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Correct english part 10


gaiety gay + ety – an exception to the y rule See ADDING ENDINGS (iii). gaily gay + ly – an exception to the y rule See ADDING ENDINGS (iii). gallop galloped, galloping (not -pp-) See ADDING ENDINGS (iv. See FOREIGN PLURALS. gaol An alternative spelling is ‘jail’.. gastly Wrong spelling. gipsy/gypsy Both spellings are correct.. good will or goodwill?...

Correct english part 11


Confusion generally arises with phrases like ‘my husband and I’ and. ‘my husband and me’. or ‘me’ sound right:. My husband likes chocolate.. MY HUSBAND AND I like chocolate.. (ii) Most people use the pronoun ‘me’. Break the sentence into two and see whether ‘I’ or ‘me’ sounds right:. The burglar threatened my husband.. The burglar threatened MY HUSBAND AND...

Correct english part 12


Sarcasm comes from a Greek word meaning ‘to tear the flesh with one’s teeth’.. When a teacher says, ‘Have you lost your tongue?’ to a pupil, he is being sarcastic.. its or it’s? ITS is a possessive adjective like ‘her’ and. IT’S is a contraction of ‘it is’ or ‘it has’:. IT’S very cold today. it is) IT’S been a...

Correct english part 13


-ly Take care when adding this suffix to a. word already ending in -l. You will have double -l:. as a polite term of respect:. Can I help you, madam?. as a formal title of respect:. Thank you, Madam Speaker (note capital letter). We are going to Madame Tussaud’s.. magic -e Also known as silent -e and mute -e.. See...

Correct english part 14


Put ‘not only’ in front of the first and ‘but also’ in front of the second, and let ‘enjoys’ refer to both.. Because they are the special individual names of people, towns, countries, newspapers, days of the week, businesses, and so on, they require initial capital letters:. Note that months of the year begin with a capital letter but the...

Correct english part 15


parrafin Wrong spelling. partener Wrong spelling. payed Wrong spelling. perant Wrong spelling. perculiar Wrong spelling. pieriod Wrong spelling. possability Wrong spelling. possable Wrong spelling. prehaps Wrong spelling

Correct english part 16


See ADDING ENDINGS (iv).. propably Wrong spelling. propoganda Wrong spelling. quarrel quarrelled, quarrelling See ADDING ENDINGS (iv. reccomend Wrong spelling. rediculous Wrong spelling. See ADDING ENDINGS (iv. reson Wrong spelling. resonable Wrong spelling. revelant Wrong spelling. rob + ing = robbing See ADDING ENDINGS (i) and (ii).. See ADDING ENDINGS (iii).

Correct english part 17


By reversing ‘shall’ and ‘will’ you introduce a note of determination.. should or would? ‘Should’ and ‘would’ follow the pattern of. ‘shall’ and ‘will’.. .or’ and ‘neither

Correct english part 18


sizable/sizeable Both spellings are correct.. smelled/smelt Both spellings are correct.. SOFT C AND SOFT G. spelled/spelt Both spellings are correct.. spilled/spilt Both spellings are correct.. spoiled/spoilt Both spellings are correct.. stimulus (singular) stimuli (plural) See FOREIGN PLURALS . See FOREIGN PLURALS. swam or swum? Note these tenses of ‘to swim’:. syllabus (singular) syllabuses or syllabi (plural) See FOREIGN PLURALS ....

Correct english part 19


traffic trafficked, trafficking, trafficker See SOFT C AND SOFT G. transfer transferred, transferring, transference See ADDING ENDINGS (iv).. to give off moisture (of plant or leaf). to come slowly to be known, to leak. It is often used loosely in the sense of ‘to happen’.. Why not use ‘to happen’ instead of this rather pompous word?. travel travelled, travelling, traveller...

Correct english part 20


belonging to whom). See PLURALS (v).. won’t See CONTRACTIONS. See ADDING ENDINGS (iv).. wreath or wreathe? Use these exemplar sentences as a guide:. (verb, rhymes with ‘seethed’) write Use these sentences as a guide to tenses:. I have WRITTEN every day.. WREATH OR WREATHE?. See PLURALS (iii. yoke or yolk? Use these exemplar sentences as a guide:. The YOKE of...

Correct english part 21


that you want to include. If you have made a lot of alterations, you may wish to make. If you know you have a particular weakness (spelling,. When you are satisfied that you have made this important. satisfied that you have done your very best

Another word a day part 1


Another Word A Day. Also by Anu Garg. A Word A Day: A Romp through Some of the Most Unusual and Intriguing Words in English. ffirs.qxd PM Page ii. An All-New Romp through Some of the Most. Unusual and Intriguing Words in English. Anu Garg. John Wiley &. Sons, Inc.. Copyright © 2005 by Anu Garg. All rights reserved Published...

Another word a day part 2


ftoc.qxd PM Page x. C O N T E N T S xi ftoc.qxd PM Page xi. ftoc.qxd PM Page xii. flast.qxd PM Page xiii. flast.qxd PM Page xiv. cintro.qxd PM Page 1. 2 A N O T H E R W O R D A D A Y cintro.qxd PM Page 2. I N T R O D U...

Another word a day part 3


One of the cleverest crossword puzzles of all time was pub- lished in the New York Times on election day in 1996. For instance, “Black Halloween animal” could have been either BAT or CAT , resulting in the first letter of the key word’s being either C for CLINTON or B for BOB DOLE (which would have made the correct...

Another word a day part 4


From Middle English, from Anglo-Norman estale (a fixed position. “Defense Secretary in the 1960s and memoir writer in the 1990s, McNamara still gropes for the elusive coherence that can offer a graceful endgame for his life.”. It had been deeply in debt earlier but now it was “running in the African American.”. These words appear to be misspellings of common...

Another word a day part 5


the location of the Rock of Gibraltar.. but, ‘just getting them involved with the whole process’ was the most important part of the project, says Randolph, a registered dietitian at the Urban Medical Institute in Baltimore.”. According to a story, some people in the town of Kilkenny in Ireland enjoyed tying together the tails of two cats and watching them...

Another word a day part 6


May you never have to see a lawyer (or a barrister, an advocate, or whatever they are called in your land), but it’s good to know some of the legal jargon. “That makes the case for DeWitt’s being granted citizenship now even stronger because of the legal principle of estoppel which, Miller explains, says ‘once you’ve set out certain posi-...

Another word a day part 7


One of the beautiful virgins provided for faithful Muslims in the Koranic paradise. Sus- pended from a swinging chandelier, a voluptuous houri, trailing clouds of veils, undulates to the music of the Ave Maria—with a disco tom-tom backbeat.”. D id misspelling a word in your school report ever cost you a grade? Did you ever pay a heavy price for...

Another word a day part 8


I forgot the name of the poet and other details of the poem. Cloudiness in the lens of the eye resulting in blurry vision.. The ophthalmological sense derives from figurative portcullis, the clouding of the lens that blocks the vision.. I asked her for one of the books—a poetry book. It’s the birth- and/or workplace of Rembrandt, Steen, van Leyden,...