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Studio Photography Essential Skills, 4th Edition P22


Exposure Combined effect of intensity and duration of light on light sensitive material.. Exposure meter Device for the measurement of light.. Fall A movement on large-format camera front and rear standards.. Field of view Area visible through the camera’s viewing system.. Fill Use of light to increase detail in shadow area.. Fill flash Flash used to lower the subject brightness...

Studio Photography Essential Skills, 4th Edition P1


Assignment 1 ‘Box’ 132. Assignment 2 ‘Ball’ 134. Assignment 3 ‘Texture’ 136. Assignment 4 ‘Flowers’ 138. Assignment 5 ‘Metal’ 140. Assignment 6 ‘Desk’ 142. Assignment 7 ‘Rust’ 144. Assignment 8 ‘Black and white’ 146. Assignment 9 ‘Cutlery’ 148. Assignment 1 ‘High key’ 154. Assignment 2 ‘Low key’ 156. Assignment 3 ‘Mid key’ 158

Studio Photography Essential Skills, 4th Edition P2


Adopting a thematic approach is encouraged, recording all research and activities in the form of a Visual Diary and Record Book.. The practical problems of contrast are discussed and lighting in the form of flash and tungsten are introduced. Activities and assignments should be undertaken to encourage expression of ideas through the appropriate application of design and technique. Implementation of...

Studio Photography Essential Skills, 4th Edition P3


An understanding of the history and development of the various genres of. Producing research information related to the various genres of studio. The limitations of the photographic medium determined the first photographs were of still life subjects. By definition, commercial practice means that as a photographer you become part of the marketing. Advertising illustration covers many photographic genres, the most...

Studio Photography Essential Skills, 4th Edition P4


and communication of the image.. Produce research showing an understanding of composition and design in the. communication and design. In the context of communication and design there is no right or wrong, only good and bad relative to the styles and tastes of the day. The studio photographer has to create or obtain everything appearing in front of the camera....

Studio Photography Essential Skills, 4th Edition P5


In the example above discuss which elements of design have been used to the best effect. Find examples where the photographer has used horizontal line to create stability and examples where the photographer has used vertical line to create visual dominance.. To imply a sense of depth within an image a studio photographer can artificially create dimension by placing objects...

Studio Photography Essential Skills, 4th Edition P6


the studio. An understanding of the use of artifi cial light sources, camera and associated. An awareness of the equipment and organisation required for the photographic. The study and observation of the importance of the studio in the production of. To produce photographic images and collate information relevant to the technique. Whatever size can be achieved it is important to...

Studio Photography Essential Skills, 4th Edition P7


There are numerous flash equivalents of the two standard artificial light sources, floodlight and spotlight. They have a color temperature of 5500K to 5800K and are balanced to daylight.. Despite the names, swimming pool, soft box, fish fryer, honeycomb, etc., they are really only larger or smaller versions of a diffuse light source. Tungsten modelling lights built into the flash...

Studio Photography Essential Skills, 4th Edition P8


The photoflood is similar in design to the normal domestic lamp. As the name implies this type of lamp is used to create a broad soft light source. As the age of the lamp increases a shift in color balance can occur. This is due to the discoloration of the glass surrounding the element. This can be corrected with the...

Studio Photography Essential Skills, 4th Edition P9


An understanding of the use of a light meter, the difference between refl ected and. Through research an understanding of the effect of exposure in the creation of. Exposure is the amount of light required to correctly expose an image. Correct exposure is the interpretation of light meter measurements related to the desired effect and the subject being photographed. It...

Studio Photography Essential Skills, 4th Edition P10


The information given by the light meter after taking a reading is referred to as the ‘meter- indicated exposure’ (MIE). As stated before, all meters assume everything a photographer is about to photograph is a mid-tone and reflects 18% gray. If you consider interest and visual impact within a photograph are created by the use of lighting and subject contrast...

Studio Photography Essential Skills, 4th Edition P11


To research several various studio photographs and the image capture techniques. These range from an increasing choice of digital image sensors to a decreasing choice of color and black and white films.. Light sensitive surfaces can be divided into four main types:. Digital image sensors. Black and white negative. Digital image sensors’ degree of sensitivity to light can be altered...

Studio Photography Essential Skills, 4th Edition P12


Produce photographic images demonstrating a practical knowledge of depth of. Communication can be increased by having a better understanding of the camera and its controls. Technique should never dominate the image. Some of the main techniques (other than lighting) employed by photographers to increase the communication of an image are:. Familiarity with a simple camera used over a period of...

Studio Photography Essential Skills, 4th Edition P13


‘Diminishing perspective’ is when objects reduce in size as the distance from the camera to that object increases. ‘Converging perspective’ is when lines that in real life are parallel appear to converge as they recede towards the horizon. Photographic perspective can be altered by changing the distance of the camera from the subject.. A subject close to the lens will...

Studio Photography Essential Skills, 4th Edition P14


Any light source can be diffused by placing certain translucent materials between the light source and the subject. This has the effect of diffusing and spreading the light over a greater area by altering the direction of the light waves. Diffusion softens the edges of the shadows and increases shadow detail. At the same time the measured amount of light...

Studio Photography Essential Skills, 4th Edition P15


Lighting Direct spotlight and floodlight, plus reflector to create tonal difference between the three sides of the box.. Place the camera on a tripod in front of and 30 degrees above the subject. Fit a lens hood to the camera. Using a normal lens at maximum aperture focus 1/3 of the way into the top of the box. From behind...

Studio Photography Essential Skills, 4th Edition P16


Lighting Interpretive use of light as observed in ‘real life’, e.g. Background The subject matter itself.. Technique Related to your vision of your desk ‘correct’ subjective exposure of the keylight and detail in the ambient areas. The selective use of aperture and focus together with filtration of the light source or camera to complement image composition and quality of light.....

Studio Photography Essential Skills, 4th Edition P17


When learning portraiture lighting it is important to understand people and how to light the human form, particularly the face. Portraiture relies heavily on the rapport built up, sometimes in a very short period of time, between the photographer and the subject. Whether the photograph is successful or not depends entirely on the photographer being able to capture the essence...

Studio Photography Essential Skills, 4th Edition P18


Develop knowledge and understanding of the use of artifi cial light sources, camera. Develop an awareness of the effect of artifi cial light in the creation and control of. Produce photographs demonstrating a practical knowledge of the use of light.. lighting on location. On location. With color correction of the light source or camera most light sources can produce acceptable...

Studio Photography Essential Skills, 4th Edition P19


The work of Henry Peach Robinson is one of the first competent, and by the acceptance standards of the day almost convincing, attempts at combining various photographic elements to create a single narrative image. If shadows are a component they must be captured falling on a smooth surface or one with a similar texture to that previsualised in the completed...