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Another word a day part 10


noun A word or phrase that can be interpreted in two ways, espe- cially when one of the meanings is risqué.. The double ace, the lowest throw of the dice with one spot showing uppermost on both dice. I suppose that there are “paradoxical” doubles entendres such as “lying about being untruthful” where one of the meanings is inherently self-contradictory!....

Another word a day part 12


“Lucie Rinaldi, a ship chandler in the old port for 40 years, shrugged when asked what she thought about the future.”. All consumer goods are marketed—the good market- ing plans are the ones we remember (plop, plop, fizz, fizz. .)—the ineffective ones are lost in the crowd. It makes sure that Earth will go around the Sun in the same...

Another word a day part 13


October 16 marks the birthday of Noah Webster who compiled the 1828 American Dictionary of the English Language, the first authoritative lexicon of American English.. As he said, “The process of a living language is like the motion of a broad river which flows with a slow, silent, irresistible current.”. The Latin version of the Bible made by Saint Jerome...

Another word a day part 14


“An additional bit of cumshaw came on foreign press trips, in the old days at least, when the travel office people enabled the returning correspondents to bypass customs formalities.”. I spent twenty-six years in the U.S. Navy, seven of them in the Western Pacific. “A certain favoritism, even in the absence of baksheesh- pocketing headwaiters, is indispensable to restaurants that...

Another word a day part 15


The phrase comes from the way the numbers look. —Bill Wargo, Burlington,Vermont The term “eighty-sixed” refers to the standard height of a door frame. —Leslie Zenz, Olympia,Washington The term 86 or 86ed has its origins in New York City, where people committed suicide by jumping from the observation deck of the Empire State Building on the eighty-sixth floor before a...

Another word a day part 16


Other words that are derived from the same roots are cincture, precinct, shingles, and succinct.. in the greater degree of cingular development on cheek teeth, especially molars.”. Other words derived from the same root are elucidate, lucid, and translucent.. “Now I am nestling on the sofa, antique crystal glass in one hand, elegant bottle of lucent amber in the other.”....

Another word a day part 17


Another example of this type of word formation is the name of the bird oriole, which is derived from the diminutive form of Latin aureus (golden).. Perfect love is rare indeed—for to be a lover will require that you continually have the subtlety of the very wise, the flexibility. of the child, the sensitivity of the artist, the understanding of...

Another word a day part 18


noun A name used by foreigners to refer to a place or people, instead of the name used by those who live there. The answers (their English exonyms) are at the end of the book.. ‘Meeee- aaaa!’ the girls squeal. —Africa: Journal of the International African Institute. H E N RY D AV I D T H O R E...

Another word a day part 19


During the 1980s, I came across a vivid example of metal words used as metaphors back in Sheffield in the United Kingdom. “They want us to concede everything—the golden handshake, the silver lining, and the copper bottom!”. A blaring radio commercial would be heard in the background while one of the sisters was preparing lunch in her apartment. The UK...

Another word a day part 20


Other words derived from the same root include deluge, dilute, and lotion.. Other words that derive from the same Latin root are plaudit, plausible, and explode. The word explode appears out of place here until we real- ize that it literally means “to drive out by clapping,” from ex- (out. Or maybe that’s the theme. The word telephone comes from...

Another word a day part 21


I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free.. “I was futzing with the hinges on the front-yard gate on a Sat- urday afternoon, my tattersall shirtsleeves rolled up and mind off in Oklahoma, when I noticed Fido in the California shade, snoozing.”. M A R DY G RO T H E , psychologist and...

Another word a day part 22


With just a few clicks of a mouse button, someone in one corner of the world can make contact with a fellow human being thousands of miles away and offer to sell her cheap Viagra.. I think spammers should be an inte- gral part of the new NASA policy. Until recently, most of the spam was in English.. Words from...

Another word a day part 23


There are books in which the footnotes or comments scrawled by some reader’s hand in the margin are more interesting than the text.. According to some estimates, by the end of this century, only about 10 percent of six thousand or so languages in existence in the world today will survive. Coming back to the Native American tongues, a small...

Another word a day part 24


bansw01.qxd PM Page 216. A N S W E R S 217 bansw01.qxd PM Page 217. bansw01.qxd PM Page 218. bsource.qxd PM Page 219. www.vocabula.com. www.askoxford.com. bsource.qxd PM Page 220. bindex.qxd PM Page 221. bindex.qxd PM Page 222. I N D E X O F W O R D S 223 bindex.qxd PM Page 223. bindex.qxd PM Page 224. I...

Master gmat 2010 part 1


That is why Peterson’s is everywhere education happens. Because whenever and however you need education content delivered, you can rely on Peterson’s to provide the information, know-how, and guidance to help you reach your goals.. “The American Renaissance,” by James S. Turner, Humanities, Vol.13, No. “The Artful Encounter,” by Richard Wendorf, Humanities, Vol. “The Debate Over Mozart’s Music,” by Neal...

Master gmat 2010 part 2


Practice Test 3. Practice Test 4. Practice Test 5. Practice Test 6. Before You Begin. Taking the GMAT is a skill. Top 10 Strategies to Raise Your Score lists the ten most important test-taking tips to help you score high on the GMAT.. Part I provides essential information on the GMAT, including where to take it and how it’s scored....

Master gmat 2010 part 3


The GMAT at a glance. How the computer-adaptive GMAT works. The GMAT CAT interface. The GMAT CAT test-taking experience. THE GMAT AT A GLANCE. The GMAT (Graduate Management Admission Test) is a standardized test of the Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC), which develops guidelines, policies, and procedures for the graduate business school admission process and provides information about the admission...

Master gmat 2010 part 4


If you wish to delete text but want to save it to a temporary clipboard for pasting elsewhere, select that text and then click on the CUT button. The drag-and-drop cut-and-paste function of most computers is not available on the GMAT computer. If you wish to move text from one position to another, select and cut the text, then reposition...

Master gmat 2010 part 6


Problem Solving (22–23 questions). Problem Solving questions require you to work to a solution (a numerical value or other expression) and then find that solution among the five answer choices. Any of the Quantitative areas listed is fair game for a Problem Solving question.. The directions that follow are essentially what you’ll see during the pre-test tutorial and just prior...

Master gmat 2010 part 7


KEY FACTS ABOUT GMAT CRITICAL REASONING. Keep in mind the following important features of Critical Reasoning questions:. Your knowledge of the topic at hand is not important in answering Critical Reasoning questions. The test makers design Critical Reasoning questions so that you can analyze and answer them without regard to what is factual (or not) in the real world. GMAT...