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Transcriptional regulation

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Changes in life history traits and transcriptional regulation of Coccinellini ladybirds in using alternative prey


Changes in life history traits and. transcriptional regulation of Coccinellini ladybirds in using alternative prey. Results: In this study, comparisons of the life history traits and transcriptomes of ladybirds fed initial (aphids) and alternative prey (mealybugs) were performed in three Coccinellini species. The use of alternative prey greatly decreased performance, implied by the significantly prolonged development time and decreased survival rate and adult weight.

The landscape of lncRNAs in Cydia pomonella provides insights into their signatures and potential roles in transcriptional regulation


Furthermore, the correlation analysis of lncRNAs with neighbouring PCGs indicated a stronger correlation between them, suggesting potential cis-acting roles of these lncRNAs in the regulation of gene expression.. Due to their larger size and more complex secondary structure, the mechanisms of ac- tion of lncRNAs are highly diversified. The regulation of lncRNAs can encompass multi-layered activities, mainly at the pre-transcriptional, transcriptional and post- transcriptional levels.

Genome-scale analyses of transcriptional start sites in Mycobacterium marinum under normoxic and hypoxic conditions


Comparison of Cappable-seq and regular RNA-seq in global transcriptional regulation analyses. We next compared the data in Cappable-seq with our data in regular RNA-seq to confirm the efficiency of Cappable-seq in the global analysis of transcriptional regulation. As expected, most of the genes showed similar patterns of regulation in both methods (Fig. To- gether, these analyses indicate that Cappable-seq is a valuable method for transcriptional analysis..

Transcriptional landscape of the embryonic chicken Müllerian duct


Their role in the Müllerian duct is speculative, but lncRNAs in other tissues can have a range of functions, from chromatin modification and transcriptional regulation in the nucleus through to translational regulation and microRNA modulation in the cytoplasm [112].. We and others have used in ovo electroporation to manipulate endogenous gene expression in the embryonic chicken Müllerian duct . 0.05 and highest number of genes involved in the process.

Alternative Polyadenylation in response to temperature stress contributes to gene regulation in Populus trichocarpa


We show that the change of polyA tails is widespread under the temperature stresses, and genes related to RNA metabolism are linked to APA-mediated post-transcriptional regulation. The processing and mapping of PAS-Seq reads for identification of polyA-tail associated sequences. The clean reads of all samples were combined and mapped to the P.

RNA-seq analysis of galaninergic neurons from ventrolateral preoptic nucleus identifies expression changes between sleep and wake


A future study should also examine expression changes of VLPO-Gal neurons under recovery sleep after SDep to investigate the transcriptional regulation involved in homeostatic sleep control..

Factors affecting the rapid changes of protein under short-term heat stress


More substances were enriched under severe heat stress than under mild stress at both the transcriptional and protein levels, not only increasing the number but also broadening the capability (Fig. 2), transcrip- tion and proteins play regulatory roles in different fields during short-term heat stress. That is to say, ribosome expression under short-term heat stress is free from transcriptional regulation or mRNA returns to undis- turbed levels rapidly after translation..

Transcriptome profiles of sturgeon lateral line electroreceptor and mechanoreceptor during regeneration


The expression and phylogenetic analyses of the key transcriptional regulation related genes. The expression levels of the five genes in AOs are significantly higher than NMs at untreated group, which suggests they could be used to distinguish mature AO and NM (Fig. These two genes were also up- regulated in 12 hpt and 24 hpt in NMs, although they. The expression of ptch1 and tbx18 are lower in AOs and NMs than that in EPs.

Genome-wide identification and expression analysis of the NAC transcription factor family in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) during aluminum stress


Al-induced changes in gene expression occur within hours of exposure in the root apex of some plant spe- cies, suggesting that transcriptional regulation is vital for plants to adapt to the stress [4–6]. The images or other third party material in this article are included in the article's Creative Commons licence, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material.

The expression of the acarbose biosynthesis gene cluster in Actinoplanes sp. SE50/110 is dependent on the growth phase


This suggests different protein stabilities or post-transcriptional regulation of the Acb proteins, which in turn could indicate bottlenecks in the acarbose biosynthesis. Furthermore, several genes are co-expressed with the acb gene cluster over the course of the cultivation, including eleven transcriptional regulators (e.g. Full list of author information is available at the end of the article. Actinoplanes sp.

Physiological and transcriptomic analyses reveal the roles of secondary metabolism in the adaptive responses of Stylosanthes to manganese toxicity


Furthermore, the identified DEGs associated with secondary metabolic pathways suggested that fine-tuned regulation of secondary metabolism might represent an adaptive strategy of stylo to cope with Mn toxicity. In addition, activation of various transcription factors may help stylo to tolerate Mn toxicity through transcriptional regulation.

Impact of protein supplementation during endurance training on changes in skeletal muscle transcriptome


A transcriptional map of the impact of endurance exercise training on skeletal muscle phenotype. Transcriptional regulation of gene expression in human skeletal muscle during recovery from exercise.. Analysis of global mRNA expression in human skeletal muscle during recovery from endurance exercise. Exercise metabolism and the molecular regulation of skeletal muscle adaptation. The effect of acute and long- term physical activity on extracellular matrix and serglycin in human skeletal muscle.

Targeted mutagenesis of Δ5 and Δ6 fatty acyl desaturases induce dysregulation of lipid metabolism in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)


Due to many unexpected and lipid metabolism unrelated DEGs found in Δ6bc Mt salmon, only Δ6abc/5 Mt fish were included for further transcriptomic analysis to under- stand the transcriptional regulation of lipid metabolism after disrupting LC-HUFA synthesis genes. 0.5) either between WT and Δ6abc/5 -mutated salmon, or between WT and Δ6bc - mutated salmon, or between WT salmon fed plant oil and fish oil.

Comparative transcriptomics of stem bark reveals genes associated with bast fiber development in Boehmeria nivea L. gaud (ramie)


Evolutionary conservation of the transcriptional network regulating secondary cell wall biosynthesis. An Arabidopsis gene regulatory network for secondary cell wall synthesis. NAC-MYB-based transcriptional regulation of secondary cell wall biosynthesis in land plants.. The role of HD-ZIP III transcription factors and miR165/166 in vascular development and secondary cell wall formation. Molecular mechanisms for vascular development and secondary Cell Wall formation.

Tuberomics: A molecular profiling for the adaption of edible fungi (Tuber magnatum Pico) to different natural environments


Cysteine is essential for transcriptional regulation of the sulfur assimilation genes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Physical characteristics of the soil environment suitable for Tuber magnatum production in fluvial landscapes. Molecular cloning and sequencing of the cDNA coding for a calcium-binding protein regucalcin from rat liver.

A gastric cancer LncRNAs model for MSI and survival prediction based on support vector machine


Background: Recent studies have shown that long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) play a crucial role in the induction of cancer through epigenetic regulation, transcriptional regulation, post-transcriptional regulation and other aspects, thus participating in various biological processes such as cell proliferation, differentiation and apoptosis.

Transcriptional reprogramming strategies and miRNA-mediated regulation networks of Taxus media induced into callus cells from tissues


Transcriptional reprogramming strategies and miRNA-mediated regulation networks of Taxus media induced into callus cells from tissues. Despite these limitations, Taxus callus cells induced through 6 months of culture contain more taxol than their parent tissues.

Investigation of the host transcriptional response to intracellular bacterial infection using Dictyostelium discoideum as a host model


Both pathogens induce a strong transcriptional response of the host early after uptake. cerevisiae was included to increase the sensitivity of the orthologue identification. discoideum genes involved in the transcriptional response to M. The regulation of these genes where then analyzed in human monocyte derived macrophages (HMDM’s) in response to M.

Medsoft, deciphering principles of transcription regulation in eukaryotic genomes


3.1 Principles of transcription regulation. Benezra R., Davis R.L., Lockshon D., Turner D.L., and Weintraub H. escape by RNA polymerase II, Curr. Molecular Genetics of the RNA Polymerase II General Transcriptional Machinery, Microbiol. Biol.Rev. 1998.Molecular genetics of the RNA polymerase II general transcriptional machinery.Microbiol. M.R., Golub T.R., LanderE.S., and Young R.A. Hope I.A.,Mahadevan S., and Struhl K.

Comparative transcriptome analyses reveal two distinct transcriptional modules associated with pollen shedding time in pine


In addition, these data firstly indicating that the pollen shedding time control in pine probably underlying a global regulation from both male cones and needles. Our results provide new insights about the molecular mechanisms of seasonal flowering time regulation in pines, and will helpful in related stud- ies in the future.. EPs and LPs samples of Pinus tabuliformis Carr.