and developing harlequin phenomenon with insufficient systemic oxygenation.

Apneic laryngeal oxygenation during elective fiberoptic intubation – a technical simulation


However, while oxygenation concepts approaching deeper anatomical airway structures are scientifically proven for unexpected difficult airways [13], evidence for apneic laryngeal oxygenation during elective fiberoptic intubation is scarce. In this study, we evaluated a special oropharyngeal oxygenation device (OOD), allowing a continuous laryngeal oxygen insuffla- tion during and parallel with bronchoscopy.

Clinical outcomes of postoperative extracorporeal membrane oxygenation support in Stanford type a aortic dissection


extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. Background: Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) support may be considered to reduce mortality but survival and clinical outcomes are uncertain after Stanford type A Aortic dissection (TAAD). We analyzed the data of TAAD patients with postoperative ECMO support in our institution to investigate clinical outcomes..

High flow versus conventional nasal cannula for oxygenation and ventilation maintenance during surgery with intravenous deep sedation by propofol: A randomized controlled study


In the NC2 group, two patients had an extremely high PaO 2 and PF ratio, which caused an increase in overall oxygenation. As a result, oxygenation in the NC2 group was not significantly different compared with that in the NHF group. 6L/minute because exceeding 6 L/minute causes dry- ness of the nasal mucosa.