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Luận văn Thạc sĩ Sinh học: Nghiên cứu đa dạng sinh học của Hải miên (Porifera) tại Đảo Cồn Cỏ, tỉnh Quảng Trị


Nghiên cứu đa dạng sinh học của Hải miên (Porifera) tại Đảo Cồn Cỏ, tỉnh Quảng Trị. 1.1 Giới thiệu chung về hải miên. 1.4 Đa dạng sinh học của hải miên. 1.4.1 Hệ thống phân loại hải miên. 1.4.2 Tình hình nghiên cứu về đa dạng sinh học và phát sinh chủng loại của hải miên. 1.6 Các chỉ...

Rạn san hô


Coral: san hô. Rạn san hô được hình thành từ võ của một loài động vật nhỏ sống ở biển, được gọi là coral polyps. Khi coral polyps sống thành nhóm, thì gọi là tập đoàn (coral colony).Khi polyps chết, con mới sẽ mộc trên đỉnh của các võ trống cũ. Theo thới gian, tập họp của một nhóm các...

The Aral Sea Encyclopedia - B


nature reserve – located on the right bank of the Amudarya in the southwestern part of Karakalpakstan, 85 km south of the Takhiatash dam (see) and 130 km north of the Tuyamuyun dam. It was the model ecosystem of the Amudarya lower reaches. In the past, tugai (see) covered approximately 70% of the territory in the Amudarya lower reaches, but...

The Aral Sea Encyclopedia - C


In the early 20th century, C. before the Aral crisis (see), cane thickets covered the greater part of the Amudarya delta, with a biomass reaching 40–60 quintals/. One of the main conditions for development of the cane aquatic formations is the level of water salinity. Through-flow of a water body is one of the essential conditions for cane growing. The...

The Aral Sea Encyclopedia - D


located near the eastern coast of the Aral, 15 km to the south of the Kokarev Cape, concealing Karatma Bay (see) to the west. Daryalyk, Kunyadarya – one of the western dried riverbeds that is clearly seen and traced along the whole Amudarya delta. Belongs to the zone of the Aral ecological crisis or Turkmen Circum-Aral area (see). Located in...

The Aral Sea Encyclopedia - E


Eastern (Aral) Sea – the remaining part of A.S. located to the east of the merged chain of the Vozrozhdenia (see), Lazareva (see) and Komsomolsky (see) Islands is referred to in this way in scientific literature.. Ecological-geographical database of the Aral Sea basin – developed by the Laboratory of Land Ecosystem Dynamics of the RAS Institute of Water Problems for...

The Aral Sea Encyclopedia - F


Farming (Historical) in the circum-Aral area – the initial demarcation of states in the region coincided, in many cases, with irrigation zones and irrigation systems, which appeared in the Aral basin in the first quarter of 1000 B.C.. The most developed state in the Circum-Aral area in the 6th–4th centuries B.C. was ancient Khorezm. There, on the territory of the...

The Aral Sea Encyclopedia - G


Soviet geographer who was one of the pioneer researchers studying the Karakum Desert. In the 1920s, he took part in the expeditions led by A.Ye.. to investigate the western part of the Northern Karakums, after which he worked in the Kara-Bogaz-Gol area, then studied the Southern Mangyshlak Plateau, the Karyn-Djaryk depression, and Ustyurt. Kunin, he published a review of the...

The Aral Sea Encyclopedia - H


In the 4th century, Greek historian Ammian Marcellin was ‘‘the first and only of the ancient authors whose words contained clear indication to the existence of the Aral Sea.’’. could be found in the treatises of the Arab scientists of the 9th–10th centuries. They provided data about the size of the sea and described its shores. At the same time...

The Aral Sea Encyclopedia - I,J


Ichthyofauna of the Aral Sea – ichthyofauna is made up of the Asian mountain, Ponto-Caspian, Turkenstan, and other fauna complexes. This family made up 60% of the whole ichthyofauna. The next most abundant was of the perch family living in lakes, including the pike perch, perch, ruff. however, they influenced the biological regime of the Aral. By the end of...

The Aral Sea Encyclopedia - K


Silt depos- its in the central part of the lake may be up to 150 cm thick.. In the southern part of the lake, nearby the Koszhar settlement, a fish farm supplies fish fries to the Kamyslybas, Akshatau, and Karakol Lakes. Kamyslybas Lake system – found on the right bank of the Syrdarya, 60 km from the mouth. located to...

The Aral Sea Encyclopedia - L,M,N


the monthly scientific-production journal of the USSR Ministry of Agriculture (later, the theoretical and scientific-practical journal of the USSR Ministries of Agriculture and of Water Management). this is the name of the part of A.S. located to the south of the largest Kokaral Island (see), formed as a result of the A.S. In general, depths over 60 m composes only...

The Aral Sea Encyclopedia - O,P


located to the west of the Akpetkinsky Archipelago, 15 km to the southwest of Tolmacheva Island (see). On the environmental condition of the circum-Aral territory in the Turkmen SSR and ways to improve it – Resolution of the Supreme Council of the Turkmen SSR on November 17, 1990 that defined the territories of the Tashauz Region and the Darganatinsky District...

The Aral Sea Encyclopedia - R


Rand coast, coast of the Rand type – characterized by wide (from 1 to several kilometers) recently dried areas. With the dropping of the groundwater table, the vegetation cover dried, and with proximity to the sea, the new halophytes appeared (i.e. its border with the lowering of the sea water level moves towards the sea). methodology for estimation of the...

The Aral Sea Encyclopedia - S


anadromous, schooling fish of the carp family (Cyprinidae). Most widespread in the basins of the Baltic, Black, Azov, Caspian, and Aral Seas. Salinity of the Aral Sea – an important characteristic of its regime. in the sea was influenced significantly by the morphological peculiarities of the depres- sion, its type of circulation and mixing of waters, and the processes of...

The Aral Sea Encyclopedia - T


located in the eastern part of A.S., 15 km to the south–east of Kuzjatepes Island. belonged to the Akpetkinsky Archipelago (see). It appeared in 1951 with construction of the Takhiatash waterworks (see). It received its name from the cape located nearby on the left bank of the Amudarya where a hill shaped as a ‘‘tyubeteyka’’ rises. Takhiatash waterworks – constructed...

The Aral Sea Encyclopedia - U,V


secondary bay in the eastern part of Sarychaganak Bay (see). The shores of the cape were high and abrupt.. Uprak-Kum – local name of sand mounds on the ancient alluvial plains in the Amudarya and Syrdarya deltas.. There were several passages in the reed thickets. The fishworks Urga and a settlement was located nearby on the eastern part of the...

The Aral Sea Encyclopedia - W,Y,Z


Water balance of the Aral Sea – the water balance of the sea depends on the correlation between the inflow of river and groundwaters, atmospheric preci- pitation, and water losses to evaporation. The structure of the A.S. From 1930 through 1990, the available water resources in the basin were estimated at 115 cu. in the period from 1930 to 1960...

The Aral Sea Encyclopedia - References


Ivan Kirillov publishes a map of the Aral Sea prepared by M. Hydrographic map of the Aral Sea is published in St.-Petersburg.. Maksheev, ‘‘Description of the Aral Sea’’ is published in the. ‘‘Proceedings of the Russian Geographical Society.’’. Severtzev (Russia) passes along the southern coast of the Aral Sea.. Berg publishes ‘‘Studies of the Aral Sea’’ in the journal ‘‘Zemlevedenie’’....