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Critical Care Obstetrics part 76


ADAMTS-13, thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura adenosine, fetal effects 629 adnexal masses 708–9 adnexal torsion 363 ADP 286 adrenal crisis 434. adrenal glands, pregnancy adaptations 46 agitation 689–94. chest trauma 497 obstruction 97 pregnancy adaptations 41 resuscitation 97–9, 98. amiodarone, fetal effects 629–30. amniotic fl uid embolism clinical presentation . teratogenicity 531 toxicology 530 ampicillin, prophylaxis 641 amrinone, fetal effects 631. ACE...

Critical Care Obstetrics part 1


Critical Care Obstetrics. Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Utah School of Medicine, Salt Lake City, UT. Director of Perinatal Research, Director of Fetal Therapy, HCA Healthcare, Nashville, TN, USA. Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX, USA. Clinical Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Arizona College...

Critical Care Obstetrics part 2


Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences. Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Citrus Valley Medical Center. Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology University of Utah Health Science, UT and Medical Director. Department of Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynecology. Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology MFM Division. Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center (UTSMC) at Dallas. Department of...

Critical Care Obstetrics part 3


Obstetrics admissions to the intensive care unit . Multicenter study of obstetric admissions to 14 intensive care units in southern England . Maternal intensive care and near - miss mor- tality in obstetrics . Design and operation of the National Hospital Discharge Survey: 1988 redesign . Intensive care use by critically ill obstetric patients: a fi ve - year review...

Critical Care Obstetrics part 4


medical personnel updated on the patient ’ s progress on a regular basis.. Approximately 5 hours after initiation of the oxytocin infu- sion, nursing assessment of maternal status revealed diminished urinary output for 2 consecutive hours. In addition, the patient complained of new - onset shortness of breath and a cough.. Auscultation of the lungs revealed the presence of crackles...

Critical Care Obstetrics part 5


Cardiac disorders during pregnancy . Elimination of central line - asso- ciated bloodstream infections: Application of the evidence . Evaluation of the effects of heparinized and nonheparinized fl ush solutions on the patency of arterial pressure monitoring lines: the AACN “ Thunder Project. Effects of iced and room temperature injectate on cardiac output measurements in critically ill patients with decreased...

Critical Care Obstetrics part 6


Moreover, angiographic studies have shown that the change in shape of the uterus during contractions leads to improved blood fl ow from the pelvic organs and lower extremities back to the heart. increase in cardiac output with contractions as compared with the resting state.. ventions designed to interfere with this increase in blood pressure in the latter half of pregnancy...

Critical Care Obstetrics part 7


Am J Obstet Gynecol 1996 . Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 1988 . Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 1993 . Clin Obstet Gynecol 1960 . Obstet Gynecol Surv 1985 . Am J Obstet Gynecol 1980 . Variations in the peripheral circulation during pregnancy . Am J Obstet Gynecol 1958 . Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 1954 . Am J Obstet Gynecol...

Critical Care Obstetrics part 8


quantitative assessment of the expected compensatory changes (Table 5.1. A systematic approach to an acid – base abnormality Several different approaches for blood gas interpretation have been devised [53 – 55. 2 Is the primary disturbance respiratory or metabolic? The primary alteration associated with each of the four primary disorders is shown in Table 5.1. 3 If a respiratory disturbance...

Critical Care Obstetrics part 9


An understanding of the distribution and pharmacokinetics of plasma expanders, as well as knowledge of normal renal function and fl uid dynamics during pregnancy, is needed to allow for prompt resuscitation of patients in various forms of shock, as well as to provide maintenance therapy for other critically ill patients.. The total body water (TBW) ranges from 45% to 65%...

Critical Care Obstetrics part 10


If aggressive replacement therapy does not correct the serum potassium, magnesium depletion should be considered and the magnesium then replaced.. The chloride salt is necessary to correct the alkalosis, which otherwise would result in the administered potassium being lost in the urine. Mild potassium loss can be replaced orally in the form of potassium chloride or KPO 4 . Pseudohyperkalemia...

Critical Care Obstetrics part 11


109 Lorenz W , Doenicke A , Freund M et al. 111 Ring J , Seifert B , Messmer K et al. Anaphylactoid reactions due to hydroxyethyl starch infusion . 112 Muller N , Popov - Cenic S , Kladetzky RG et al. 114 Weatherbee L , Spencer HH , Knopp CT et al. 116 Mattox KL , Maningas PA...

Critical Care Obstetrics part 12


In the hospital setting immediate confi rmation of the tracheal tube is typically done using non - physical examination tech- niques, such as end - tidal (ET) carbon dioxide indicators. Consequently, the gold standard for confi rmation in the pregnant women remains repeat direct visualization [23]. Also, progesterone relaxes the smooth muscle of the lower esophageal sphincter and increases the...

Critical Care Obstetrics part 13


For the neonate, without connection to the placenta after the cord is clamped, maintenance of the fetal circulation shunts blood away from the lungs, the only available organ of gas exchange.. It is important to note that intrauterine ischemic events, even those quite remote from the delivery of the infant, may extend into the newborn period resulting in a com-...

Critical Care Obstetrics part 14


When epinephrine alone is not effective, consideration should be given to the possibility of hypovolemic shock. Although relatively uncommon, respiratory depression may occur in the infant whose mother received inhalational anesthetic before cesarean section delivery or who was given a narcotic analgesic less than 4 hours before delivery. It is important to note that the duration of action of the...

Critical Care Obstetrics part 15


Clinical recognition of the gravida who is experiencing respira- tory failure and needs mechanical ventilation is extremely impor- tant, because maternal and fetal reserve is likely impaired in the gravida who has been hypoxic. In addition to the parameters noted in Table 9.6 , the onset of changes in the fetal heart rate pattern consistent with hypoxemia may signal respiratory...

Critical Care Obstetrics part 16


Studies have demonstrated an imme- diate decline in urine output after the institution of mechanical ventilation. Hormonal pathways at the kidney level are also altered during mechanical ventilation. Increased plasma renin activity leading to reduced renal blood fl ow has been described [109] .Lastly, renal dysfunction during mechanical ventilation may be secondary to biotrauma associated with injurious ventila- tory strategies...

Critical Care Obstetrics part 17


85 Frutos - Vivar F , Esteban A , Apezteguia C et al. 86 Stewart TE , Meade MO , Cook DJ et al. 87 Kuiper JW , Groeneveld ABJ , Slutsky AS et al. 88 Cheng IW , Eisner MD , Thompson BT et al. 89 Caldwell - Kenkel JC , Currin RT , Coote A et al. 90...

Critical Care Obstetrics part 18


The femoral vein can be located 1 – 2 cm medial to the pal- pated femoral artery pulse. If the femoral artery cannot be pal- pated, the location of the femoral vein can be estimated by imagining a line from the anterior superior iliac crest to the pubic tubercle and then dividing the line into equal thirds. The femoral artery...

Critical Care Obstetrics part 19


5% glucose) are contraindicated because they may cause osmotic swelling and hemolysis of red cells as well as clumping of red cells in the tubing. lactated Ringer ’ s) may cause coagulation of blood stored in citrate preservatives. Preparatory to a transfusion of red blood cells, it is essential to determine if transfused cells will be destroyed in vivo by...