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Sarcopenia Age-Related Muscle Wasting and Weakness: Mechanisms and Treatments P20


Bruusgaard et al. This results in a somewhat transient increase in the nuclear domain with aging, but the excessive domain size triggers fibre atrophy (Brack et al. types (Yang et al. Korolchuk et al. 2009) including skeletal muscle (Attaix et al. Combaret et al. These apoptotic pathways include mitochondria-dependent (intrinsic), death receptor-mediated (extrinsic), and endoplasmic reticulum-calcium stress- induced pathways (Li...

Sarcopenia Age-Related Muscle Wasting and Weakness: Mechanisms and Treatments P21


Dutta et al. Fan et al. p53 upregulated modulator of apoptosis (PUMA) is a downstream target of p53 and a BH3-only Bcl-2 family member(Lee et al. Ghosh et al. It is induced by p53 following exposure to DNA- damaging agents, such as gamma-irradiation and commonly used chemothera- peutic drugs or oxidative stress (Lee et al. It is also activated by...

Sarcopenia Age-Related Muscle Wasting and Weakness: Mechanisms and Treatments P22


Skeletal muscle proteolysis in aging. Exercise capacity in chronic heart failure patients is related to active gene transcription in skeletal muscle and not apoptosis. European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation . Apoptosis in the skeletal muscle of rats with heart failure is associated with increased serum levels of TNF-alpha and sphingosine. Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology . Skeletal...

Sarcopenia Age-Related Muscle Wasting and Weakness: Mechanisms and Treatments P23


Mahoney et al. The loss of skeletal muscle mass and function with age, also known as sarcopenia, is a major contributor to falls and fractures in the elderly (Mahoney et al. Recently, significant advances have been made in understanding the factors controlling skeletal muscle hypertrophy and atrophy using pharmacological and genetic manipula- tion in cellular and rodent models (Bodine et...

Sarcopenia Age-Related Muscle Wasting and Weakness: Mechanisms and Treatments P24


Myostatin expression in age and denervation-induced skeletal muscle atrophy. Journal of Musculoskeletal &. Identification of ubiquitin ligases required for skeletal muscle atrophy. Akt/mTOR pathway is a crucial regulator of skeletal muscle hypertrophy and can prevent muscle atrophy in vivo.. Journal of Cell Science . The American Journal of Physiology, 270, C1624–C1633.. New role for serum response factor in postnatal skeletal...

Sarcopenia Age-Related Muscle Wasting and Weakness: Mechanisms and Treatments P25


Table 1Lowest and highest concentric knee extension strength in each decade of the adult life span in 1,283 men and women from the Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging (Shock et al. Lindle et al. Lynch et al. Thus, correlations performed between monozygotic and dizygotic twin pairs can be compared and estimates of genetic contribution, termed heritability, can be determined (Bouchard...

Sarcopenia Age-Related Muscle Wasting and Weakness: Mechanisms and Treatments P26


In a follow-up study, Roth et al.. Estrogen Receptor (ESR1) The estrogen receptor alpha is expressed in skeletal muscle, indicating a potential sensitivity to estrogen signaling (Wiik et al. While several studies have examined genetic variation in the ESR1 gene in relation to muscle strength measures, none have confirmed any association. Salmen et al.. Grundberg et al. Sayer et al....

Sarcopenia Age-Related Muscle Wasting and Weakness: Mechanisms and Treatments P27


American Journal of Physiology.. A background factor in the incidence of fractures of the proximal end of the femur.. A vitamin D receptor gene polymorphism in the translation initiation codon: effect on protein activity and relation to bone mineral density in Japanese women. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research . Variation in the ciliary neurotrophic factor gene and muscle strength...

Sarcopenia Age-Related Muscle Wasting and Weakness: Mechanisms and Treatments P28


ACTN3 (R577X) genotype is associated with fiber type distribution.. Skeletal muscle mass and muscle strength in relation to lower-extremity performance in older men and women. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society . Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences . Androgen receptor CAG repeat polymorphism is associated with fat-free mass in men. ACTN3 genotype is associated with muscle phenotypes...

Sarcopenia Age-Related Muscle Wasting and Weakness: Mechanisms and Treatments P29


(Piec et al. Gelfi et al. O’Connell et al. Doran et al. Feng et al. Lombardi et al. Even the most sophisticated approaches for the simultane- ous visualization of the soluble components derived from a specific proteome, such as fluorescence difference in-gel electrophoresis (Viswanathan et al. 2006), can only separate a few thousand proteins (Doran et al. The cataloguing of...

Sarcopenia Age-Related Muscle Wasting and Weakness: Mechanisms and Treatments P30


In addition, increased concentrations of the ubiquitous small heat shock protein aB-crystallin were also detected by the proteomic profiling of senescent fibres (Doran et al. The age-dependent activation of the cytoprotective protein complement of skeletal muscles seems to counter-act increased levels of denatured proteins in senescent fibres, especially abundant elements such as non-functional myosins, actins, troponins and tropomysoins (Vandervoort 2002....

Sarcopenia Age-Related Muscle Wasting and Weakness: Mechanisms and Treatments P31


O’Connell et al.. Type 2 diabetes mellitus and skeletal muscle metabolic function.. Differential pro- teome analysis of aging in rat skeletal muscle. A proteome map of murine heart and skeletal muscle. Regenerative potential of human skeletal muscle during aging. Dihydropyridine receptor-ryanodine receptor uncoupling in aged skeletal muscle. Age-related chemical modi- fication of the skeletal muscle sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca 2+ -ATPase...

Sarcopenia Age-Related Muscle Wasting and Weakness: Mechanisms and Treatments P32


Rieu et al. Even in the absence of a concomitant increase in plasma insulin, EAA show a dose-dependent stimulation of muscle protein synthesis (Bohe et al. Bohe et al. Recent data indicate that insulin in the range of ~30–150 mU/ml does not further stimulate muscle protein synthesis (Greenhaff et al. Resting leg protein breakdown has been reported to be either...

Sarcopenia Age-Related Muscle Wasting and Weakness: Mechanisms and Treatments P33


American Journal of Epidemiology . Protein coingestion stimulates muscle protein synthesis during resis- tance-type exercise. American Journal of Physiology. Coingestion of carbohydrate and protein hydrolysate stimulates muscle protein synthesis during exercise in young men, with no further increase during subsequent overnight recovery. The Journal of Nutrition . Increased rates of muscle protein turnover and amino acid transport after resistance exercise...

Sarcopenia Age-Related Muscle Wasting and Weakness: Mechanisms and Treatments P34


Frailty in the elderly (Hadley et al. 1993) is largely caused by loss of muscle mass and strength, increased susceptibility to injury, and impaired recovery fol- lowing damage, particularly contraction-induced damage (Faulkner et al. By the age of 70, the cross-sectional area (CSA) of muscle is reduced by 25–30% (Porter et al. 1995) associated with a loss in absolute force...

Sarcopenia Age-Related Muscle Wasting and Weakness: Mechanisms and Treatments P35


The Journal of Cell Biology . Nitric oxide release is present from incubated skeletal muscle preparations. Journal of Applied Physiology . Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences . Effect of lifelong overexpression of HSP70 in skeletal muscle on age-related oxidative stress and adaptation after nondamaging contractile activity. Small interfering RNA knocks down heat shock factor-1 (HSF- 1) and...

Sarcopenia Age-Related Muscle Wasting and Weakness: Mechanisms and Treatments P36


In conditions of atrophy, there is evidence for a shift toward myofibrillar and non-myofibrillar protein degradation (Mitch and Goldberg 1996) and a corresponding reduction in protein synthesis (Munoz et al. Aniansson et al. Lexell et al. However, it has been recently reported that there is a disproportionate loss of muscle function relative to muscle loss (Goodpaster et al.. Haus et...

Sarcopenia Age-Related Muscle Wasting and Weakness: Mechanisms and Treatments P37


Klitgaard et al. of their 1RM (Klitgaard et al. Briefly, high intensity progressive resistance training in young adults has resulted in significant increases in dynamic strength, explosive power, and muscle mass (McCall et al.. Staron et al. More recent studies have confirmed these findings (Kraemer et al. Glowacki et al. Campos et al. McCaulley et al. Luden et al. Petrella...

Sarcopenia Age-Related Muscle Wasting and Weakness: Mechanisms and Treatments P38


Effects of three resistance training programs on muscular strength and absolute and relative endurance. Leucine stimulates translation initiation in skeletal muscle of postabsorptive rats via a rapamycin- sensitive pathway. The Journal of Nutrition . Altered responses in skeletal muscle protein turnover during aging in anabolic and catabolic periods.. The International Journal of Biochemistry &. American Journal of Physiology. Journal of...

Sarcopenia Age-Related Muscle Wasting and Weakness: Mechanisms and Treatments P39


Potential ergogenic effects of arginine and creatine supplementation. Journal of Nutrition, 134(10 Suppl), S2888–2894S.. The New England Journal of Medicine . Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology, 19, e290–e300.. Contraction-mediated mTOR, p70S6k, and ERK1/2 phosphorylation in aged skeletal muscle. Journal of Applied Physiology . American Journal of Physiology. Skeletal muscle mass and the reduction of VO2max in trained older subjects. Differential...