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Secure PHP Development- P80


This method inserts keywords in the RESOURCE_KEYWORD table. This method is called with resource ID ( $rid ) and an array ( $params. This method deletes all the keywords for the given resource from the database. This method is called with the resource ID ( $rid. This method returns keyword(s) for the given resource. A SQL statement, $stmt , is...

Secure PHP Development- P81


$USER_PREFERENCE_TBL Name of the user preference table in the database.. $MESSAGE_TBL Name of the MOTD message table in the database.. $IRM_RESOURCE_VISITOR Name of the resource visitor table in the database.. $MSG_VIEWER_TBL Name of the message viewer list table in the database.. $AUTH_DB_TBL Name of the user authentication table in the database.. $IRM_RESOURCE_ Name of the resource description template file.. $IRM_RESOURCE_...

Secure PHP Development- P82


First, this method checks whether the category name ( $newcategory ) is provided or not. If it is not provided, then an error message is shown and it returns null.. Next it checks whether the category is already existing in the category list of the database or not. If it already exists in the database, then it gives an appropriate...

Secure PHP Development- P83


This method is called with the template name ( $template. If the category list is not empty, then it sets the category ID and name for each category in the list. If $blockName is set to jsblock then it parses the jsCategoryBlock and sets the output into the $category variable. categoryBlock block to see whether the category ID is equal...

Secure PHP Development- P84


This method authorizes everyone on the intranet to view the resource manager and, therefore, always returns TRUE. This application is included on the CD-ROM in the ch11/apps directory.. When the application is run, this method is called. It creates a theme object, $this->themeObj. getUserTheme() method of the theme object created.. Next, if the query parameter $cmd is set to search...

Secure PHP Development- P85


This $output is set into in the. This method authorizes everyone on the intranet to view the resource manager and, therefore, always returns TRUE. directories on the CD-ROM. Now from the ch11 directory on the CD-ROM, extract ch11.tar.gz in %DocuemntRoot. The applications are installed in the %DocumentRoot%/. Your MySQL server is hosted on the intranet Web server and, therefore, it...

Secure PHP Development- P86


Figure 11-6: A category with a single subcategory.. Figure 11-7: A list of categories with subcategories shown on the search interface.. To add a new resource, click on the Add URL link ( http://server//irm/apps/. irm_resource_mngr.php?cmd=add&step=1 ) shown on the title bar of the search interface. This brings up a screen similar to Figure 11-8.. Figure 11-8: Adding a new Internet...

Secure PHP Development- P87


Online Help System. Developing an online help system. Installing an online help system. Using an online help system. In this chapter, you’ll develop an online help system that can be used for any of the Web or intranet appli- cations developed in this book.. First, let’s look at the functionality you want the help system to offer.. The help system...

Secure PHP Development- P88


For example, if the application name is irm, then this link can be http://server/path/to/. The $tocLink value is stored in $contents hash using $contents[‘toc_link’]. A local variable called $prevSection is used to store the previous section of the $section . The previous section number is retrieved by calling the. If the previous section is available, then a URL is created...

Secure PHP Development- P89


If no keyword is passed as a parameter to the method, it returns FALSE. If the keywords have been supplied, it reads the recent search history as a hash in $hash using the getRecentSearchList() method. getRecentSearchList() is called with TRUE as a $asis parameter so that it returns the search history as an unmodified hash.. If the current keywords already...

Secure PHP Development- P90


T ABLE 12-1 THE help.conf VARIABLES NEED TO BE CHANGED (Continued) Configuration Variable Purpose. $PATH Set to the combined directory path consisting of the $PEAR_DIR , the $PHPLIB_DIR , and the $ APP_FRAMEWORK_DIR . This path is used with the ini_set() method to redefine the php.ini entry for include_path to include $PATH ahead of the default path. $APPLICATION_NAME Internal name...

Secure PHP Development- P91


Because we want every- one to access the help file, the method simply returns TRUE. This method’s purpose is to determine what the user wants to do with the help application. However, for both operations, the user must supply the application name, because without an application name, the help system does not know what to show or what to search...

Secure PHP Development- P92


If you update your help files and want to regenerate the keyword index, you can run the makeindex.php script. For example, Figure 12-7 shows a sample run of makeindex.php. http://yourserver/help/apps/makeindex.php?app[]=app_name1&app[]=app_name2. Restricting access to makeindex.php script. The makeindex.php writes keyword index cache files in each application’s help directory. You can limit the use of the makeindex.php to your own network by...

Secure PHP Development- P93


Tell-a-Friend System. Developing a tell-a-friend system. Installing a tell-a-friend system. Using a tell-a-friend system. In this process, the Tell-a-Friend concept was invented. In this chapter, you’ll develop a Tell-a-Friend system that you can use with your in-house or outsourced e-mail campaign solution.. The Tell-a-Friend that we will build in this chapter will have the following features:. Central Tell-a-Friend database: A...

Secure PHP Development- P94


Designing and implementing the Form class. The Form class is used to manipulate each form. The ch13/apps/class/class.Form.php file on the CD-ROM implements this class. dbi member variable holds the DBI object, which is used to communicate with the back-end database.. scr_tbl to store the names of the form table, submission table, and sub- scription table, respectively.. Then it calls the...

Secure PHP Development- P95


This method returns the number of friends that have subscribed for a given origi- nator and form. It takes the form ID and the originator e-mail as the parameter and returns the number of subscriber.. This method is used to retrieve the list of friends for a given originator and form.. First the originator e-mail is formatted using $this->dbi->quote (addslashes....

Secure PHP Development- P96


This method inserts IP addresses to the authorized table for the given object. It takes the object ID as parameter and returns TRUE or FALSE depending on the status of the deletion operation.. This method inserts IP addresses to the denied table for the given object. It takes the object ID as parameter and returns TRUE or FALSE depending on...

Secure PHP Development- P97


This application, taf_mngr.php , is responsible for managing the main menu of the system. Allows users from authenticated IP addresses to delete or modify forms or messages.. Allows users from authenticated IP addresses to view the form report.. When the application is run, this method is called. displyTAFMenu() method to render the main menu for the system.. This method is...

Secure PHP Development- P98


This method is used to add or modify messages. First, it prepares the $params array with all the message field values from the user request.. Then it creates an object of AccessControl to add or modify the access to the message.. When the mode for the method is add , the $params array is fed into the. addMessage() method of...

Secure PHP Development- P99


Installing a Tell-a-Friend System. Here I assume that you’re using a Linux system with MySQL and Apache server installed. I also assume that you’ve installed the PHPLIB and PEAR library. For your convenience, I’ve provided these in the lib/phplib.tar.gz and lib/pear.tar.gz directories on the CD-ROM. In these sample installation steps, I assume that these are installed in the. Because your...