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Transesophageal echocardiography

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Cephalad misplacement of a pulmonary artery catheter in a patient with a preexisting Hickman catheter


Pulmonary artery catheter placement using transesophageal echocardiography. Pulmonary artery catheter placement aided by transesophageal echocardiography versus pressure waveform transduction

The ability of left ventricular end-diastolic volume variations measured by TEE to monitor fluid responsiveness in high-risk surgical patients during craniotomy: A prospective cohort study


Background: This study was aimed to evaluate the ability of left ventricular end-diastolic volume variations (LVEDVV) measured by transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) compared with stroke volume variation (SVV) obtained by the FloTrac/Vigileo monitor to predict fluid responsiveness, in patients undergoing craniotomy with goal direct therapy..

Chapter 129. Staphylococcal Infections (Part 7)


This increase is due, at least in part, to the increased use of intravascular devices. transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) studies found an infective endocarditis incidence of 25% among patients with S.. aureus bacteremia and intravascular catheters. Other factors associated with an increased risk of endocarditis are injection drug use, hemodialysis, the presence of intravascular prosthetic devices, and immunosuppression.

Impact of perioperative hemodynamic optimization therapies in surgical patients: Economic study and meta-analysis


Noblett et al Evaluation of transesophageal echocardiography-guided hemodynamic optimization therapy in terms of the outcomes of patients undergoing colectomy.. Harten et al Randomized study evaluating the effect of hemodynamic optimization on renal function in patients undergoing emergency laparotomy.. Kapoor et al Evaluation of GDT in patients undergoing moderate- to high-risk cardiac surgery..

Anesthetic management of a patient with a continuous-flow left ventricular assist device for video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery: A case report


In the present case, when the patient was set in a lateral decubitus position and progressive hypoxia was observed during OLV, transesophageal echocardiography demonstrated a dilated right ventricle and a temporally flattened interventricular septum, and the central venous pressure increased to approximately 20 mmHg.

LMA Gastro™ airway is feasible during upper gastrointestinal interventional endoscopic procedures in high risk patients: A single-center observational study


An additional indication to use the LMA Gastro™ may be transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) under deep sedation. On principle, the LMA Gastro™ was not designed to facilitate tracheal intubation. The narrow internal diam- eter (ID) of the airway lumen prevents a tracheal tube from passing through.

Anaesthetic management of a large paraganglioma resection in a woman with isolated L-looped transposition of the great arteries: A case report


Keywords: Paraganglioma, L-transposition of the great arteries, Goal-directed fluid therapy, Transesophageal echocardiography, Case report. 2020 Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate if changes were made

Impact of tourniquet on short-term outcomes in opening wedge high tibial osteotomy with modern tranexamic acid protocols: A retrospective cohort study


Abnormal echogenic findings detected by transesophageal echocardiography and cardiorespiratory impairment during total knee arthroplasty with tourniquet. Is a tourniquet beneficial in total knee replacement surgery? A meta-analysis and systematic review. Use of a tourniquet in Total knee Arthro- plasty causes a paradoxical increase in Total blood loss. Effect of tour- niquet use on activation of coagulation in total knee replacement.

New generation continuous cardiac output monitoring from carbon dioxide elimination


Continuous minimally invasive Peri-operative monitoring of cardiac output by pulmonary Capnotracking: comparison with Thermodilution and transesophageal echocardiography. Can changes in end-tidal PCO2 measure changes in cardiac output? Anesth Analg. How do changes in exhaled CO2 measure changes in cardiac output? A numerical analysis model. Novel continuous capnodynamic method for cardiac output assessment during mechanical ventilation.

Disseminated intravascular coagulation following air embolism during orthotropic liver transplantation: Is this just a coincidence?


Transesophageal echocardiography during Orthotopic liver transplantation: maximizing information without the distraction. A comprehensive review of transesophageal echocardiography during Orthotopic liver transplanta‑. able benefit of the pulmonary artery catheter after cardiac surgery in high‑risk patients. Venous air embolism induces both platelet dysfunction and thrombocytopenia.. Air embolism as a cause of the systemic inflamma‑.

Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Targeted Therapy and Multidisciplinary P21


Transesophageal echocardiography study in animal model demonstrated gas embolism in almost all animals undergoing laparoscopic liver resection with cardiac arrhythmia in two-thirds of cases [26]. reviewed published laparoscopic liver resections and reported only 2 cases of possible gas embolism over about 200 procedures [29]. 12.1 and 12.2. Many variants have been described.

Phình tiểu nhĩ trái - báo cáo trường hợp lâm sàng


Transesophageal echocardiography in the diagnosis of left atrial appendage aneurysm. Congenital Extreme hypertrophy of the left atrial appendage: aneurysm of the left atrial wall in infancy. Giant left atrial appendage aneurysm: the third Gillam L, King ME, Weyman AE. and Shen-Jiang Hu, Congenital giant left atrial [7]. Jonavicius K, Lipnevicius A, Sudikiene appendage aneurysm: a case report



Differentiation of constrictive pericarditis from restrictive cardiomyopathy by Doppler transesophageal echocardiographic measurements of respiratory variations in pulmonary venous flows. Klein AL, Cohen GI. Doppler echocardiographic assessment of constrictive pericarditis, cardiac amyloidosis, and cardiac tamponade. Oh J, et at. Diagnostic role of Doppler echocardiography in constrictive pericarditis. Braunwald E, Lorell BH. In: Braunwald E, ed..

The effects of anesthesia induction and positive pressure ventilation on rightventricular function: An echocardiographybased prospective observational study


Guidelines for the echocardiographic assessment of the right heart in adults: a report from the American Society of Echocardiography endorsed by the European Association of. Echocardiography, a registered branch of the European Society of Cardiology, and the Canadian Society of Echocardiography. Physiological studies of the effects of intermittent positive pressure breathing on cardiac output in man.

Interventricular septal curvature as an additional echocardiographic parameter for evaluating chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension: A single-center retrospective study


Guidelines for the echocardio- graphic assessment of the right heart in adults: a report from the Ameri- can Society of Echocardiography endorsed by the European Association of Echocardiography, a registered branch of the European Society of Cardiology, and the Canadian Society of Echocardiography

Mediastinal effusion due to pericardiocentesis with cardiac tamponade: A case report


Echocardiography confirmed massive pericardial effusion with evidence of cardiac tamponade. Confusingly, only 3 mL of bloody pericardial effusion was drained in total, and subsequently, the patient ’ s symptoms rapidly improved with stable haemodynamics. Repeat echocardiography showed that the pericardial effusion had disappeared.

Lỗi 1-s2.0-S1896112621000444-main


Evaluation of biventricular function in patients with COVID-19 using speckle tracking echocardiography

Vai trò của siêu âm tim gắng sức bằng xe đạp lực kế trong chẩn đoán bệnh tim thiếu máu cục bộ


Chụp động mạch vành.. echocardiography in diagnosis of Chronic coronary artery disease. Results: On coronary angiography, the prevalence of coronary artery disease was 32.2. Supine bicycle stress echocardiography is a valuable diagnostic method of chronic coronary artery disease.. Key words: Chronic coronary artery disease. Supine bicycle stress echocardiography. Siêu âm tim gắng sức là một thăm dò không xâm lấn, giúp chẩn đoán và phân tầng nguy cơ BN BTTMCB.

Nghiên Cứu Chỉ Số Sức Căng Dọc Thất Trái Bằng Siêu Âm Đánh Dấu Mô Cơ Tim Ở Bệnh Nhân Mắc Bệnh Mạch Vành Mạn Tính


Đối tượng và ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY 2D IN PATIENTS phương pháp: 43 bệnh nhân bệnh mạch vành mạn WITH CHRONIC CORONARY DISEASE tínhđã được chẩn đoán xác định bằng chụp mạch Purposes: To elevate left ventricular global vành qua đường ống thông, sau đó được thực hiện longitudinal strain (LVGLS) index and the relationship siêu âm tim, phân tích kết quả đánh dấu mô bằng with several indexes on echocardiography 2D in phần mềm QLAB version 9.0. Kết quả: Giá trị LVGLS patients with chronic coronary disease.